Truth and Dare
by Dialecticdreamer/Sarah Williams
part 1 of 3
word count (story only): 1909
:: This takes place only a day after Siliconshaman's story, “Breaking Out, Breaking Down.” Thanks to his gracious loan of the character of Ashley, the story proceeded at the hare's pace, but that also means that any remaining goofs are entirely my fault. LOL. Feedback gratefully appreciated! ::
Haruko dialed the vidwatch just as his alarm chirped 8 am. “Ashley” scrolled across the display, with no photo or icon. He hadn't gotten into the habit of using either, since it would make a subtle distinction between “friend” and “client,” and after years of omitting images, he'd begun making a game of imagining someone's name as a drawing which represented their personality to create a unique image in his mind.
The phone rang again. He imagined the A as a long, close-fitting skirt, then stylized the 's' into a bustle. The phone rang again. He imagined the 'h' as her spine, slender and truly willowy, showing her strength in her willingness to flex when she needed.
The phone- “Hello?” she grumbled. At least she sounded fully awake, even if she opted to leave the video signal blacked out.
“Ashley?” Haruko's voice thickened with concern. “You don't sound so great. Is it a rough day in general, or something specific?” He forced himself to pause, to give her time to think. “And, what could I do to help you feel more comfortable, or more at home?”
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