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Revision as of 22:27, November 20, 2013

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( function ( $, mw ) {


( function ( $, mw ) {





var config = window.SocialMediaButtons = $.extend( true, {


var config = window.SocialMediaButtons = $.extend( true, {

position: typeof config.position === 'string' ? config.colorScheme : 'top', //Position of the buttons: "top" or "bottom"


position: typeof window.SMBposition === 'string' ? window.SMBposition : 'top', //Position of the buttons: "top" or "bottom"

colorScheme: typeof config.colorScheme === 'string' ? config.colorScheme : 'dark', //Colorscheme of the buttons: "dark" or "light"


colorScheme: typeof window.SMBcolorScheme === 'string' ? config.SMBcolorScheme : 'dark', //Color scheme of the buttons: "dark" or "light"

userLang: true, //i18n settings: "true"


userLang: true, //i18n settings: "true"

// German


position: typeof window.SMBposition === 'string' ? window.SMBposition : 'top', //Position of the buttons: "top" or "bottom"

de: {


colorScheme: typeof window.SMBcolorScheme === 'string' ? config.SMBcolorScheme : 'dark', //Color scheme of the buttons: "dark" or "light"



userLang: true, //i18n settings: "true"



// German



de: {


google: "Teile diesen Artikel auf Google+",


google: "Teile diesen Artikel auf Google+",


facebook: "Teile diesen Artikel auf Facebook",


facebook: "Teile diesen Artikel auf Facebook",


twitter: "Teile diesen Artikel auf Twitter"


twitter: "Teile diesen Artikel auf Twitter"




// English


// English

en: {


en: {


google: "Share this on Google+",


google: "Share this on Google+",


facebook: "Share this on Facebook",


facebook: "Share this on Facebook",


twitter: "Share this on Twitter"


twitter: "Share this on Twitter"




// Spanish


// Spanish

es: {


es: {


google: "Compártelo en Google+",


google: "Compártelo en Google+",


facebook: "Compártelo en Facebook",


facebook: "Compártelo en Facebook",


twitter: "Compártelo en Twitter"


twitter: "Compártelo en Twitter"




// Japanese


// Japanese

ja: {


ja: {


google: "Google+でシェアする",


google: "Google+でシェアする",


facebook: "Facebookでシェアする",


facebook: "Facebookでシェアする",


twitter: "Twitterでシェアする"


twitter: "Twitterでシェアする"




// Dutch


// Dutch

nl: {


nl: {


google: "Deel dit op Google+",


google: "Deel dit op Google+",


facebook: "Deel dit op Facebook",


facebook: "Deel dit op Facebook",


twitter: "Deel dit op Twitter"


twitter: "Deel dit op Twitter"




// Polish


// Polish

pl: {


pl: {


google: "Udostępnij na Google+",


google: "Udostępnij na Google+",


facebook: "Udostępnij na Facebook",


facebook: "Udostępnij na Facebook",


twitter: "Udostępnij na Twitter"


twitter: "Udostępnij na Twitter"




// Portuguese


// Portuguese

pt: {


pt: {


google: "Compartilhe no Google+",


google: "Compartilhe no Google+",


facebook: "Compartilhe no Facebook",


facebook: "Compartilhe no Facebook",


twitter: "Compartilhe no Twitter"


twitter: "Compartilhe no Twitter"




// Chinese


// Chinese

zh: {


zh: {


google: "在Google+上分享",


google: "在Google+上分享",


facebook: "在Facebook上分享",


facebook: "在Facebook上分享",


twitter: "在Twitter上分享"


twitter: "在Twitter上分享"




}, window.SocialMediaButtons || {} );


}, window.SocialMediaButtons || {} );



// i18n function


// i18n function


function msg( name ) {


function msg( name ) {

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