
Created page with "// Code by Spottra of Clash of Clans Wiki, October 2013. // Current version: 1.01, November 2013. // // If you choose to copy this code, please leave the attribution at the to..."

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// Code by Spottra of Clash of Clans Wiki, October 2013.

// Current version: 1.01, November 2013.


// If you choose to copy this code, please leave the attribution at the top.


// Sub-navigation levels 4 and 5

// =============================

// This code extends the MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation to enable level 4 and 5

// submenus. Simply edit the MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation file as normal and

// use '****' and '*****' to indicate where level 4 and 5 submenus should

// appear.


// The corresponding CSS required for proper display of the level 4 and 5

// submenus is located at MediaWiki:Wikia.css/SubNav.css.


// Supports:

// * '****Link name' construct. Link spaces will be replaced by underscores.

// * '****Link name|Display name' construct. Link spaces also replaced.

// * '****<nowiki>Display name</nowiki>' construct for menus without links.


// Notes:

// * The navigation preview does not display the level 4 or 5 submenus, as it

// does not call any custom Javascript. You will need to publish your changes

// and then refresh the page in order to see their effects.

// * Publishing the Wiki-navigation page does not call any custom Javascript

// either, which is why the page refresh is necessary. The previous level 4

// and 5 submenus will appear until the page is refreshed. Note that you do

// not need to clear cache; a simple refresh is all that is required (or

// browse to another page).


// Limitations:

// * Currently, the level 3 submenus must either have unique links, or for

// level 3 submenus that are not configured as links

// (i.e. <nowiki>Menu name</nowiki>), they must be uniquely named. This code

// uses .find() to locate the proper level 3 submenu to build the extra HTML,

// and non-unique names will result in the menu being added to all matches.

function timeStamp_SubNav_js() {

return "2013.11.08 21:28 (UTC-8)";


function imgChevron(strDirection) {

if (strDirection == 'down')

return '<img class="chevron" src="data:image/gif;base64,' +


return '<img height="0" width="0" class="chevron-right" ' +

'src="data:image/gif;base64,' +



$.get("/wiki/MediaWiki:Wiki-navigation?action=raw").done(function(data) {

var arrNav = data.split('\n');

var strSubNav = '';

var strSubNavs = '';

var strSubMenu2 = '';

var strSubMenu2a = '';

var boolSubMenu4 = false;

console.log('SubNav.js: Creating custom menus');

for (var i = 0; i < arrNav.length; i ++) {

var intSubLevel = subNavLevel(arrNav[i]);

// Check for level 3 or greater subnav. We will build all level 3+ menus

// but only add them if we need to (i.e. if we encounter a level 4+

// somewhere.

if (intSubLevel >= 3) {

if (i == 0) {

console.log('SubNav.js: Exiting:\n' +

' Level 3+ subnav on first line of Wiki-navigation file.\n' +

' arrNav[' + i + ']=' + arrNav[i] + '\n' +

' intSubLevel=' + intSubLevel + '\n' +

' strSubNav=' + strSubNav);

return; // Shouldn't happen, but exit gracefully if it does.


// Check both the previous and the next entries.

intPrevSubLevel = subNavLevel(arrNav[i - 1]);

intNextSubLevel = (i == arrNav.length - 1 ? 0 : subNavLevel(arrNav[i + 1]));

if (intSubLevel > intPrevSubLevel + 1) {

// The only valid choices for submenus are:

// * intSubLevel == intPrevSubLevel (the current menu continues)

// * intSubLevel == intPrevSubLevel + 1 (new submenu)

// * intSubLevel < intPrevSubLevel (the current menu ends)

// Anything else and we simply exit due to bad formation.

console.log('SubNav.js: Exiting:\n' +

' Submenu structure badly formed.\n' +

' arrNav[' + i + ']=' + arrNav[i] + '\n' +

' intSubLevel=' + intSubLevel + '\n' +

' intPrevSubLevel=' + intPrevSubLevel + '\n' +

' intNextSubLevel=' + intNextSubLevel + '\n' +

' strSubNav=' + strSubNav);



// If we've encountered a level 4+ submenu, we'll need to add it.

if (intSubLevel == 4)

boolSubMenu4 = true;

if (intNextSubLevel == intSubLevel + 1) {

// We've encountered the beginning of a new submenu.

if (intSubLevel > 3) {

// For sublevels > 3, add a new class.

strSubNav += (strSubNav == '' ? '' : '\n');

strSubNav += '<li class="subnav-' + (intNextSubLevel) + 'p">';


else {

// Otherwise just add a <li> tag.

strSubNav += (strSubNav == '' ? '' : '\n');

strSubNav += '<li>';


strSubNav += (strSubNav == '' ? '' : '\n');

strSubNav += subNavLevel(arrNav[i], 'fullsublink');

strSubNav += '\n' + '<ul class="subnav-' + (intSubLevel + 1) + '">';


else if (intNextSubLevel < intSubLevel) {

// We've encountered the end of a submenu.

strSubNav += (strSubNav == '' ? '' : '\n');

strSubNav += '<li>' + subNavLevel(arrNav[i], 'fulllink') + '</li>';

strSubNav += '\n' + '</ul></li>';

if (intSubLevel - intNextSubLevel > 1 && strSubNav != '') {

// If we're closing more than one submenu, add additional closing tags.

var intClosingTags = intSubLevel - intNextSubLevel;

while (intClosingTags > 1) {

strSubNav += '\n' + '</ul></li>';

intClosingTags --;




else if (intSubLevel == intNextSubLevel) {

// Garden variety submenu.

strSubNav += '\n' + '<li>' + subNavLevel(arrNav[i], 'fulllink') + '</li>';


else {

console.log('SubNav.js: Exiting:\n' +

' Fallthrough.\n' +

' arrNav[' + i + ']=' + arrNav[i] + '\n' +

' intSubLevel=' + intSubLevel + '\n' +

' intPrevSubLevel=' + intPrevSubLevel + '\n' +

' intNextSubLevel=' + intNextSubLevel + '\n' +

' strSubNav=' + strSubNav);

return; // Only should happen if the Wiki-navigation is poorly formed.



else {

// Close and reset the subnav string and start over

if (strSubNav != '') {

strSubNavs += strSubNav;

strSubNav = '';



// If we have dropped below level 3 and we've got submenus to add, do so.

if (intSubLevel < 3 && boolSubMenu4) {

var subnav3 = $('.WikiHeader nav').find(strSubMenu2);

// Non-links unfortunately match every non-link, so we need to find the

// correct one.

if (strSubMenu2a != '') {

subnav3.each(function(index) {

var subnav2 = $(this).parent().find('.subnav-2a');

// console.log('SubNav.js: HTML[' + index + ']=' + subnav2.html());

// Unfortunately the chevron string changes slightly so we

// can't match to the whole thing.

var strMatch = strSubMenu2a + imgChevron('down').substr(0, 5);

if (subnav2.html().substr(0, strMatch.length) == strMatch) {

// We've found the right one, so save just the one we want to modify.

subnav3 = $(this);

return false;






// console.log('SubNav.js: Adding: ' + strSubMenu2 + '\n' + 'strSubNavs = ' + strSubNavs);

boolSubMenu4 = false;


// Grab any level 2 submenu we encounter and reset the subnavs string.

if (intSubLevel == 2) {

strSubMenu2 = subNavLevel(arrNav[i], 'findlink');

// For menu items with no links, store the displayname

if (Array.isArray(strSubMenu2)) {

strSubMenu2a = strSubMenu2[1];

strSubMenu2 = strSubMenu2[0];



strSubMenu2a = '';

strSubNavs = '';

boolSubMenu4 = false;





* Function to determine the subnav level (i.e. the number of leading asterisks).


* The strReturnLink argument changes the behavior of this function in several ways:

* no argument - simply return the subnav level

* 'link' - returns the basic HTML link

* 'findlink' - returns HTML link text suitable for finding in Wikia nav HTML

* 'fulllink' - returns the full HTML link with display text and closing tag

* 'sublink' - returns the HTML link with the proper subnav class

* 'fullsublink' - return the full HTML link with display text, subnav and closing

* 'display' - returns the display name


* Example 1:

* subNavLevel('***Barbarian')

* return 3;

* subNavLevel('***Barbarian', 'findlink')

* return 'a[href="/wiki/Barbarian"] + .subnav-4';

* subNavLevel('***Barbarian', 'link')

* return '<a href="/wiki/Barbarian">';

* subNavLevel('***Barbarian', 'fulllink')

* return '<a href="/wiki/Barbarian">Barbarian</a>';

* subNavLevel('***Barbarian', 'sublink')

* return '<a href="/wiki/Barbarian" class="subnav-3a">';

* subNavLevel('***Barbarian', 'fullsublink')

* return '<a href="/wiki/Barbarian" class="subnav-3a">Barbarian' +

* imgChevron() + '</a>';

* subNavLevel('***Barbarian', 'display')

* return 'Barbarian';


* Example 2:

* subNavLevel('****Loading_Screen_Hints|Loading Screen Hints')

* return 4;

* subNavLevel('****User:Spottra|Spottra', 'findlink')

* return 'a[href="/wiki/User:Spottra"] + .subnav-5';

* subNavLevel('****User:Spottra|Spottra', 'link')

* return '<a href="/wiki/User:Spottra">';

* subNavLevel('****User:Spottra|Spottra', 'fulllink')

* return '<a href="/wiki/User:Spottra">Spottra</a>';

* subNavLevel('****User:Spottra|Spottra', 'sublink')

* return '<a href="/wiki/User:Spottra" class="subnav-4a">';

* subNavLevel('****User:Spottra|Spottra', 'fullsublink')

* return '<a href="/wiki/User:Spottra" class="subnav-4a">' +

* 'Spottra' + imgChevron() + '</a>';

* subNavLevel('****User:Spottra|Spottra', 'display)

* return 'Spottra';


function subNavLevel(strNav, strReturnLink) {

if (strNav == undefined) return;

var idx = 0;

while (idx < strNav.length && strNav.substr(idx, 1) == '*')

idx ++;

if (!strReturnLink)

return idx;

strNav = strNav.substr(idx);

if (strNav.substr(0, 8) == '<nowiki>' &&

strNav.substr(strNav.length - 9) == '</nowiki>') {

// A nowiki tag means we use a nonfunctional link ('#') and use the

// entire string as the display.

strNav = ['#', strNav.substr(8, strNav.length - 17)];


else {

strNav = strNav.split('|');

if (strNav.length == 1)

strNav = [strNav[0], strNav[0]];

// Hopefully will fix Chinese URLs without breaking the others

strNav[0] = '/wiki/' +

encodeURIComponent(strNav[0].replace(new RegExp(' ', 'g'), '_'));


switch (strReturnLink) {

case 'link':

return '<a href="' + strNav[0] + '">';

case 'findlink': {

if (strNav[0] == '#')

return ['a[href="' + strNav[0] + '"] + .subnav-' + (idx + 1), strNav[1]];

return 'a[href="' + strNav[0] + '"] + .subnav-' + (idx + 1);


case 'sublink':

return '<a href="' + strNav[0] + '" class="subnav-' + idx + 'a">';

case 'fulllink':

return '<a href="' + strNav[0] + '">' + strNav[1] + '</a>';

case 'fullsublink':

return '<a href="' + strNav[0] + '" class="subnav-' + idx + 'a">' +

strNav[1] + imgChevron() + '</a>';

case 'display':

return strNav[1];



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