

So…um, our blog is kind of crazy. What with all the tags and various links and what the hell is this “other” page? This post was started to specifically help those who google “destiel” looking for fics for the first time and end up here (where we use short hand and have read enough fics to know common tropes, famous authors, popular destiel fics, and so on). However, this post will benefit all of our followers (new and old).

0. Contents

New to destiel/fanfiction?

Those buttons at the top of our blog

Tags (Original vs Ask Created/Other, Submitted Rec Tags, Intrablog Resources)

External Resources

Blog features I’m still proud of :P


Need more/new fanfic?

I. New to destiel/fanfiction?

↳Don’t understand fandom terminology? Here are two websites to help you out!

Supernatural Wiki


↳Don’t understand terminology specific to this blog? Keep reading!

↳May we interest you in these tags: personal favorites, favorite shorts, and characterization.

↳We made two guides just for you: New to Destiel? Fic Recs and Resources & New to Fanfiction?

II. Those buttons at the top of our blog

↳Home (self explanatory)

↳Ask Box

Please read the stuff around the ask box before submitting an ask (including the notes below the box and the types of anonymous asks we delete).

Tips on using the search engine are also on this page. We wanted people to see this before asking anything since a lot of specific asks can be answered by doing a search (ex: “I want something short and fluffy,” “I read a fic where Dean was a soccer player” [you can search for key terms], and so on).

Don’t be afraid of submitting an ask, though! We have a lot of tags and we’ve gotten a lot of asks about various subjects. We categorize the subjects as best we can so you can find them via the tags page, but we’re not perfect. However, the answer to your ask may just be us pointing you to the right tag!

We get a lot of asks. Sorry if it takes a few days to answer you!

↳Tags (see section III)

↳Master List

This is a master list of all our official reviews.

It is updated approximately every two weeks or after we’ve posted 10ish new reviews. The last added fic is noted near the top (along with the date it was added to the list).


Notice how the center of the six buttons line up with the center of the entries? That was purposeful and so we’re not adding any more buttons, lol. Anything else we want to link to is here.

External resources (see section IV)

III. Tags (link)

↳Original vs Ask Created/Other

Original = “Original Categories,” “Length,” and “Age Rating” 

Original Categories: angst, au, crack, dark, end (end!verse, 2014!verse, “The End,” 5x04, etc), fluff, porn (multiple/well written sex scenes; different from pwps), su (supernatural universe)

Ask Created/Other = everything else

The difference: The original tags are ones that are always applied to individual reviews (and sometimes asks). The ask created are sometimes lists of fics (though they are sometimes applied to individual reviews). Other tags are there to help you out (specifically those under the “Intrablog Resources” [explained below]).

Why is the difference important? Two words: cross referencing. Using the search engine, you can search for posts labeled with multiple tags. Looking for a fic that’s NC-17 and fluffy? To the search engine! Looking for a slow building romance that’s NC-17? You’ll have to manually cross reference (go to the tag, click on individual reviews, and then see the rating). Looking for a particular type of slow building romance not covered by another tag? Submit an ask! :) A quick guide to cross-referencing ask created tags here.

Why don’t you just tag the individual reviews with the ask created tags? Tumblr only allows 20 tags before it stops tracking them on personal blogs. The individual review won’t show up under the url destielfanfic.tumblr.com/tagged/21st, unfortunately.

↳Submitted Rec Tags

Submitted recs are fics that were submitted by followers to our unofficial rec bulletin (explained below). We started posting them so that they would be on relevant tags. However, we created separate “Original Categories” tags (explained above) for them. These are published but backdated so that they show up as being published after the bulletin where they were recced.

↳Intrablog Resources

About: This is information about how this blog works (logistics, the kinds of anonymous asks that get deleted, etc) as well as information about the mods. It also includes our Mission Statement.

Destielfanworks: Destielfanworks is a sideblog we started to catalog fanworks by the fic that inspired them (and also AU memes; more explained here). We occasionally create themed rec lists attached to relevant art. This tag is for those rec lists and anything related to the sideblog.

Group Asks: When the mods don’t have an answer to an ask, we publish it as part of a group ask. We started doing these to reduce clutter on the blog (and not spam our followers).

Lost Fic: We get a good many asks where people are trying to locate a deleted fic or remember the title of something they read once. Usually we (or our followers) can figure these out. This tag is for when we can’t. So if you read a lot of destiel or have a lot of saved pdfs, feel free to help out! (Just include the post url [with spaces after the periods so tumblr will allow you to submit it as an ask or something like “/post/38440047217”] when you let us know.)

Reviews: This is our tag for official reviews. This is a convenient tag when you don’t want to see all the ask posts.

Unofficial Rec Bulletin: Something we started up because we can’t read and review every fic recced to us by our followers but don’t want to hoard those recs (especially if something doesn’t particularly strike our fancy but might be right up the alley of someone else)! Want to submit something to it? Go here. We also accept author recs and promos (can just be submitted through our ask box).

Reference Posts: Some of our tags were getting busy/cluttered with asks in addition to official reviews. These reference posts are a way to organize the tags better by removing asks from the tag and just having them linked on the reference post.

FAQ: Links to some frequently asked questions for your convenience!

IV. External Resources (link)

↳Thematic Rec lists

Particularly good fic compilations done by category

↳Fanfic by tag or genre

Livejournal communities, delicious accounts, and pinboards where you can find fics by tag

↳Big Bang/Challenge + News Communities

Livejournal communites


Various resources we’ve pulled together to help out our followers

V. Blog features I’m still proud of :P

Search Engine: Tips on how to use it here (scroll past the ask box).

Random Review: Will bring up a random official review (not asks or anything else). For a random post, use the built-in tumblr feature /random.


See this post

VII. Need more/new fanfic?

Guide to Finding Fics (Tips and Tricks)

Check our our external resources (link) for livejournal communities, tumblr writers, thematic rec lists, and so on

Browse the AO3 tag for castiel/dean winchester (sorted by date updated so you only see the new stuff)

Looking for something specific? “Search within results” at AO3 or run a search at spnstoryfinders (I usually include “castiel” in my search since the site isn’t specific to destiel). Use the pinboards listed here! One of the thematic rec lists (also here) might have exactly what you’re looking for.

Have some authors you like? Follow/subscribe to them on AO3/lj/ff.net/etc!

If any of our followers can think of things I’ve left out, are curious about anything else, or need something clarified; drop us a line in our ask box!

Thanks for reading!

Alice, Charlene, & Rasma

We had a steady flow of new followers after this post got reblogged to hell and back. To our new followers: Welcome!! We hope the various guides (including this one) help you find what you are looking for. :)

To our current followers who reblogged and wrote kind words (in the post and tags), thank you so so much. I doubt we’ll ever be able to properly communicate how much we appreciate all the praise. Just…thanks. We’re glad to be making a positive contribution to the fandom. :’)

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