
This week marks the 2nd anniversary of Design Improvised! It is hard to believe two years have past since I wrote this first blog post. To say Year 2 was different than Year 1 would be an understatement! The biggest difference: I now have the same amount of readers in a single week as I did all of last year!

I have all of you reading this to thank for this tremendous growth! Seeing Design Improvised continue to reach a broader audience and inspire others to improvise on their own projects has been incredibly fulfilling - it motivates me to keep making and writing even more.

In 2012, I committed to improving my blog in a big way. I spent hours and hours attending online blogging classes (thanks Altitude Summit!), reading up on best practices and tips from other bloggers, and making tweaks to my blog every chance I got. The best part - I haved loved every minute of it! This year it became apparent to me that this blog represents everything I am passionate about and I want to do whatever I can to continue to make it an important part of my life!

2012 brought some exciting things to Design Improvised - here are the highlights:

I wrote 130 new posts in 2012

The blog got a new design (thanks to Kira from the blog Her New Leaf and CW Frosting Design Lab!)

My readers had the chance to enter 6 great giveaways

I am thrilled to now be a contributor to The Land of Nod's blog, Honest to Nod

I won a ticket to the first Alt Summit NYC design bloggers conference last August

I got to visit the Martha Stewart headquarters and meet Weddings Editor Darcy Miller as part of the conference (a dream come true!)

I had my first interview, first magazine article, and first guest post

My parties were featured on Hostess with the Mostess and Project Nursery!

I met a wealth of new blogging friends met through Alt Summit which has added a whole other layer of richness and community to my blogging endeavors.

I can't wait to see what is in store for 2013 and I hope you will continue to take the journey with me! I want to continue to improve on the way I engage with and inspire readers.

First up in 2013 - another trip to the main Alt Summit conference in Salt Lake City this month to pow-wow with some 600 other design bloggers for 3 jam-packed days of sessions and networking. If that isn't an awesome way to kick off 2013 for Design Improvised, I don't know what is!

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