
Browser tools

Chrome Dev Tools

Built into Chrome. Edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript live, or run code in the console.


Tools for web development available as a plugin for Firefox. Firefox also now has its own developer tools: choose Web Developer from the Tools menu.

F12 Tools

Developer tools for Internet Explorer.

Opera Dragonfly

Opera tools.

Documentation, tutorials and help


Great tutorials for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Mobile, UX …

Khan Academy

Great place to start with computer science.

Code Academy

Simple and clearly structured interactive lessons in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

20 things I learned about the Web

Gentle introduction to web technologies – in a good-looking online ‘book’.

Basic JavaScript

Well-written introductory article.


Great place to ask (and find high quality answers to) web-related questions. If you have a question, make sure to search first in case it’s already been asked.

html5rocks.com and updates.html5rocks.com

Tutorials, demos and updates of all that’s (very) new in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

W3C list of elements

Comprehensive, up-to-date list of elements, attributes and events, with examples.

Default browser stylesheets

Default styles for HTML elements.


Mozilla Developer Network: demos, tutorials and reference documentation, with contributions from Google staff.


Cross-industry effort to build web documentation.


One-of-a-kind, well-written how-to and history for everything HTML5.

Web Fundamentals

Best practice for multi-device web development.


HTML, CSS and JavaScript articles and tutorials.


‘For all your browser quirks’. In depth articles on a range of topics.


Reference documentation by a respected book publisher.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript and other documentation from Microsoft.

CSS Tricks

In-depth articles about CSS.

Smashing Magazine

Multi-device web design, tools and techniques.

Chrome Developer Docs Team Learning Materials

A gold mine: links to resources, each categorised and rated.


Site built by Googler Paul Kinlan to search reputable web documentation

…and if you use w3schools.com, bear in mind the warnings on w3fools.com.

…and remember: standards and specifications are also documentation–see below for links.


Bento is a guided tour through the best free web development tutorials, including videos, interactive classes, and reading material. It is particularly good at teaching you what to learn in what order.

Browser capability


Mobile and desktop browser capabilities, with links to documentation.


Web platform feature support and examples.


Want to know what’s coming to Chrome? Blink is Chromium’s rendering engine.


Internet Explorer status and roadmap


Capability information for mobile browsers.


HTML, CSS and JavaScript features: what’s in flux, what’s flakey, and what you can do about it.


Tests your browser’s CSS3 support.


Benchmark your browser using real-world examples, not raw JavaScript performance.

Stats, archives…

Wikipedia browser usage share

Comparison of statistics from various sources.


Charts of browser share organised by territory, platform, browser version and other metrics.

HTTP Archive

Trends in web technology, interesting stats, website performance.

Wayback Machine

Archive of over 400 billion web pages.

Online code editors

JS Bin

Edit HTML, CSS and JavaScript live – then save and link to your work.

Mozilla Thimble

Edit and publish web pages online – from the creators of Firefox.


A good place for absolute beginners.


Online code playground for HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Google code playground

Examples of Google and JavaScript APIs.

Validators, code checkers, tools…

W3C HTML validator

HTML validation tool.

W3C CSS validator

CSS validation tool.


JavaScript linting tool (much like JSLint, but more configurable).


JSON validator.

JS Beautifier

Open source tool for formatting JavaScript and HTML.

CSS Beautify

Open source tool for formatting CSS, from Sencha Labs.


Page Speed

Google tool to ‘help developers optimize their web pages by applying web performance best practices’. Now with UX and mobile testing.

Web Page Test

Cross browser page load testing.


Create, share and compare test cases.

Libraries, package managers, development stacks…


‘Modern workflows for modern webapps.’


Package manager.


JavaScript task runner.


Feature detection library.


Cross-platform JavaScript library with UI and widget plugins.


‘The Closure Tools project is an effort by Google engineers to open source the tools used in many of Google’s sites and web applications for use by the wider Web development community.’


CSS variables, inheritance, mixins and more.


Cross-browser CSS library.


MVC framework.

HTML5 cross-browser polyfills

A catalogue of JavaScript libraries to deal with a variety of missing or non-standard functionality.


Conditional resource loader.

Sencha and Ext JS

Cross browser HTML5 web app frameworks.


Web app framework.

Specs and standards


HTML, CSS and all that.


‘The HTML Living Standard’.


JavaScript is a dialect of this.


JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

by David Flanagan

An actual printed book! Classic reference, highly readable.

Eloquent JavaScript

by Marijn Haverbeke (online or print)

Good introduction to programming, via JavaScript – with lots of good (editable) online examples.

Don’t Make Me Think

by Steve Krug

Another book! The best ever guide to interface design.

JavaScript: The Good Parts

by Douglas Crockford

Anything by Crockford is good – especially his video lectures on JavaScript.

A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript

by Mark Meyers

Really great introduction to the language that is paired with online exercises to help retention.

You Don’t Know JS: Scope & Closures

by Kyle Simpson

This concise yet in-depth guide takes you inside scope and closures, two core concepts you need to know to become a more efficient and effective JavaScript programmer.

The post HTML, CSS and JavaScript resources appeared first on We Build Design.

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