
Why Dietary Oils and Fat do not End up as Body Fat

Diet-derived lipids (i.e. the oils and fats that we eat) are broken down and ‘fed’ to our body cells for use as energy. As explained in this article, such lipids do not end up as body fat and hence do not make you fat. We need dietary fat to fuel the thousands of metabolic functions in our body, such as keeping the blood warm, keeping the heart beating, and so on.

When dietary fat is fed to body cells, they are burnt by mitochondria inside the cells. Mitochondria exist to produce energy. They are ‘engines’ that convert diet-derived lipids into energy just like a car-engine converts fuel into energy.

It’s not the same for sugar and carbohydrates. Once consumed, sugar and carbs are mostly converted ‘directly’ into blood glucose. Such glucose is then fed to mitochondria in certain parts of the body that are receptive to glucose; these are located mainly in the liver and in our muscles. Any glucose that is not burnt as energy ends up being stored as glycogen in muscle cells or is converted to body fat in different parts of the body.

So with regard to diet-derived lipids very little (if any) ends up as surplus body fat. When the oil/fat is digested it is converted to ‘ketone energy’ which is used by the mitochondria in our body cells to fuel all the metabolic functions that keep us alive.

When the oil/fat that you eat has been ‘burnt’ by the body to fuel our thousands of metabolic functions, what is left? Scientifically, we know that nothing in the universe can actually disappear. Things can only change. For example, when we burn wood, it doesn’t disappear; it changes to smoke, ashes, etc. So when we burn the oil/fat that we eat it doesn’t disappear, it just changes. What does it change to? Where are the ‘left-over ashes’ when our body burns dietary fat?

Here is the answer. Get ready for it: we breathe it out! Yes, the ‘ashes’ that are left over when the body burns the oil/fat that we eat are actually breathed out. Burnt oil/fat is not stored as toxic waste inside the body. It is not excreted in the toilet or lost in sweat. It is breathed out as CO2.

Here is the science:

When the body burns dietary oil/fat all that is left is about 84 percent CO2 and about 16 percent water (the so-called‘ashes’). So we exhale about 84 percent of the lost fat in the air that we breathe out. The remaining 16 percent is metabolized into harmless water, which is used/excreted in the normal way.

Put simply, dietary oils and fat are mainly used to fuel our many metabolic functions that are always ticking away in the background. And dietary carbs are mainly used to fuel our muscles. Dietary fat does not raise blood glucose or blood insulin and as such it does not get stored as body fat. But sugary foods and processed dietary carbs make your blood glucose and insulin shoot up; this in turn makes much of the glucose be stored as body fat.

This subject causes a lot of confusion, even among health professionals, because if you eat oils or fat in a meal that also includes processed carbohydrates, such carbs will mostly convert to body fat and they will also cause some of the diet-derived fat to be stored as body fat. If the high-fat meal excludes processed carbs, virtually none of the fat will end up as body fat; it will be processed into energy or be broken down into small molecules and micelles that get used up in a multitude of metabolic processes in the body.

So fat in itself is not fattening, but some of that fat will indeed end up as body fat if at the same time you also eat processed carbs. Ketogenic diets such as the Atkins Diet are based on the principle that by avoiding carbs you will lose weight. But such diets fail miserably (and can cause serious illness) because they are low-carb diets.  A high-carb diet is essential for good health and for weight-loss, but such carbs should be based on healthy starchy foods that do not make your glucose and insulin shoot up.

The best possible diet for human biology is a high-fat, high-carb diet so long as you avoid processed carbs & fats. It is the natural diet we have evolved to eat. We evolved over millions of years without ever eating processed carbs or processed fats.

A high-fat, high-carb diet that avoids processed foods is satisfying, filling, delicious and super-healthy. Best of all it is the easiest and quickest way to lose weight. This is exactly what ‘The Lipo Diet’ gives you. .

So now you know, the oils and fats that we eat do not end up as surplus body fat. This does not mean that you can eat oil/fat with great abandon! The so-called ‘good’ fats are super-healthy and indeed essential for losing weight. The so-called ‘bad’ fats may not be fattening but they can cause serious illness.

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The Lipo Diet: Rapid Weight Loss by Eating More and Doing Less (DeliveredOnline Guides)

By (author): Russell Eaton

Become slim and super-healthy more quickly than you ever thought possible. Do it without any kind of food deprivation and without any kind of exercise. Discover a simple weight-loss strategy that never fails, plus non-fattening mouth-watering recipes that never leave you hungry.

The latest scientific research is showing that many wide-held beliefs about weight-loss are totally wrong. Stunning new discoveries now make it possible to vastly improve your health and lose surplus body-fat quickly and effortlessly.

Readers of this book are reporting almost miraculous results. As soon as you start to follow the simple weight-loss plan in the book, you will experience a profound life-changing transformation in unexpected ways:

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> Improvements in sleep, energy levels, mood, and self-esteem.

> Elimination of a variety of symptoms, diseases, and conditions in less than 30 days.

Here are just some of the myths busted wide open in this book:

> Discover why all kinds of exercise should be avoided. They make you ill and fat. For a slim, strong body avoid any kind of physical exertion that makes you sweat or pant for air.
> Discover why you should eat more, not less. Ketogenic diets, low-calorie diets, low-fat diets, and low-carb diets should all be avoided. For optimum health and effortless weight-loss the ideal diet should be high in calories, high in fat and high in carbs. The book explains exactly why this is so, fully backed up with scientific evidence.

> Discover why most nutritional supplements are useless, a waste of money, and why they harm your body. For example, antioxidant supplements such as vitamins A, C, and E are now known to cause illness and shorten life. The book shows why this is so and the few key supplements that you should be taking for optimum health.

> Discover why most juicing recipes devastate your health. For example, all kinds of fruit juice should be avoided as they are more fattening than just about anything else you could consume. Equally, many kinds of vegetable juicing recipes can wreck your health. Find out why.

> Discover a little known cause of obesity that most people fall prey to. It has nothing to do with sugar, carbs or calories. By just avoiding this particular kind of food (which most people eat on a daily basis) you will go a long way to protecting your health and losing weight.

> Discover why virtually all diet books have got it wrong when they urge you to cut calories, reduce carbohydrates, eat less or follow some ketogenic of intermittent-fasting fad. They are doomed to failure because they falsely assume that you must first eat less (whether it be calories, carbs or fasting), and then secondly that this will result in body-fat loss. But it’s the other way round: you must first allow your body to release fat that is stored in your fat cells (referred to as ‘lipolysis’), and secondly as a result of lipolysis you will then be able to lose fat quickly, safely and permanently (with no hunger, hardships or food deprivation).

> Discover how to extend your lifespan well beyond a hundred by slightly tweaking the way you live. You really can remain healthy and live longer than otherwise by adopting certain lifestyle factors that are easy to follow and cause no deprivation.

> Discover The Lipo Diet, the lipolysis breakthrough for permanent weight loss. When you allow your body to switch on lipolysis you will lose weight effortlessly and safely until you reach your ideal weight.

This is a book for men and women of all ages and whatever the current state of your health. It’s not just another diet book full of re-hashed useless platitudes. The Lipo Diet is a revolution in the making, a completely new way of dealing with weight-loss and good health and the only diet book you will ever need.

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