
From community investment to human connection, the effects of shopping locally go far beyond the mere financial transaction. Photo: De Martini Orchard (2016)

When it comes to shopping, most of us take a pragmatic approach, seeking the shortest route possible to procure what we need—an understandable hallmark of our fast-paced yet time-constrained mode of modern life. Hence the predominance of “big-box” megastores, where you can find virtually anything you need under a single roof, often at a cheaper price. Moreover, with the advent of online shopping, a growing number of consumers are eliminating the need to visit stores in the first place. After all, why leave the house when you can have your groceries and other goods delivered right to your door?

Despite the convenience and frugality of such shopping strategies, many would argue that we’re missing out on something by making pragmatism the highest virtue of commerce, and that there’s more to being a consumer than seeking a means to an end. It’s out of such sentiments that a new movement has sprung—one that advocates a local perspective in regard to the way we shop. We asked five Diamond Certified business owners in the Bay Area to talk about the benefits of shopping locally.

Community investment

Few people consider where their money goes after making a purchase—as far as they’re concerned, the point at which it leaves their hands (literally or figuratively) marks the end of the transaction. In reality, spending money isn’t just a static, one-time event; it’s part of a continuous, exponential process. That’s why it matters a great deal where you shop, and why even a seemingly minor transaction can have a larger economic impact on your community. Local businesses live and die by the intentional patronage of individual shoppers, so when those shoppers are enticed by the allure of megastore deals, it can (and often does) have devastating consequences for small-town commerce.

Some may shrug their shoulders at this—after all, what does it matter whether their goods come from a big-box store or a local retailer? However, this perspective fails to comprehend that the impact of a local business extends beyond the storefront to affect the lives of community members in tangible financial ways. One example of this is the quality jobs it provides for community residents. Whereas megastores’ preoccupation with profits leads them to pay their workers as little as possible, local businesses understand their employees’ need to make ends meet. “Everybody we employ is probably making better wages and has better benefits than our competitors’ employees,” says Chris Wilhelmsen, co-owner of Asien’s Appliance, Inc. in Santa Rosa. “This allows them to live comfortably and support their families, as well as invest their own money back into the community.”

Besides paying their employees a living wage, many local business owners directly invest in their communities via donations to local charities and organizations. “We care about the people in our community, which is why we donate to organizations like the Redwood Empire Food Bank and help out with charity events like the Avon Heart Walk,” explains Asien’s Appliance co-owner Paul Gwilliam. “Certainly, larger corporations also donate money to charity, but it’s usually at a macro level—not so much on the smaller scale to causes in individual communities.” Considering the many ways local businesses invest in their communities, it’s in their communities’ best interest to reciprocate by investing in them.

Customized solutions and service

Anyone familiar with the term “one size fits all” has likely learned to regard it with skepticism—except perhaps in the case of socks and adjustable hats, it seldom rings true. In reality, life rarely fits into the mold of “one size fits all,” which is another reason to be wary of the growing permeation of megastore culture. After all, when you shop at a store where consumers are viewed as an anonymous mass rather than individuals, it can be hard to get your specific needs met. In contrast, a local business’ personalized platforms allow it to be more accommodating to particular needs.

“When you work with a small business, you can get things customized to suit your needs and preferences,” says Leila Jacobsen, owner of Awnco Retractables in San Anselmo. “Generic products don’t always work for every situation; there will always be exceptions that require some sort of customization, and that’s where local small businesses tend to shine.”

Besides the products themselves, the customization offered by local businesses extends to the greater realm of service. “As a small business, we’re a little more nimble when it comes to customer service,” says Mr. Wilhelmsen. “We can do things and make accommodations that a big-box store can’t. We don’t have to check with stockholders before we make a decision on whether we can make something right.”


Despite manufacturers’ best efforts, products occasionally fail—it’s just a part of life. That’s why, in the event that something goes wrong, you want someone there to take care of it, which is another great reason to go local. Whereas the average corporate retailer’s idea of customer assistance entails a complex labyrinth of phone transfers and serial numbers, dealing with a local business tends to involve far fewer unknowns. “Most big-box stores will refer you to an 800 number or a website, which can be frustrating when you have a problem,” says Frank Canova Jr., vice president of Diablo Valley Cabinetry in San Ramon. “In contrast, when you deal locally, you can follow up with a real person. In our case, if a problem arises, our clients know they can contact us directly, which creates greater consistency, communication and reliability.”

When dealing with a local company, you’re also likely to get a satisfactory resolution to your problem. Local business owners are members of the communities they serve, which means they have a much greater motivation to keep their customers satisfied. “A lot of our clients are people I see in day-to-day life, whether at the store, church or community events,” affirms Mr. Canova. “That’s why I always handle my dealings with customers in such a way that I would feel perfectly comfortable crossing paths with them on the street.”

Personal interaction

While there are plenty of practical reasons to shop locally, there’s also another less tangible reason: it just feels good. “There’s a great value in the personal touch, which is something I think big-box stores tend to overlook,” affirms Zviki Govrin, owner of Goodman Building Supply in Mill Valley. “When you go to a store where there are familiar faces, it makes shopping a more pleasant experience and makes you feel more connected to your community.” This feeling of connectedness isn’t restricted to the customer side; as Ms. Jacobsen affirms, it’s a mutual transaction. “Personal interaction is big. At the end of the day, that’s what I find really fulfilling—the interactions I have with people and a little experience of joy that we can share together.”

In an age when depersonalization and mass consumption increasingly converge, local commerce remains a critical lifeline that enables us to maintain both our unique identities and a sense of connection with our community. Indeed, all people are consumers, but the flipside is true as well: all consumers are people, and regarding them as a faceless mass can have detrimental consequences. Instead of taking our purchasing habits for granted, we should consider their larger impact. With this in mind, when we step back and look at the bigger picture, it becomes clear that by shopping locally, we’re not just investing in our local economy—we’re investing in ourselves.

To find a Diamond Certified company in your area, visit www.diamondcertified.org.

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