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One of the cute easy nails art ideas is deck of card. Girls are fond of this style. I bet you have familiar with the deck of cards right? There are four symbols such as heart, diamond, spade, and club. First, paint a base coat for your nails. White is recommended because it does not clash with other colors. Allow your nails to dry for three to four minutes. When they get dry, it is the time to make the card suits symbol for each nail. Use a toothpick and dip it in the black or red polish. Outline the symbols by using the toothpick.  Then, fill in the shape with similar nail polish. Another idea is to use some iridescent colors like basic opaque or primers to give shiny coats. This will make your nails more beautiful and sparkling.

Some ideas of cute easy nails art incorporate words or letters. Each nail has one letter so all nails consist of five letters that form a word and can be spelled out. If your name consists of five letters, adding letters of your names can be a good idea. Find an attractive color as a base coat. Wait until the base coat dry. Next, write a letter on every nail in different color that matches the color of the base coat. Use a fine brush to help write the letter. It is even better to use a toothpick. You can embellishments for the nails.

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