
If you want to replace the usual 1, 2, 3 pagination or the next and previous link with something new and beneficial then infinite scrolling, a technique used to automatically load next posts within the page of the initial post as users scroll down, will be a great successor and solution.

You have maybe seen this kind of technique being implemented in social media websites like Facebook and Twitter as well as Quartz news website and Hongkiat design blog. This shift to this new pagination technique was probably because “scrolling” was fundamentally changed when mobile interfaces – where the narrowness of mobile screens is always concern – arrived.

For website users, infinite scrolling promises a better experience; for developers and website owners, it promises to improve bounce rate, boost time-on-site and increase page views. It is therefore a win-win result for both sides. By auto-loading new posts, you will have a better chance in getting great results in your website as long as you will be able to implement it right.

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Add Infinite Scrolling in WordPress Website

If you want to enable infinite scrolling in your WordPress blog, SEPS (SOFA Endless Post Single) will make it possible without even touching your theme’s code as it uses separate template which is editable with built-in Template Editor. The older posts will be loaded with AJAX one by one as user scrolls the page so long that there are still posts to load. This will create an endless posts navigation following the concept of infinite scrolling in WordPress.

Frequently Asked Questions on Using Infinite Scrolling

Will it affect the number of ads allowed on a page?

The 3 Ad-unit rule of Google Adsense is mainly the reason why most webmasters are not yet inclined in using this technique with the fear of getting banned from the advertising network.

While the developer of this plugin is not sure with regards to the plugin’s compatibility with Google Adsense Policy, we can see websites like Hongkiat implementing the infinite scrolling with Google Adsense. Therefore, if it might not be compatible now, it will surely soon be.

What will happen to the comment box below the posts?

As far as the demo concern, the is no problem with the comment box below the post. Everyone can still post a comment on a specific post regardless of the infinite scrolling feature.

How to update the URL when the next post appears?

When the user reaches the bottom part of the page, the magic of infinite scrolling will be activated not only by showing the next post automatically below your WordPress blog, but also physically changed the URL in the address bar of your web browser.

Will the share button still be connected per page?

Assuming that the social media buttons will be placed inside your single post template, the infinite scrolling shouldn’t interfere with it and your buttons should work perfectly fine

SOFA Endless Post Single (SEPS)

Auto-load Older Posts for Post Single Page

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