
Do you have a real estate content marketing strategy? Does it align with your real estate content marketing sales funnel? What does your Real Estate Content Marketing Sales Funnel look like? Aligning your real estate content marketing strategy with your sales funnel will help you generate and convert more real estate leads. This is how we imagine the real estate content marketing sales funnel looks:

Top of the Content Marketing Sales Funnel: Awareness

The top of the real estate content marketing sales funnel is the awareness stage. This is where you create an awareness of you and your services through using various digital media to distribute your content. This is where you establish yourself as an authority and available resource for those looking to possibly buy or sell in the future. This is general information, Market Data, Tips and Tricks, Web Site Testimonials, etc… Some of the tools that you use in this stage are:

Real Estate Blog – Publish your content on your real estate blog. This will make it readily available for those looking for what you have to offer.

Real Estate Email Newsletters – Collect email addresses on your website/blog and push your content directly to the inbox of the subscriber.

Social Media – Similar to Email Newsletters except this provides you the opportunity to have your content shared with friends of followers and other users of the service.

Middle of the Content Marketing Sales Funnel: Consideration

This stage is the “Consideration” stage, where the lead is now seriously considering using your services. Now it is time to provide persuasive information that allows the lead to engage with you and learn more about what you have to specifically offer them over other agents. Some of these tools are:

Real Estate Topic Specific Landing Pages – Create a number of targeted Real Estate Specific Landing Pages that address various topics important to buyers and sellers. These pages should emphasize your knowledge of topics and outline the benefits of working with you and why someone should want work with you over another agent. A few example topics would be: Short Sale, Buying Process, Selling Process, etc…

Real Estate Calls-To-Action – One of the major components of a Landing Page is the Call-To-Action which prompts the lead to perform some action. Most of the time this action is a document download or join the newsletter list. The important part of the action is that the lead provides contact information along the way, turning them into a prospect.

Real Estate Marketing Automations – Real Estate Marketing Automations are a series of activities that automatically occur after a lead has submitted contact information. These can take the form of Email Drip Campaigns, follow up reminders, Real Estate Action Items, email & text prompts, etc.. The point is that most of these activities are automatically done for you or prompt you to perform them at a specific point in the sales process.

Bottom of the Content Marketing Sales Funnel: Decision Time

Now it’s decision time and it’s up to you to provide the prospect with information that shows them that you are the agent to work with. Some examples are:

Open House/Just Listed/Just Sold/Price Reduction Announcements – Showing a prospect that you are regularly and consistently closing transactions will inspire confidence that you are the expert. This could also go in the awareness stage but it has a powerful impact at this stage as well.

Provide checklists – Home Buying and Selling checklists that show a prospect all the steps involved and highlight the work that you are going to do for them.

The above is just a rough outline of the Real Estate Content Marketing Sales Funnel. But we hope that it provides enough to help you get started or enhance your real estate marketing efforts.

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