
If you are not comfortable with learning about the importance of ‘data about data’ or metadata, then I will understand if you would rather go and watch TV.

But, the success of your website relies on it to bring new visitors and customers.

Metadata is an aspect of websites which owners often neglect, whether through lack of understanding about its value, or through boredom trying to understand what it means. SEO is one of the foundations of search engine optimisation (SEO).

But, by getting to understand the importance of metadata for your SEO, you will soon learn to like it. By understanding its impact on your website, you will realise that you can be more competitive online.

Here is what you need to know about metadata and SEO:

Metadata describes what your website is about to search engines

The text on your website that visitors see is only part of the story for a successful website. To help search engines understand what your website specialises in, you need to include metadata.

Researching the keywords you are targeting will help you to use them in the right places in your website

You might think you know which words and phrases (so-called keywords and keyphrases) people use to find your website. But, you need to find out exactly which words they use. Once you discover the terms your ideal actually use, use them not just on the pages they see and read, but also in the meta descriptions and title tags of your website.

Search engines don’t see pictures

​It looks great when you add a photo onto a page of your website. But, often people forget to describe the photo using the ‘alt tag’ or alternative text tag. Use the keyword in the file name and in the alt text tag. It will help search understand what the image shows and it will aid your SEO.

Where are the meta tags?

If your website uses a content management system (CMS), such WordPress or Drupal, each page will have areas or fields where you can add the metadata. They are likely to be in the ‘advanced’ areas of your website, or the SEO areas.

If your website does not use a CMS, you will need to add HTML code and the keywords yourself. For example, the title of each page on your website is important for telling search engines what the page is about.

The HTML tag for a page title looks like this: <title>My Page is About...</title>. Or, the page description will look something like this:  <meta name="description" content="Our company specialises in...">.

Metadata is not the type of thing you want to talk about at a party. But, data about data is probably one of the best ways you bring more attention to your website without spending money on advertising. ​

Get some help with your metadata and get better results for your website. Contact Digital Business.

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