
Diablo CrossFit is the only gym to finish in the top 8 of the Affiliate cup 3 years in a row.

(See the full stats below).

Mobility:  Shoulder Mobility.

Skill Practice Warm Up:  Spend 10 mintues working on heavy-ish Turkish Get Ups (TGUs).

Workout:  Bench Press

5 – 5 – 5 – 5 – 5 (5 sets of 5 reps “Strong Effort,” adjusting load each set)

Metabolic Conditioning Workout:

As many muscle ups as possible in 6 minutes (rings).


As many chest to bar pull ups**(Intermediate*: regular kipping, Novice: use a band) and ring dips* (Intermediate: partial range of motion ring dips, Novice: strict push ups) as possible in 6 minutes.

Complete as many of each as desired in any sets/reps as desired, but in the end the reps only count toward your score if they are 1 to 1 (20 ring dips and 25 pull ups = a score of 20).

*Women’s “As Prescribed” weights and reps (Rx)

Scaling Guide:  15 – 30 reps

Coaching Tips: If you can only do a few Muscle ups in a day, complete those first (and log it into BTWB as an ‘Rx’ workout), but then finish out the rest of the time by doing chest to bar pull ups and ring dips.

If you are still working on pull ups and ring dips, perform those movements in sets of 3 or smaller, alternating between the two movements.  Scale the ring dips by setting the ring height at a distance from the ground that lets you stand on the ground and push up to the top to finish a rep.  Avoid making these too easy!  They are supposed to be very hard!  Do not use bands today.

Log your results online by clicking here.

Compare To:  2012 – 08 – 12 for the muscle ups and here for the pull-ups/ring dips.


Affiliate Cup Scores for the last 4 Years:

Listed as: (points) Affiliate Team Name. Some of the years show the points as being slightly out of order compared to the finishes, this is due to the fact that the final workout was sometimes worth the whole competition.


(This is the year we probably would have made top 10, but he had a snafu at Regionals involving a log and it cost us the Games trip. Incidentally this is also the last year JJ competed on the team, and the year that Darren and Shannon competed as individuals at Regionals and not on the team.)

(327) CrossFit Fort Vancouver

(336) CrossFit New England (Revoked due to banned substance use)

(341) CrossFit Omaha

(308) CrossFit Albuquerque

(330) CrossFit Invictus

(326) CrossFit Fort Bragg

(318) CrossFit Central

(312) CrossFit Atlanta

(346) CrossFit Rockford

(305) Brother’s CrossFit


(100/397) CrossFit New England

(95/348) Front Range CrossFit

(90/352) Team Taranis

(85/393) CrossFit Fort Vancouver

(80/341) Brick CrossFit

(75/363) Rocklin CrossFit

(340) Diablo CrossFit

(325) Crossfit Valley Park

(313) Team Ute CrossFit

(311) CrossFit HardCore


(100/648) Hacks Pack UTE

(95/518) SPC CrossFit

(90/591) Diablo CrossFit Anejo

(85/496) Invictus

(80/550) RAW Training

(75/518) TJs Gym Mill Valley

(485)  CrossFit Dallas Central

(471)  CrossFit Kilo

(465)  Schwartzs CrossFit Melbourne

(465) CrossFit Atlanta


(751)  Hack’s Pack UTE

(646)  CrossFit New England

(608)  Crossfit Adrenaline

(580)  CrossFit Fort Vancouver

(578)  CrossFit Dynamix

(559)  CrossFit Kilo

(558)  CrossFit Invictus

(555)  Diablo CrossFit Anejo

(516)  CrossFit Nordic

(509) Crossfit Dallas Central

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