
Thank you to everyone who has supported Diablo, The Team, & Alessandra over this CrossFit Games season You helped them become the 9th fittest Team and Female in the World!

Testing Phase: We will be in a Testing Phase starting this week.  Over the next two weeks we will be testing our Back Squat (7/19), Snatch (7/23), Front Squat (7/26) & Clean & Jerk (7/30).  Over the last 4 weeks we have been working on refining our Barbell Skills and improving our positions.  During the next 2 weeks we want to acquire some new and or accurate numbers that we should use for the next Strength Focus, that will begin the week of August 1st.

If you want to get the most out of these Testing Days, I recommend you either take a rest day or come to the gym and focus on some extra Mobility and Get some RomWOD in. We will still be lifting on days between our tests. These days will be focusing on priming the body for the test.  DO NOT go heavy or over 80%. Use these sessions to “Grease the Groove” and keep the body from stiffening up. If you know your previous days Max efforts, use that data to strategize your warm up sets.
Once you have a new max or a current max, log that number into Beyond the Whiteboard so you can use the data over the next 6 week strength cycle. Good luck and remember to feel good and feel strong, by taking care of your body with good food, quality rest and good training habits (Warming up and mobilizing what you know needs it). Have FUN!

Mobility: 6 Minute Dynamic Warm up / Roll out session on Quads, Adductors & Hips

Warmup: 2 Rounds of Banded walks.  (12 steps Laterally both directions and Forward & Backwards

Diablo Strong: Front Squat 1-1-1-1-1-1  (Testing Day!)

*Have a Plan on how you are going to warm up to your attempts.  Warm up with some larger jumps, NOTHING bigger than a 30-50 pound jump.

Workout: 2 Rounds for time:

10 Thrusters (45/75/115)

20 Toes to Bar (30 Sit ups)

40 Double Unders (40 Single unders with a double under attempt ever 5 reps)

*8 Minute Time cap

Competition Programming: 95/135

Diablo Fit: Fight Gone Bad  (3 Rounds, 1 minute of work each station, then a decreasing rest between stations.  1 minute rest between each station in the first round, then 30 second rest between each station in the second, NO rest between stations in the last round)

30 Second Goblet Squat (DB)/ 30 Second Goblet Pause Squat

30 DB Push Press/ 30 Second Overhead hold (DB)

Sit ups or Toes to Bar/ 30 Second Plank hold

Double Unders

RomWOD & Skills: Double Unders

Thank You to Our Team Sponsors!

Log your workout HERE.

Beyond the Whiteboard App

Its Free with your membership. Log your workouts and track your progress.

Don’t have a Beyond the Whiteboard account?, Email info@diablocrossfit.com.

Live Video – Behind the Scenes: Periscope – https://www.periscope.tv/diablocrossfit

‘Official’ Facebook Page – https://www.facebook.com/DiabloCrossFit/

Diablo Community Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/105109166278305/ (Members Only)

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/diablocrossfit/

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