
Tuning macros:

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Revision as of 22:48, 8 February 2013

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The fewer commands a macro consists of, the faster it runs. This means you should avoid unnecessary steps by optimizing the "path" of your designations.

The fewer commands a macro consists of, the faster it runs. This means you should avoid unnecessary steps by optimizing the "path" of your designations.

The second and most effective way to increase speed is to remove all unnecessary commands DF recorded with
an external texteditor
. The extra commands are ignored by the game but they still take time to be processed. To move a cursor 3 (up/down) or 4 (right/left) commands are recorded, most other keys are bound to more commands. Pressing {{k|d}} for example records more than 30 commands.
Depending on what you do
you can increase
speed by 4 or more by reducing
of commands
in every group to
one you need


The second and most effective way to increase speed is to remove all unnecessary commands DF recorded
. These may be found in the init/macros folder and edited
any basic text editing program
. The extra commands are ignored by the game but they still take time to be processed. To move a cursor 3 (up/down) or 4 (right/left) commands are recorded, most other keys are bound to more commands. Pressing {{k|d}} for example records more than 30 commands.



For example the code below is a simple macro that selects the digging designation
moves one square to
right, and then designates that tile to be dug.



Here is
same code but optimized through removal
all the excess
. Each macro also contains an addition CUSTOM_CTRL_R command at
end that may be removed as well



The third way is to change settings in the init-files. In the base init file (data/init/init.txt) you will find the follow lines:

The third way is to change settings in the init-files. In the base init file (data/init/init.txt) you will find the follow lines:  

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