Frank got guns – and speed and gymnastics!Happy SnowFlakes
Part 1: AMRAP 6 Min
> 4/1 Muscle Ups
> 5 Hang Squat Snatch (135 / 83)
> 20 Box Jumps (24/20)
> 300m/250m Row
Part 2: immediately after,
4 Rounds for Time of:
> 6 Push Press (135/83)
> 50 Double Unders
The middle grind. Coach Matty
Most of us have spent lots of time this past year working with the barbell to gain efficiency on our lifts and metcons. We have spent time with Jamie Lee, JJ and Max to master that slow 1st and fast snap of the second pull. I have noticed that our masters have no fear of picking up that heavy barbell on round 4 of that long nasty metcon. Now that we embrace the suck of those nasty barbell metcons we need to find a way to move a bit quicker and efficient to shave off some time. I call this “being strong in the middle.” If we are strong in the middle the beginning of the wod go’s quick and the end of the wod is near.
What we know is if you hit some extra Plan-D EMOTM skills work you will boost your skill set and gain the strength needed to get through that heavy metcon weight. I often watch our gym leaders workout and one thing they all have in common is they are strong, quick and calm on the 7th min of a 12min AMRAP. They are not trying to “PR” every time they have a good day with their lifts. Our top athletes come in, mobilize then warm up. Lots of the time you will see them hit an EMOTM drill as a warm up before they lift. Our best athletes punch that clock and put in the time to become a better athlete.
If you want to improve your skills lifts or wind you need to put in that extra time and really focus on working your weaknesses. You need to set goals that are tough but achievable. With a new year coming its the perfect time to make a fitness plan and set some goals. Being in the gym all the time may not help your progress. Its important to take full rest days when your body is screaming for it. For the new year ahead make a goal to train smarter and use your time in the gym to get better at crossfit rather then get that 1 rep max PR that you attempt every week…. Lose all ego’s in 2014 and gain everything you want by punching the clock and doing what our best athletes do… Matty
P.S. Get on those T2B, C2B , S2O and OHS…. We have not seen OHS in the past 2 years of the open. I have a feeling we will have a date with 115lbs OHS for the 2014 open.