
Creating a beautiful garden can be done with a lot of things. One way to bring the statues to highlight the aesthetic side of the park.

Your garden home will not be complete if you do not have design ideas and beautiful garden sculpture. The sculptures can be made from various natural materials. One of the materials that can be used to create a sculpture that would be a good accent is rock. The sculptures are a wonderful accent if placed in the right position in your home garden. Parks would be amazing if the stone statue was placed in the park. You will get a beautiful garden with sculptures decorating right.

The presence of a sculpture in the park will create an exotic atmosphere for visitors. Selection and placed of the sculpture in the park requires its own thinking, not to actually damage the aesthetics of the sculpture garden.

First, Choose a sculpture that matches the theme of your garden. Parks minimalist style will suit the style of minimalist sculpture like a mini keg. Sculpture of Javanese puppet characters will beautify the traditional theme park with Java, as well as Balinese statue in Bali themed garden.

And then make sure you specify the visibility of the sculpture with the room where you see the statue. The ideal distance is about three meters for large sculptures.

Next, choose sculpture with a height corresponding to the height of your patio. Suppose, you have a patio with a height of three meters, the sculpture you can only have a maximum height of one meter.

The size statue should also be considered with the location routed. Suitable for small-sized sculpture placed on the sidelines of the plant or around the garden walkways. While suitable for a large sculpture placed in the corner or the middle of the park.

You can have a sculpture garden with Modern Concept or other concepts. Modern garden sculptures have a good modern design of materials and shapes. Obviously, this can bring a certain impression for your home garden. You can put one or several sculptures to make your garden look more beautiful. You can also choose a sculpture with some color, and this is really the right way to create a more beautiful garden view.

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