

As long as I've been gently taking care of my pristine original dash top, especially after I dyed it black (colorbond) and it looked perfect...

This! :spanked:

IMG_1475 by slofut1, on Flickr

Had just got the windshield frame trim FINALLY fitted ...a word of advice, if you use a repro center upper trim piece, where the mirror goes, don't bother trying to get the original factory screw holes to line up! After two days and about 5 hours with clamps and jacks I finally succumbed to the realization that you have to just drill new holes!

IMG_1477 by slofut1, on Flickr

Anyhow, late yesterday afternoon I got the last screw in the new trim, was happy with a job well done and ready to clean up and go home, and somehow I put my hand on the speaker grille and CRACK!

IMG_1473 by slofut1, on Flickr

After I invented some new explicatives, and my stomach began to feel sick, I ran to see how much another one would cost. Not good...

$300 give or take for a repop, or a nice used with brittle speaker grilles.

So I got in there today determined to fix it. It was so brittle there was no way to get it back perfect as pieces started breaking off. But I got it back together as best I could and glued it with high grade cyano glue. It's not great, I'm sick over it, but it'll have to do. It's glued and reinforced (wish I'd done this before) and ready to respray.

I'll post more pics tomorrow. Can't load pics to flikr from my home computer now, it's a Linux box with Mint that needs to be updated.

Anyway, most threads on using the repro dashes weren't real positive concerning fit so I'll go with what I got.

Dammit!! :spanked:

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