
Development and coding is a very complex task. A single error may waste hours of your work, and this is also one of the most boring tasks. A programmer’s job is said to be a really boring and challenging task. Programmers tend to make use of a lot of resources to ease their job, like using a code editor, better compiler, etc., and there are lots of things like these, which help you work efficiently as a coder.

Frameworks are a collection of software, programs, that initiate easy coding and implementing the codes quick and easy! Another very wonderful resource, that helps the programmers achieve good in no time. Basically, these frameworks facilitate scalability and long-term maintenance by complying with development standards, keeping your code organized and allowing your application to evolve and grow over time. This improves the coding atmosphere, and helps you do better.

Talking about PHP. PHP is one of the most versatile and complex coding platform, used to programming of web pages of any kind. You can develop any kind of applications using PHP, and if integrated with a framework, PHP can help you do anything using your coding skills! There are a lot of frameworks available, particularly for PHP, and here, we have prepared a list of some of the best frameworks for PHP developers.

The list contains these best PHP frameworks, for you, as a PHP developer, and these will help you work well on your PHP projects, and achieve them in least possible time, and with least possible efforts.

1) FuelPHP

FuelPHP is simple and flexible MVC( Model View Control) Framework for PHP developers. Whether you’re an experienced PHP developer or a newcomer just getting started, there are many ways for you to participate in the FuelPHP project.

2) CakePHP

This is the framework which provide a great place for building web applications simple and faster and require less code. CakePHP have some best features like – you can build applications quickly, clean MVC conventions, you have secure applications with build tools for input validation, SQL injection prevention that keep you application safe and secure.

3) FlightPHP

Flight is a fast, simple, extensible framework for PHP. Flight enables you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.

4) Symfony

Symfony is another leading PHP framework that help developers to build websites with set if PHP components such as Drupal, phpBB and eZ Publish.

5) yiiFramework

Yii Framework is the fast,secure and Professional frameworks for PHP developers. It is the best developing web 2.0 web applications. for security – it includes input validation, output filtering, SQL injection, it explicitly designed to work efficiently with AJAX.

6) Laravel

larval is one another most popular  PHP framework with lots of great features like – RESRful routing, use native PHP or ligth weight bled tempting engine. larval isbuild on top of several Symfony components, giving your application a great foundation of well tested and reliable code.

7) Zend

Zend is second most popular PHP framework for modern and high performing web applications. Building blocks that can be used piece by piece with other applications or frameworks. Secure – All the cryptographic and secure coding tools you need to do things right.

8) Codeigniter

CodeIgniter is a powerful PHP framework with a very small footprint, built for developers who need a simple and elegant toolkit to create full-featured web applications.

9) PhalconPHP

Phalcon is fastest and high performing PHP framework that help to build MVC application.

10) PopPHP

POpPHP is newely released PHP framework in the market.

11) PHPixie

PHPixie is a lightweight MVC PHP framework designed to be fast, easy to learn and provide a solid foundation for development.

12) Agavi

Agavi is a powerful, scalable PHP5 application framework that follows the MVC paradigm.

It enables developers to write clean, maintainable and extensible code.

13) Nette

Nette Framework will make your work easier, you will write less code yet more readable.

14) Simple MVC Framework

PHP Framework Simple Code Structure.

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