
Melissa Ch. after one of the open workouts.

Judges! Make sure you note at what time the athlete finishes their box jumps each round! This will be used as a ‘tie breaker’.


Mobility:  Ankle Mobility.

Skill Practice Warm Up:  None.  Get set up for doing this in two ‘heats’!  Remember that if you are participating Open, you can do the workout in class, buy you’ll need to locate your own judge who can validate your score!

Workout:  CrossFit Open Workout 14.3 – As many reps as possible in 8 minutes.

135-lb. deadlifts, 10 reps (Advanced: 135lbs, Intermediate*: 95lbs, Novice: 65lbs)

15 box jumps –step ups allowed- (Advanced: 24in, Intermediate*: 20lb, Novice: 20in)

185-lb. deadlifts, 15 reps (Advanced: 185lbs, Intermediate*: 135lbs, Novice: 95lbs)

15 box jumps (same)

225-lb. deadlifts, 20 reps (Advanced: 225lbs, Intermediate*: 155lbs, Novice: 115lbs)

15 box jumps (same)

275-lb. deadlifts, 25 reps (Advanced: 275lbs, Intermediate*: 185lbs, Novice: 135lbs)

15 box jumps (same)

315-lb. deadlifts, 30 reps (Advanced: 315lbs, Intermediate*: 205lbw, Novice: 155lbs)

15 box jumps (same)

365-lb. deadlifts, 35 reps (Advanced: 365lbs, Intermediate*: 225lbs, Novice: 185lbs)

15 box jumps (same)

*Women’s “As Prescribed” weights and reps (Rx)

**Masters men 55+ the weights are: 95/135/185/225/275/315 and 20in box, Masters women 55+: 65/95/115/135/155/185 and a 20in box.

In this workout, there is a special tiebreak method. At the end of each set of 15 box jumps time should be marked. When you submit your final result, your score will be the number of reps completed. There will be another field in which you will enter the time of the last completed sets of box jumps.

Scaling Guide:  55 – 130 reps.

Coaching Tips:

Overall  Pacing:

Plan on getting through the first couple ‘rounds’ at a good pace.  The beginning is a ‘buy in’ for when the barbell gets heavy.  The sooner you get to the challenging weight (whatever that means for you), the better… you’ll have more time with the bar that is going to challenge you the most!   The first 3-5 reps at that heavy weight will feel pretty terrible, but as you regain your wind you’ll start to feel better.


Most people will want to do big sets in the beginning, but when the weight gets hard be ready to start doing small sets or even singles to keep moving.  Having a belt handy will be a good idea for just about everyone.  Make sure your hamstrings are good and mobilized before you start.  Make sure you can go ‘down fast’.  The slower you lower the bar, the more taxing it will be for your hamstrings and back.  Remember to keep the bar close to the shins and don’t let it drift away from you body when you are tired.

Box Jumps:

Doing fast sets (even unbroken) will be a good idea for most of the workout.  The less time you spend on the box jumps, the more time you’ll have with the barbell. Some people will want to do step ups.  If you struggle with ‘rebounding’ box jumps, then doing step ups will be the best idea.  If you can rebound effectively (using the elasticity of your tissues to bounce right back up) doing steady paced box jumps will be best.  This workout is not the same as last year’s push press, deadlift, box jump workout.  This workout is shorter, and since there is no push press component, the ‘rebound’ movement should be more sustainable.


Settle into a good steady pace in the beginning, but don’t be afraid to move fast.  Know that you will get winded getting to that ‘heavy’ bar, but that after a few reps, you will catch your breath.  When the weight gets heavy watch the clock, or use a friend to pace you so that you don’t go too fast (or too slow) on the deadlifts.

If (or when) you start to do singles, don’t panic or stress out.  Keep moving and stay calm.  Take the time between reps to focus on proper abdominal pressure and keeping the bar close to the shins.

Log your results online by clicking here.

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