
5 Foods That Fight Fluid Retention – ChicagoNow (blog)

ChicagoNow (blog)5 Foods That Fight Fluid RetentionChicagoNow (blog)Regardless of how I feel, I almost always start the day off with big glass (12 – 14oz) of warm lemon water. Lemon juice is a natural diuretic and helps to flush the body of toxins. Lemon juice is also full of vitamin C – an antioxidant everyone could …

Questions and Answers

Fat flush water? Anyone try it?



1 slice grapefruit

1 tangerine

½ cucumber, sliced

2 peppermint leaves


I know it obviously doesn't "flush fat" (duh)

Has anyone tried it? Did it reduce bloating? Make you feel more energetic? Taste good (it does sound good!)?

What about adding ginger to it?


You supposedly drink 3 8ounce glasses a day for ten days straight.

Posted by Vanilla_twilight.1999

Sounds like another one to those stupid Dr. Oz recipes…If he’s so good, how come his audience is made out of overweight women who obviously look out of shape…They’re probably too busy listening to him, taking notes about what to eat/drink instead of warming up, stretching, staying in their THR zone and actually start burning fat reserves after 20 minutes…Maybe they should watch him on TV from home while zoning out biking on their stationary bikes.

I remember a show Ellen did when she used a stationary bike the whole show, which is like 40 minutes if you skip the ads, so she probably did a 5 minutes warm up, some stretching for 10 minutes, got up into her THR zone, stayed there for the minimum 20 minutes then cooled down for 5 minutes…She used a low intensity speed so she could still talk to her guests without being out of breathe. Her guests also had to warm up and stretch backstage and use a stationary bike on stage! The only problem I saw with that show is that the audience was still supposed to just sit and watch…she missed a great opportunity to be like Oprah but instead of “you got a car, you got a car, you got a car” (everybody know cars, among other things, is what make Americans fat and Oprah is obese), she could have said “your got a bike, you got a bike, you got a bike” (Ellen is fit) and have a special audience that would have nonchalantly biked with her (being cleared by medical checkups and wearing proper exercise clothes…) like when she has a special audience of pregnant women for mother’s day or a special audience of breast cancer survivors all wearing pink.

As you said, it won’t “flush fat” (so why do they call it “fat flush water” then?? Treating people like they’re stupid?).

Body fat cannot be flushed out like bacteria, water soluble vitamins or minerals.

I can only be used, provided that you eat enough to cover your BMR + growth (if you’re -21yo) and then exercise for 3,500 calories for each pound of fat reserves that you wish to lose.

You could be bloated because you’re about to have your period so accept it as you want a fluider blood to avoid cramps.

You could be bloated because you ate too much salty food and processed commercial food, restaurant food, cans (they use sodium as a conservative) without compensating with diuretics so eat healthier.

Diuretics are drinks like alcohol, tea, coffee, sodas (anything with caffeine), cranberry juice, and food like cucumbers, watermelons, fresh tomatoes, asparagus, artichokes, beets, carrots, lettuce, raw onions, oats, melon, celery, parsley and any veggie from the cabbage family…cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, Chinese broccoli (kay-lan), Chinese cabbage (bok choy), cress, cauliflower, turnips, kale, collard greens, mustard, canola (rapeseed), radish, horseradish, rutabaga, and 20 others…

To avoid dehydration when eating diuretics, you need to compensate the water loss (diuretics) with water retention (sodium).

I will combine cauliflower/ham in a casserole, or a slice of ham with a sandwich containing lettuce, tomato and onion (lettuce/fresh tomato/raw onion are the trifecta of diuretics in a sandwich) or eating sauerkraut with sausages and corned beef with cabbage.

Now, about reducing bloating (when you’re not having your period), water will do that by flushing out the sodium that makes you retain water. Yep…the more water you drink, the more you dehydrate by flushing out your sodium (that’s how you get food poisoning if you drink too much water too fast which is life threatening when you deplete your electrolytes…marathoners should drink sports drinks, not water).

If you don’t like the taste of water (which really, should have no taste, just freshness and thirst quenching coolness) you can filter it, or buy it filtered (some companies use tap water and filter it to Neverland) or buy more expensive pristine source water (different sources have different minerals). If you really cannot find tasteless water, you might add some mint or drops of lemon to it or stop drinking water but start eating high water content food, fruits/veggies, soups…


The master cleanse/lemonade diet?

Have u tried it? What do u actually do? I saw this recipe but thats it

The Master Cleanse Recipe – How To Make The Lemonade

Here's the recipe for making the Master Cleanse lemonade:

* 2 Tablespoons of organic lemon juice

* 2 Tablespoons of organic grade B maple syrup

* 1/10 Teaspoon ground cayenne pepper

* 10 oz of filtered water

That recipe is for a single serving of lemonade, and you should drink 6-12 servings a day.

Salt Water Flush Recipe

You would need to prepare a teaspoon of organic sea salt (not iodized salt) with 25 – 35 oz of warm water. Mix well and do your best to drink the solution in one go. If it is difficult to drink, use normal temperature water then.

It is best to drink the salt water flush before drinking the lemonade in the morning as it is more effective with empty stomach.

Did it work for u?do u try it often? How long do u do it? Any pointers or advice on it?

Posted by Rayray

It works.

And it is proven.

Just ask Beyonce or Robin Bivens.

I have done it myself and so have several of my friends. Sure there are precautions as with any diet but this one has been around since 1947 and it was originally written by a doctor. Buy the paperback book (its a short read) by Dr Stanley Burroughs to get your facts straight and DO EXACTLY as he prescribes. The only other written version I would recommend is a very current book by Peter Glickman called "Lose Weight, Have More Energy, & Be Happier in 10 Days" and it is predominately testiomonials regarding this detox system. Honest testimonials – both pro and con – from people who agreed to have their comments published.

As for the naysayers… This is a liquid diet (as well as a detox / cleanse) and ALL reputable "fat farms" (aka weight loss centers / resorts) use liquid diets or dieting as part of their regimen. When done correctly, it is a wonderful tool for a healthy body and mind.

Much success to you my friend!

Juice fasting while being a bike messenger is it safe?

I saw that movie fat, sick, and nearly dead. So i weigh like around 250 pounds and 5'9 Need to lose a few extra pounds. Im looking of doing it for like 2- 3 weeks. Any doctor in the house need some advice.

Posted by geo

Ive done both a 30 & a 50 day juice fast.

Juice fastings very safe. The part 1 wants 2B careful on is how they break the fast go slow..start w/something like fresh made applesauce/steamed carrots/a small salad/a little fresh fruit..increase food very gradually not returning2 a full diet 4 about 4/5 days.

B sure 2 include green juices made w/dark leafy greens of all types mixed w/fruit of all types..be sure 2alternate the kind of green u use as using the same one day in & day out can make 1sick due 2plant toxins that r safe if not consumed continuous like oxylic acid in spinach etc. So do alternate them & they r very very healing & the most nutritious food on the planet if one eats enough greens they contain all the RDA 4 every nutrient except vitamin b6.

Be sure to chew the juice.B sure to drink it w/in 20 minutes lest the enzymes/vital nutrients dissapait.Dont hold over in refrigerator-make fresh each time. If i must refrigerate use a glass jar filled to tip toe excluding all the air u can.

If out get a manual citrus juicer & 1 can juice citrus fruiits Carry w/u good water & a natural sweetener such as raw agave nectar, stevia, etc.

After a few days all hunger goes away-it gets very easy to do, when 1s craving food, make a veggie potassium broth recipe below straining out solids (freeze and use later in soup)..Ive even gotten chinese restaurant 2strain their hot & sour soup and drink broth on occasion. 1 can also consume herb teas while juice fasting.

Some people feel fruits should not be mixed w/veggies but greens r not the same as veggies & some feel they should be a different food group due to their differences from other veggies. Greens can be mixed w/any fruit,. So can apples.

Adding lemon or ginger to juices can improve taste. If too horrible I add some raw agave nectr or maybe an apple or two.

Do not use vitamix or blender juices as they do contain pulp which affects how they work even if strained only use a juicer.

If would include these juices which Dr Walker who invented the 1st & top of the line norwalk juicer is called the father of the modern juice fasting movement He wrote a book called fruit & vegetable juices,. He listed many illnesses Z& what juices to take 4it but a few juices were used 4 almost all ills

these are:

1 carrot juice

2 10 oz of carrot, 3 oz of beet & 3 oz of cucumber

3 7 oz of carrot, 4 oz of celery, 3 oz of spinach & 2 oz of parsley

4 lemon juice

include these as often as u can

Dr Schulze who cured people of incurable & terminal diseases included juice fasting as part of his healing regimen says the best fruit juice is this one

a 40% grapes, 40% apples & 20% berries

the best veggie juice is

40% carrot 40% beets & 20% greens like beet tops, kale, swiss chard, collard greens, etc

celery & dark greens. Add hot peppers

Remember fruits r cleansers & veggies r builders one needs both..if 1 is cleansing 2 quickly, can feel worst B4 they feel better do to having a healing crisis also called The Herxheimer Reaction

1 could get a cold, feel like the flu, and so 4th. But this is good as it means one's body is healing..if 2 sick slow it down a little by adding more veggie juice. ?some even eat a little fruit..but it is best in my opinion to try to get through it,

I feel great when juice fasting and 1s houghts seem to be much clearer .If u feel dizzy, sit or lie down a few minutes. It should pass. Dr Schulze who said he did two 30 and one 60 days juice fast said he kickboxed and excelled w/martial arts w/extra intensity while fasting.

Juice fasting is much safer than water fasting and is so good 4 one's health and body.

Here is that potassium broth formula Dr Schulze used when fasting his dying patients. He also did a lot of cleansing of the elimination organs and diet changes such as raw vegan whole foods

Potassium Broth Recipe

This is a great-tasting addition to ur cleansing program. It will flush ur system of toxins, poisons and unwanted salts/acids while giving u a concentrated amount of vitamins/minerals. Make 4 2 days, refrigerating the leftover broth. It is important to use Organic vegetables. We dontwant to consume any toxics while we r on a cleansing/detoxification program. Fill a large pot w/25% potato peelings, 25% carrot peelings & whole chopped beets, 25% chopped onions including 50 cloves of garlic , 25% to taste. Add enough distilled water 2cover vegetables & simmer on very low temperature for 1-2 hours.Strain-drink only the broth.

Also Dr walker said even if produce is heavily sprayed that the pesticides or herbicides etc r in the fiber w/the fresh organic juice locked inside & when the juices smashes the produce, it separates the clean organic juice inside fibers from poisoned plant fibers/pulp it repels toxins as oil2water so as long as pulp not consumed its as organic even if its not when in juice from w/o pulp that film was great.


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