
New York, NY (May 4, 2015) – Digital media holding company, CPXi, has consolidated two of its stand alone divisions into one larger division with more diverse offerings. The performance business, previously operating under the name CCDR Media, will now be merged with the AdReady platform and media division.

The inter-company merger was motivated by a desire to drive both internal and external efficiencies and a realization that an evolving industry no longer needs artificial separation of performance and brand, as the two strategies continue to grow closer and overlapping in execution.

“More and more, we find that the tactics with the best ROI are also the same tactics that create the best brand engagement, explains CPXi EVP Marketing, David Shay. “With industry developments such as Social and Native blurring the lines between performance and brand oriented campaigns, it makes less sense to be duplicating efforts to service clients utilizing the same resources in different divisions. By merging the two we will be able to service all of our advertising clients more efficiently. This has always been our vision of a digital media holding company — the ability to be flexible and adapt to industry trends. “

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