It looks like the next cut of 10.30 will be a release candidate. I am not sure when we’ll release it, but I am hoping for this weekend.
If you installed 10.30b8 on a full beta, and thus downloaded 500 MB of DSF recuts, I’m afraid to say you’ll end up re-downloading them again for the RC. A user reported bad edge matching between the recuts and the original tiles for one airport. The underlying bug is one that could affect any seam between a recut and an original tile, so to be safe I’m recutting the entire recut set with the fixed code. So…I apologize for the bandwidth hit, but I think better safe and sorry here.
If you do find a last minute bug that you have not reported, please be sure to:
Report it on the bug reporter. If you haven’t used that page, we don’t know about it. Blog comments do not count, forum posts do not count, and random emails to people with email addresses do not count! Don’t send a bug to a place where it will be lost this late in the game!*
Please make sure the bug is complete, with detailed instructions to reproduce it step by step and a way to get the reproduction materials necessary. This close to RC, we no longer have time to spend a few days going up and back to understand the bug and then realize we don’t even have the payware ACF we need!
There are two features that will ship whenever they ship, e.g. in 1030 if they’re ready, or we’ll cut a 10.31 in a week or two if we have to:
Oculus Rift support. There is a new SDK for the Rift, and it’s not backward compatible with the old one, so Philipp has some coding to do there. I think we’re going to enable the Rift as soon as it’s done, but given how few sets are already sold (since they’re just low-res developer previews right now) we’re not going to halt 1030; we’ll cut a quick bug fix release if we need to.
Cylindrical Projection. Austin reworked cylindrical projection for pro users for 1030; if we find we need to get a few more refinements into the warping code, that may go into a bug fix release too.
My goal is an RC by the weekend, but that’s more of an aspiration than a promise.
* If you like a bug and don’t want it fixed, perhaps emailing me directly or posting it on the forum is the best thing you can do!