Last year we hired SixthDivision to get a handle on our Infusionsoft account. Out of the amazing experience came one concept so insanely valuable I invited them to share the tool during one of our monthly private client webinars.
The concept is called The Playbook and before you do ANY type of online marketing or marketing automation (with Infusionsoft or another tool) – developing your marketing plays (hint: strategy) must be your first step.
PS. Fast forward to 01:17 to skip the dad/kid banter!
PS. Every month our clients create amazing Infusionsoft graphics! Things like email headers, PDF covers and more. Curious about our service and pricing? Click here to learn more or sign up for a live weekly demo!
All right. Wow, I want to welcome everyone to the first, ever private client webinar for Design Pickle clients. We are really excited here. We are going to get started in just a minute. I just want to make sure everyone has a few seconds to get logged in, get their coffee or whatever they need. How are you doing Jordan? We were just talking about babies. We were talking about you are expecting soon.
Yeah any day now. My phone rings and you see me walk off, don’t talk it personally, but I’m on the way to the hospital.
Awesome. Well you guys have taught us enough here about Infusionsoft I could probably fake it a little bit, although I won’t have your presentation. All right, so I think this is going to be about if, where we are at right now I want to thank everybody for attending our first client webinar. If you are watching this on the replay, then I welcome from the past, I guess.
Today, just so everyone knows, there is probably a few clients on here who I haven’t really connected with. In case that’s you, my name is Russ Perry. Let me turn on my presentation here. I’m going to turn on just my whole screen. Actually let me share my keynote. How does that look on your end Jordan, looking okay?
Looks good to me.
Okay. Let me close this guy. My name is Russ Perry; I’m the Founder of Design Pickle. What we are wanting to do here so in 2016, we’ve been talking a lot about our new mission. That’s to become the most helpful graphic design company in the world. What we are going to be doing every month and maybe more than once a month depending on the guests and everything, is we are going to be pulling in guests speakers.
People that we trust, people that we’ve hired to help us with our business and want to share information, just completely free, just a learning lesson. Today, we are going to be talking a lot about Infusionsoft. As many of our clients have experienced that is our core method of marketing. We have been Infusionsoft users for just under a year now.
I think we signed up right after their conference last year. We are excited to bring on, Jordan I’ll let you kind of give an introduction of yourself and about SixthDivision, everything in a second. We are excited to bring out Jordan, who we’ve personally worked with to basically completely rethink the way we use this tool.
What I love about Jordan and SixthDivision and I think it’s going to be really applicable for anybody watch this, whether or not you use Infusionsoft, is the way they think about marketing animation and business automation. Just doesn’t have to do with marketing. It can be do with sales, operations, fulfillment so on and so forth.
We are going to talk a little about Infusionsoft; we are going to talk about maybe some mistakes we’ve made along the way. Then really, for the bulk of the presentation, Jordan is going to be presenting a concept they call the Playbook, which is one of these really universal ways to think about how you plan and implement your automation in your business.
Which complete honesty, I remember going down to your offices and kind of being like, what are we going to do with this company SixthDivision? Then you showed us the Playbook and it was like, I left the meeting and it was like four hours later whatever. It was like to Jim I was like, “That was amazing, that was worth what we did.”
Jordan, introduce yourself, tell us more about your background, SixthDivision what you guys are all about and we’ll go from there.
Yeah, awesome. Thanks for having me, I’m really excited to be on and kind of sticking with you and talking to the list and super excited excited. Jordan Abaroa, coach here at SixthDivision. Meaning that, I’m the one that really works with the clients, so I had an opportunity to work with Russ and Jim over at Zion [Pitbull 00:05:07]. Worked with a lot of different companies on a regular basis.
One of the big areas that we help people in, is Infusionsoft but it’s kind of Russ talked about there. We don’t start there and that’s kind of the biggest thing that we don’t do. We don’t start in Infusionsoft, we make sure that we take a step back and look at the whole picture and the whole business and the whole marketing automation first.
A little bit about me, you can kind of see my picture there. I’ve got my beautiful wife, she’s south Philly Italian. I say it like that so that you kind of really get an idea of her personality. She’s a doll and [inaudible 00:05:50] she’s eight and a half months pregnant. Just, amplified personality by eight and a half months pregnant and that’s what we got right now.
Pregnant Italian is better just like, so chill, like you never have to worry about anything.
It’s a piece of cake. No, she is doll and she’s a sweetheart. Sometimes, I forget that she is pregnant because she just handles it so easy. In all honesty, it’s pretty awesome. You can see my son there, he’s almost three now and, just a little linebacker. He gets me into trouble at church all the time because he tackles the other kids and causes noise. He’s so much fun. Then, as we’ve all talked about so far, I’ve got my little girl [inaudible 00:06:40] who will be there any day now.
I’m super excited about that. Little bit about my background, for me it’s all about family and football. Grew up in Arizona, born raised here, did my whole high school and even in the community college here. Went on a mission to my church, came back, wanted to keep playing football and went over at Scottsdale Community College played football there. Got an opportunity to get go recruited and play in the tundra, that is Northern Minnesota.
Freezing cold, but I loved it, it was awesome. Had an opportunity to coach up there up as well for a little bit. Then finally, my wife just got sick of it and she said, “It’s too cold up here we are moving back to Arizona. We moved back and came in and …
Is the grey you develop pursuing football, is that transferable for also living in the tundra of Minnesota?
It has to be.
It’s like one big huge conditioning event like all of the time.
Little story, so my wife and I from Arizona, we pull up three days after we got married. We got married, drove up to Bemidji is the town. We pull up to the school and I’m in a shirt, shorts and moccasins, my wife in just sweats. My coach who had recruited us, walks out and just starts laughing, laughing, laughing. He gives me a big old hug and he says, “Jordan, let’s take you to the store. He took of care of [inaudible 00:08:28].
Man was it cold and yep, one big old Popsicle freeze conditioning sess for the whole time we were there.
I love it. Awesome. All right, well we can talk more about football and you love to use the analogy of sports and football as we get into the details of the content and the Playbook. Even the Playbook is called the Playbook, so there is clearly some analogies there. Really quickly about Infusionsoft.
Infusionsoft, in case you don’t know, and this is the reason you are on this call, is because you have heard about it, you are thinking about it. Infusionsoft is often referred to as a market automation tool. What this means is very simply, in an online marketing whether it’s email, Infusionsoft does some offline things too. For the most part, there is a lot of communication that goes on with your clients, your prospects, your employees, whatever.
Infusionsoft is a piece of software that allows you to automate a lot of that based off of different rules and conditions and tools. The biggest thing to know about Infusionsoft and there is many other tools like it. There is tools like CubSpot, Moscato, even simple tools like MailChimp and Constant Contact to have automation built into them as well.
They are not the only tool out there. The thing about all of these tools, and I’m not going to harp on it too much but I want to be really clear is, they are just a tool. When you are thinking about any of this process and pursuing automation or improving automation, you need to think about what it is you want to accomplish, prior to selecting the tool. We at Design Pickle had a lot of initial success with Infusionsoft, for one reason only.
It was because we already knew what we wanted to accomplish in our sales and marketing process. We simply found the tool to do it. Now, after meeting with SixthDivision, I realized the way we are doing it was sort of like so amateur and rookie, but it still got the job done. My background as many of you know, is I used to own creative agencies.
So many times when clients would want to go into the world of marketing automation, they would choose the tool first and then try to reverse out their processes and everything. This is really important and it’s actually pretty much like the main point of the Playbook that we are going to be talking about. Jordan, so share a little more about Infusionsoft.
In particular, what are some things that you look for in a business or in a company where you feel like it’s going to be a good fit, prior to deciding the details of how they are going to be using it.
Yeah great question. When we start talking to businesses or when I’m just out about talking to what do you do and how do you do it. I generally just start talking about how they like to connect with their potential clients or their actual clients. How do you like to connect with them? Do you have a process in play where, you like to do something on a regular basis.
Whether it’s a shock [inaudible 00:11:45] package for your buyers. Whether it’s gathering leads in a particular way. It’s very rare that I come across somebody that I wouldn’t actually recommend Infusionsoft for. I’ve got buddies that do restoration work and I’ve talked to them about it, and how it can benefit them. I also have buddies that do [inaudible 00:12:09] and all sorts of different stuff all the way up to lawyers.
In about 99% of the situations that I come across, somebody could be impacted or influence Infusionsoft. Some of the areas you know maybe it’s not for you, is big, big businesses. Businesses where you are handling hundreds of thousands of different contacts all at one time. Infusionsoft wasn’t designed for that. It was designed for the entrepreneur and the small business to take you to the next level.
They talk about that on a regular basis about how they want to be the platform that accelerates and builds your business to a point where it can get to the next level.
Totally. I think always about like, my training and my coaching was, when we had our agency, we worked a lot with sales funnels and helping clients accelerate their sales funnel and helping clients. In particular do that with creative content. In fact, a lot of our current Design Pickle clients are using our service for their sales and marketing funnels. At the end of the day … Hey Jim, can you grab me a marker?
At the end of the day, I always think that Infusionsoft is really solid is if, you have a linear or a clear view of what that sales funnel is. You can know and you know it starts at point A and it goes to point B and then C and then D. It doesn’t have to be perfect like a line, but there is a beginning, a middle and an end.
For us, that was why we felt that we got off to such a great start with the tool, was because we already had that process defined. Then it was simply, okay, how do we use the functionality of Infusionsoft to match this existing process that is already working without Infusionsoft.
Yeah. I definitely agree with that. I think that there is an element that, if you can take the time beforehand and really think through your process. I’m going to allude to the fact that I think when you are really trying to manage your client journey. It’s, how does somebody get into your list or your funnel and what do we do from there.
How do we nurture them to … Like, how do we bring them through this process and this relationship building and this journey that takes them from A to B to C, and any type of detour that they may take in the process. If you can have your mind at least shrooming on that idea, Infusionsoft will be able to really help you automate the marketing. Also the systems and processes that you are going to be involved in to get you to those A, B and Cs.
Yeah. One way we are using the tool which, I think not many people know about is, how we hire our designers actually. You always think about Infusionsoft as a tool for marketing clients. Actually, what we have of our designer processes, we have a landing page they go to, which they have to watch a video of me talking about the position.
They have to fill out a long application. Then that application gets reviewed which includes their portfolio links everything. We tag them if they are approved. If they are not approved, they get an automatic email saying, sorry you are not approved. If they are approved, this is the coolest part, then they go into a sequence where it will deliver a timed design test.
What we’ll do is, we’ll actually say okay, you are approved to the design test, when you are ready to start, click this link. That click will send another email which we can see the timestamp and they have an hour to complete the design test. For them, all of this is done via Infusionsoft and then we receive the files directly for the design test.
Then we are able to then approve on for further training or to say hey, sorry your files weren’t great. On our end, it’s adding two tags to do that whole thing. It’s all done and it’s just like click or click, click or click and all of that. Then we get, either design … Then once I get to the end, then it’s like okay you are ready to become a Design Pickle designer. Well, we’d like to offer you the job.
Yeah. That’s awesome. It’s nice to see that businesses can take Infusionsoft out of the world and the connotation really I will say connotation of marketing automation. Like, there is an inherent dislike for that terminology, only because of the connotation that comes with it. If we say marketing, people will generally think advertising.
If we say automation, we will generally think robots doing stuff that we don’t have to do. Like the word, don’t like the connotation. Whereas, with a real functionality of marketing automation and Infusionsoft, is it can influence every aspect of your business. It can influence the marketing side of things and the lead generation and the sales process.
Just as you pointed out, also the backend, the hiring, the experience that, not only the leads go through but your potential employees as well.
Nice. Well, that’s great yeah. It allows you to do so much more with less resources, which we found that is huge. What we do at our company, you would think we’d have a team of 10 or 15 people, but we are able to do so much of it automatically with the tool. Not just Infusionsoft but several other automation tools.
Okay so, I want to get started on the Playbook. I want to have enough time for you to share this about 20, 30 minutes and then give us a little bit of time to have some Q and A at the end. Maybe about 10 minutes of questions and answers for any clients who’ve attended. What I’m going to do Jordan, just full disclosure, like there is no affiliate partnership with SixthDivision.
We invited them onto this webinar because we truly believe in what they are doing. They’ve helped us tremendously. They have been awesome and honestly, we’ve only done like one small engagement with them, which was the makeover, the mini makeover. It was just incredible.
This to me was what stood out as the secret source which Design Pickle clients are going to get. Right now, customized delivery on these concepts. I cannot recommend this enough and then at the end we’ll share Jordan’s info at the end. If you guys want to take this to the next level, definitely reach out to them because they are going to be able to truly help out.
Let me change you as the presenter Jordan, we’ll see if we can make this happen with GoToWebinar and you should be able … You should be on as the presenter now, which share your screen and you can take it away.
All right.
Boom, love it.
Thank you.
Yep, we are good.
All right. Let’s fire this thing up and should be able to see right there, the Power of the Playbook right?
Got it.
Awesome. Well, one of my most favorite things is helping people define their Playbook. It really is something that I really, I love the connotation, football background with the Playbook. Helping people see that and have it be translated into their business, I love it. It’s one of my most favorite parts. There is an extreme amount of power in the Playbook.
The reason why there is an extreme amount of power in the Playbook is because, whenever you get into automation, whether it’s Constant Contact , MailChimp, Infusionsoft, doesn’t really matter what the tool is. Whenever you get into that, most people like to dive right in and get right into the leads. Design Pickle, you guys had [inaudible 00:20:13] take a step back and kind of take a look at the picture.
Most of the time, whenever you get Infusionsoft or a new tool, it’s like Christmas. You just like to open it up and dive right in. The thing that I found is, whenever you do that, it’s like jumping into a corn maize for the first time. You just end up exploring and getting kind of lost and figuring it out as you go. Things look kind of cool, but there is also an inherent confusion about it.
The power of the Playbook is being able to take a ladder into that corn maize with you, get up on the ladder and just see what the heck is going on. That’s really where the power comes from. The Playbook is an outlined process; it gives you clarity and organization, on what to do and when to do it. Like taking a step back.
It’s not getting into Infusionsoft with the tool and it’s taking a step back and getting an overview of the entire process, in the entire client journey or the entire business all in one scope, before you go dive in. I’m going to throw football analogies out here now, because I think it makes perfect sense.
Yeah. Like football is over right now, so we don’t really have much football going on right now, so this will be good to talk about it some more.
Yeah. Good enough, so let’s join there. In football, when you view it, there is an inherent Playbook that the team is following. Really what that Playbook is doing, is it’s telling the players and telling the coaches exactly what to do and when to do it right? If you have the football, you go into your offense of Playbook. You figure out what to do inside of there.
You are not just winging it; you are knowing exactly what to do when you have the ball. Same thing, if you are on defense, what do you do if you don’t have the ball? Well, you go into your defense of Playbook and you draw from the world there. You know what it is and you’ve outlined it, you’ve got a clear process of what you want to do when you don’t have the ball.
Then same thing, special teams if they are kicking [inaudible 00:22:25], you have an inherent idea and understanding an organized and clarified process of what to do in a given situation. Now, if you don’t have that, if you don’t have that, what you end up getting, is you are getting a lot of confusion and chaos.
The best way for me to describe this is, I’d like to go play flag football and trying to get my glory days. I’d like to do that. I’ll go play flag football with a group of buddies, every Tuesday night, we go play. If we have the ball, it happens every single time. If you go play pick-up football games or pick-up basketball games or pick-up any kind of game.
The moment your team gets the ball, all that happens is, it becomes a hodgepodge. Like you know you want to be able to score, but you don’t really know what you are doing to do it. The quarterback in this situation, he just says hike and everybody just goes and runs.
They play [inaudible 00:23:28] defense but everybody just goes and runs. Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes you make something happen you are like, oh that was awesome. Let’s try and to do that again and you can’t, because you don’t even know what you did in the first place. That’s exactly what happens if you don’t have a Playbook.
Well, let me add too with businesses especially, as they start and then evolve and then evolve, you may be able like if it’s just you and your buddies playing flag football, you can probably have a great time and achieve success without a Playbook.
As soon as you take that to the next level, as soon as your business grows to the next level, you have to rethink your strategies. Not to say that your target audience needs to be rethought or anything. What will get you the growth or the scale that you need, isn’t going to be the same things that was what worked last year.
That’s why we reached out to you actually, was because we had been doing the pick up game Infusionsoft and that was working and we were scoring. Then, all of a sudden we are like, we grew and we were like this isn’t working, it’s confusing. We have no idea what’s happening.
Yeah absolutely. It’s not scalable right? You find success and all of a sudden you try and look back and like okay, what did we do. I’m not 100% sure. Then, at the same time, now I’m playing at a different level and I don’t necessarily know what I’m doing now, so you are absolutely right. I mean, if you don’t have a Playbook, what you end up getting is you get to a point where you have a lot of confusion.
Whether that’s in the beginning right off the bat or in some situations, it’s after a particular period of time. You found some success and then at some point you are trying to scale, you are trying to do something else and you find a lot of confusion. Now, I would want to draw back to Infusionsoft really fast.
If any of you guys have Infusionsoft and have built campaigns, the pick-up football game … The direct coloration, looks like this inside of Infusionsoft.
I actually had some campaigns that I was going to show on my screen. These actually look better than I was going to show.
Yeah. Like, you can wing it. You don’t really know you are winging it. You are playing a flag football game and you are winging it. Well, what we like to call that is we call it blimpementing. Because you are trying to blimp and implement at the exact same time, and it’s flag football. It’s awesome, it’s fun you find success but at some point, just not going to work.
That’s where the power of the Playbook comes in. It is that you take a step back, you stop winging it and you become very intentional about what you do and when you do it, and really why you do it. That’s where this is what our blimp Playbook looks like.
We break it up and we start identifying first and foremost, what are the different divisions or areas, where we need a play or a campaign, or automation to do certain things. That way, we can really identify what the purpose is. If we go back to football really fast, if I got the ball, I don’t want to stop them from scoring. I want to go score.
I’m breaking it into that division so that I can really clearly understand what my motives are in that given situation. It’s the same thing with business. Being able to break business up into divisions, so that you can really be able … You can understand what the purpose of that division is and inside of that, the situations that can and will occur what are they trying to do.
For example, advertizing which Infusionsoft doesn’t do, but it’s a part of the division so it’s important to talk about. As soon as you get into advertizing, what you are really trying to do is you are trying to get new leads. You are driving traffic, you are doing Facebook, Google whatever it may be, but you are driving traffic to somewhere.
Once they get there, we want to capture them, where that’s a free report video series, whatever it may be. We are trying to give them something in exchange for their contactors. It’s like we are getting new leads. The whole purpose of your marketing division, the way that we see at least, the whole purpose of that, is to get them to do something [inaudible 00:28:08].
We don’t just want to build a list, just to have a list and say, look how shiny it is to have 2,000 people in this list. We want them to go do something. The marketing side of things is all about capturing them when they are hot, they are opting in for something and we want to persuade them or nurture them to become a prospect. Prospect is just a much more qualified lead, that’s more likely to buy it from us.
Now, I want to mention one thing we talk about mistakes made. I will be the guy to talk about the mistakes we’ve made. When we started, we did advertizing; we didn’t even have a play that connected advertising to marketing. It was just like, here is awareness, here Facebook, here is our money, let’s generate awareness about Design Pickle.
I think like, what I love about this is, it makes you think about the whole process, because we’ve wasted a ton of money in the advertising world. Because we didn’t have a game plan of what that traffic was supposed to do, which could have literary been, here is our WordPress contact form that we are going to send them to. It doesn’t always have to be to go into an Infusionsoft campaign.
I love that and I think as businesses I’m just trying to think of some of our clients who are evolving their business and getting into more advanced marketing strategies. You don’t have to do the whole like everything. It can just be, what is this, and how is it connected to that, that could be your play, that could save you thousands of dollars or tens of thousands of dollars in our case.
Yeah. I worked with one particular client that had their advertizing was enormous. They had a reach and they could influence people through just their advertizing. One of the main things they did, is they did a podcast. Well, they had no way to capture anybody that attended that podcast.
Still when we wrote to them, we simply just introduced a simple lead magnet campaign, where they could opt in for the report that they were talking about on the actual podcast. As soon as they did that, their list grew exponentially, but the sales that they were converting to grew by almost 800%.
It was just a simple process of collecting information and being very intentional about where they were driving them to.
Yeah absolutely.
It really leads perfectly for them, where it led them was that prospect was a webinar. They nearly drove them to the webinar and then they sold from there. In that sales area, we want to take those prospects and we want to convert them into buyers. Whether that’s your webinar or in SixthDivision’s case and in a lot of service based companies, there is a consultation that takes place.
Making sure that you have the pipe has no leaks in it, is so, so important. This really helps you to identify what those leaks start and where they may happen and what may take place, so that nobody falls out. There is a substantial amount of money that can be lost in just your people that sign up for a consultation, but aren’t quite ready or don’t attend. Being able to fit through those situations and making sure that you got a bucket to collect them is really, really important.
Yeah, hands down.
As soon as we start getting into the sales part of things, we are trying to get them to become a buyer. That’s where the performance side comes in, it’s the delivery of the product or service. It’s not necessarily the delivery of the roofing or the delivery of the design or even that. It’s really the experience that you are creating behind it.
Making sure that once again you are very, very intentional about what your clients are facing and feeling as they are going through this process. The intent and design of the fulfillment side of things, is to make new buyers absolutely love you. You actually want to make them love you so that they are going to give you repeat purchases or in live examples, referrals, with different things like that.
If you have somebody that loves you, they are going to give you referrals. You really want to make sure that in your fulfillment side of things, you are making people love you.
We just give people free pickles so they like us, that way they refer us, so that’s our strategy.
That works too right. Whatever works, whatever makes people love you that’s important. This first kind of four divisions, are very client facing. I love the example, not the example, the real life situation that you’ve brought up before, there is more to Infusionsoft into your business, than the client facing thing. There is a lot of backend stuff. That’s where the divisions like finance come in.
This is where you start developing either automation or just your strategy for what you are going to do in when you got AR, or when you are about to have an expiring credit card. You are about to experience accounts full of refund or what not like that. You’ve got a lot of different things that you can do there.
Then as you already pointed out, you’re in turn over your back office stuff you are hiring. You can either automate that or fit through that process and see how it kind of flows and works together. [inaudible 00:33:38].
Go ahead. I was going to share another experience that we had with it.
Well go ahead.
Well, one thing that I will say is, if you are not capturing payments digitally as your primary form of payment, I don’t care what business you are in, you are missing out on so much efficiency that you can be gathering. Now, we do not use Infusionsoft for our financial piece, simply because of the custom app that we’ve but wasn’t able to integrate that.
However, with Infusionsoft’s financial packages that they have, I have seen service, consultants, products, anything, information products. It does not matter and the ability to streamline that piece of your business like, that to me you cannot do any sales or marketing.
If you streamline accounts payable with the tools that Infusionsoft provide, it would hands down be worth 10X what you would pay per month for it. That I think is under marketed even with Infusionsoft about how they can help a business.
Amen. [Inaudible 00:34:49] totally agree with you.
Yeah. It’s scary. Our former bookkeepers used Infusionsoft for their backup house for all the payments that we would pay for their services and it was awesome. It was just like managing my Amazon Prime subscription or something.
If I had a card, I needed change I didn’t have to deal with anyone, I didn’t have to talk with anyone. It set automatic reminders, it was fantastic. Sorry, a little tangent there, I wanted to point that out.
[Inaudible 00:35:16] I would drop the mic I guess we are done. I totally agree with you. You could probably make a case for that in every single one of these divisions. There really is power in just taking a step back and going, hey wait a minute, what am I doing in my finance area? Hey, wait a minute, what am I doing in my internal back office area? Is there a way that I can get some sort of ROI?
There is multiple forms of ROI, it’s not just money as the case could be very pointed out for your hiring process. It’s more so in that case maybe piece of mind or a ton of it. Making sure that we are seeing people go through and that you are very comfortable that somebody is going through a process as far as a hiring.
There is an extreme amount of ROI that can be gathered in every single one of these divisions and being intentional about what you do in those situations, will exponentially increase the amount of ROI that you get for it.
Awesome. Well, I’ll stop interrupting let’s keep going.
Okay, cool, cool. Well, so the next slide I want to just show is what a Playbook looks like it’s kind of all drawn out. If I were to draw in a Playbook, this will be something very, very similar to what I would draw. I’ve got a box or a rectangle whatever you want to call it in each one of the different areas. The nice thing about this, if we talk Infusionsoft specific, Infusionsoft can influence every single one of these boxes and every single one of these divisions.
As we step outside of it, as we go into those different tools, the different tools whatever they may be, can influence every single one of them. That’s really powerful to start taking a step back and doing it. If we get back to the marketing automation, all we would do is we would sit right here. We would just say, okay, here is the thing that you opted in for.
There is so much more than just that. If it’s good and we still do it on time, I’ll kind of dive through and walk through how I would outline this and organize it. I think it might be helpful for everybody that’s listening, to just see the way that we think about how to organize this and why it becomes really important.
Absolutely. Yeah, no dive into it. Really, we all 15, 20 minutes for the rest of this and then we’ll stick around. I got some time to stick around for Q and A we got a good turn out today so we can jump into that.
Cool, cool love it. Cool. First thing I do whenever I sit down with somebody, start talking about their Playbook. One of the best things that you can do to start is, figure out … There we go. What you are doing this for, what does this thing equal? Is it a dollar amount, is it piece of mind whatever it may be.
Now I’m going to go venture that 90%of the time it’s going to be a dollar amount. Just the world we live in, a dollar amount is going to equal piece of mind or this or that. Doesn’t have to but it’s 90% of the time. It’s really important to start with that because, if you don’t have the end in mind or at least a goal, in mind, there really isn’t a point to do it. You are going to start winging it again. Really getting clear on why you are doing this.
This might be an annual revenue goal, it might be a quarterly revenue goal or a monthly revenue this, that or the other but it’s got to be doing something. We need to make sure that we are doing it that way we can also track to see if what we’ve outlined is working. Once we’ve clearly defined what we want to do, we then can then take a step back and start in the fulfillment side of things. It’s a little bit different.
Most people might think, well let’s start left to right and kind of [inaudible 00:39:04] but it’s not the case. We start with what we want to reach and then we determine, well what are we going to sell as a business to reach that. An example that I’m going to outline here, I’m just going through kind of a normal business that we would face will be like a coaching program. Service [crosstalk 00:39:22].
Awesome. We’ve tons of coaching clients so this is really applicable.
Perfect, love it. One thing I want to do for the people who are kind of listening going through this, put yourself in the shoes. The boxes, the words they may not match. They may not be exactly what your products are. If you take a moment and really envision what your products are and the way that your process would work, it’s going to help you so much.
You are going to get much more out of it than if you were just kind of listening and hope that you piece it together later. Really put yourself into it. You may have a different product here other than coaching. If you do just mentally figure that out and write that in there. All that we are really doing is, we are identifying what products we have that will get us to that level.
An important thing to remember about this too is, if we are doing maybe a monthly goal or a quarterly goal, you only put in the products that will get you money in that time period. We wouldn’t want to do things that are big and grand but they are not going to happen for another year. In most cases, that can go in its own Playbook that’s a year long Playbook.
In the things that you are doing on a regular basis, you really want to make sure that the products that you are identifying here, are going to directly relate to that revenue goal or whatever that ROI goal is in the time period that you got. From there, so we identify our products. We’ve got a coaching program, we’ve got a membership.
At this point, we can then take a step back and we are going to get it. I might outlined all of the products in the fulfillment yes okay perfect. Now, let me take a shift to the left. Now, let me start outlining everything I do in my sales area or everything that I would like to do in my sales area. This example it’s a consult. I do consults in here.
You may have webinars, you may have all sorts of different things. I’ve worked with a company that they are a film company. If people watch their films or do different things there [inaudible 00:41:23]. There is a lot of different things that you could do and you list them all out in those areas so that you really identify what takes place in that particular division. Once you’ve done that, we take a shift to the left again and you go okay great, well what am I doing in my market?
What are the lead magnets I have out there? What are the event follow-up that I do? Be video series that the different things that take place in those area. Once you’ve outlined all of those, you take a step to the left again and you go okay great, what am I doing to get people to that?
Got it.
As you start organizing this, you are going to kind of see a pattern that I start. I go left to make sure that I’m getting everything in those areas. As I pause here I’m going to make sure that I throw in my long term nurture that becomes important and it overarches a lot of different divisions. Throwing, make sure that I’ve got all of these different things in the right area.
Once I’ve got those four mapped out as far as what goes in there, then I start going to the right and I go to finance. I go, okay great, I want to make sure that I do AR and I want to make sure that I’m doing your expiring credit card. Then I go to the right, then I go okay, I want to make sure that I can get hiring automated and get that process done then.
Once we have this, we know exactly what to do in any type of these given situations, now we are going to play mad scientist or whatever you want to