
Some of the people who got to do the axle deadlift event at the Inner Gym Throwdown (and yes, the Garcia brothers did get nearly 400lbs off the ground…each!  Their mom Alma didn’t do too bad either – even though she was on a different team)!

Throwback Thursday: Luis doing the CrossFit Open 11.1 (March 2011) workout with JJ coaching (who is sporting a gnarly mustache & goatee combo).

Make Sure you sign up for the Open today! (The first workout will be announced next Thursday)

Click here to view the embedded video.

Mobility:  Ankle Mobility.

Skill Practice Warm Up:  1 minute on, 1 minute off, for 4 ‘rounds’  – max sets of 10 double unders.  You must stop every 10 reps and restart the next set.  If you are still working linking double unders, just go for max reps in a minute.  If you can’t do a single double under, do sets of 10 single unders.

The goal here is to not only get better at double unders, it is also to get better at starting your sets quickly.  Try to do a double under as the first rep (versus doing one or more singles to get started).

Workout:  “Backward ‘Christine’ Takes Breaks” – 3 rounds for time.

12 deadlifts (Advanced: 225lbs, Intermediate*: 143lbs, Novice: 83lbs)

21 box jumps (Advanced: 24”, Intermediate*: 20”, Novice: 12”) –step ups allowed today-

500m row

1 min rest

Scaling Guide: 10 – 17 minutes.

Bonus Game Changer (for Advanced scaling only)! If you finish under 12 minutes (for men) or 13 minutes (for ladies), rest one minute then perform 1 minute of burpees. Log your time minus one second for each burpee performed.  Log in the notes section your actual time and how many burpees you performed.

*Women’s “As Prescribed” weights and reps (Rx)

Coaching Tips: If the deadlifts are heavy for you, do singles letting the weight drop from the top every time. You can make up time on the box jumps if you go at a steady (manageable) pace.  The rows should be at approximately your 1000m pace.  Hammer the pace on the final row to empty the tank.

Log your results online by clicking here.

Compare To:  2013 – 02 – 26

Article:  Obesity at age 5 shows strong correlation to obesity later in life.


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