
If you love gardening, but you live in a building and you are a bit lazy, growing succulents should be your new personal hobby. Your apartment will shine with these leafy plants in no time! There are many varieties you can try with these houseplants and we are about to help you achieve it.

Why you should grow succulents

These beautiful plants are very easy to please and your minimal effort will satisfy them. They can flourish in dry environments because they have fleshy leaves, enlarged roots, and thick stems, which allow them to hoard water. Also, they have strong and distinct leaves shapes, making them a living sculpture for your home. These adaptable plants can endure the dry air especially during winter time without getting dry.

Tips on growing them indoors:

During the winter, most succulents become dormant and need this cold period so that they can produce beautiful blooms in the following spring and summer. It is really important that they get sunlight during the day.

They usually need around 6 hours a day, so do not forget to keep them close to your windows. However, be careful not to sunburn them when the sun is too hot outside. Therefore, it might be best if you keep them in an east facing window. It is of utmost importance to give them enough water so that the soil is completely wet.

When the soil dries out fully, water the succulents again. This does not happen on a daily basis. During the dormant period, they do not require a lot of water.

Here is a list of eleven succulents you can plant at home:

Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera)

This is a well-known medicine plant or burnt plant and many people plant it for its healing qualities as well as for its specific beauty. Some of its healing qualities include: soothing burns (from heat or sun), or healing scrapes.

The native land of this plant is northeast Africa. It grows pretty slowly. Its size is 1 to 2 feet height and width. The best light for this plant is indirect light in all seasons but winter, and direct sun in winter.

Zebra plant (Haworthia fasciata)

This plant originates from South Africa and it is a small plant needing little space and care. It is 5 to 6 inches tall and wide. Its leaves boast striking horizontal white stripes. If you want to grow this plant, make sure you use a shallow pot because the roots do not grow deeply in soil.

It also needs to be repotted every 12-24 months so that the plant has new potting mix to grow its new roots. The best way to keep it is putting it near a bright south window and allowing it to dry out the soil before watering it again.

Ponytail palm (Beaucarnea recurvata)

This plant comes from the Mexican dessert and it can stay in dry and cold environments because it easily stores water in the swollen stem base. In a container it can be up to 8 feet tall. It is important to keep its leaves clean if you want it to grow properly. Leaves are indicators if something is wrong.

Thus, it they are brown, you are either over- or under- watering. You do not need to repot this plant and you need to keep it under bright light and sun. This is the plant for lazy gardeners, because you only need to keep the soil from drying completely.  Don’t water often.

String of pearls (Senecio rowleyanus)

Looking as a string of peas, this plant is ideal for adding a bit of African spirit in your home. It originates from southwestern Africa and has small green beads, growing quickly.

If you want, you can put it in a hanging basket and if needed, cut the stems. This plant requires bright light and you need to maintain it by allowing soil to dry out before watering. In winter, you don’t need to water it that often.

Bird’s nest Sansevieria (Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’)

This plant comes from New Orleans and has shades of green and silvery light green. Its leaves are arranged in a whorl and the plant prefers dry air, but it is the enemy of draft or heating vents.

Being 12 inches tall and wide, this plant does not require a lot of light. You need to allow the top inch of soil to dry before watering it.

Panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa)

This is an upright succulent whose leaves have small white hairs, creating a fuzzy feel when you touch them. It also has dark-red hair on the leaves’ endings.

This plant requires dry air and bright indirect light. It is 12-18 inches tall and wide and in terms of watering, you need to allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out before watering.

Burro’s Tail (Sedum morganianum)

Burro’s tail originates from Mexico and flourishes the most if planted in a hanging basket. Its leaves are gay-green and gay-blue.

It needs medium to high light and it does not want to be disturbed because its leaves are very sensitive to touch and they may fall off. Watering is very simple: just wait for the soil to dry a bit between waterings.

Crown of Thorns (Euphorbia milii)

This plant is imported from Madagascar and it has long, spoon-shape leaves coming with branches and tiny flowers as well. It can bloom for a year if you give it enough light.

If the plant is in bloom, allow only the top inch of soil to dry out before waterings, but if it isn’t blooming, wait for the top half of soil to dry before watering.

Jade plant (Crassula ovata)

This easy-to-grow plant is a South Africa native. Its stems and leaves are thick. It is a good plant for you to grow if you keep forgetting to water it, as it requires little water. Only water it after the soil has completely dried out. You also do not need to repot this plant.

Christmas Cactus (Schlumbergera x buckleyi)

For watering, wait for the top 2 inches of soil to dry out. It requires medium to high light and needs fertilizing. In the fall, it is possible to notice bud formation, only at good circumstances such as room temperature up to 55 degrees F.

Snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata)

This plant has long and pointed leaves with some markings reminding of a snake. It requires minimum amount of water, so let the soil dry out completely before watering.


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