
Get The Look: Concrete Kitchen Countertops

The kitchen is by far one of my favourite rooms in the house and being a critical part of a home, both in living and selling/buying, the choice of countertops plays a huge role in the appeal of a kitchen – what materials used, how easy it is to maintain, how they look, how they hold up, and many more considerations are all aspects when thinking about kitchen countertops.

From rough hewn to refined, concrete countertops have moved beyond the drab slabs of the past. A serious contender for those seeking a customized material with a natural sensibility, it’s widely adaptable, but is definitely not for those who cherish perfection.

After doing some research I’ve solidified my wanting for the rough earthy material in my home. Read on to see what I found out.

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•Concrete counters are a custom handmade product that you can design to fit your space and aesthetic.

• It’s available in a wide array of colors that can be adjusted to match your palette.

• Despite being a hard surface, concrete provides a soft, textured, natural feel to counters.

•Properly sealed and maintained, concrete countertops will wear well for years — and can be used indoors and out.

• Like other natural countertop materials, such as wood and stone, concrete counters develop a patina (which is a gloss or sheen produced by age and polishing) with use.


• Concrete is a porous material and can stain.

• Sealing is very important to prevent staining.

• Caused by the natural shrinkage of the material, concrete countertops can develop minor hairline cracks that are nonstructural—some consider these a flaw, others a positive textural characteristic.

If you ask me, the pro’s outweigh the cons.

Would you have concrete countertops in your home?

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