
Ever wonder how you can you make your website more attractive to potential visitors (who may turn into customers) to come to your website? One way is to install a plugin that is designed to work within your industry! If you are already using WordPress, chances are you have some plugins already installed. Rather than installing plugins that add ‘generic’ functionality to you site, try to find one that is a niche-specific plugin for your site!

Not sure what a plugin is? No problem! A plugin is a module or piece of computer code that can be ‘pluged in’ to your WordPress website. Every WordPress website I know has plugins installed.  As of this writing, there are 28,427 plugins over at WordPress.org/plugins/ and those are the free ones! There are premium plugins such as SEOPressor or East Azon – Amazon WordPress plugin that are premium plugins, which simply mean you have to pay for them.

A WordPress plugin can be a “quote of the day”, a Stock-Ticker feed, a list of your most recent Tweets on Twitter, or a list of the most recent locations of your visitors.

Here is a great example to help illustrate this. One of my clients is a successful financial planner. One of the questions people are always asking him revolves around taking out an auto loan and repayment terms. To help him help his clients more effectively, we installed a plugin to assist in determining what the loan amounts would be:

By adding the calculator to the site, clients automatically obtained a greater level of satisfaction by using the website as well as an increased perceived value from the financial planner! All this simply by adding a plugin to his website!

We also optimized the page for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so that non-clients found his website as well. When people come to the site to run a quick calculation, they also stick around and view other content. This helps build the, “Know – Like Trust” factor that is so important for converting the visitor into a client.

By the way, the plugin that was used is, “WP Finance Calculator”.

What plugins do you use that are specific to you niche?

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