
Inbound Links

A .htaccess file can be an SEO’s vital friend. When visitors hit your site with either www.yourdomain.com or yourdomain.com, it splits your inbound links into two separate pages. This can have effects on your Google Page Rank. By correctly creating and implementing a .htaccess file at your server root, you can improve your website ranking.

To change the url in the browser before the page loads you can use two different methods.

Here, the url will always contain the www. before the domain name:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.derekentringer\.com [NC]

RewriteRule (.*) http://www.derekentringer.com/$1 [R=301,L]

Here, you can take the www. away:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} .

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.derekentringer\.com [NC]

RewriteRule (.*) http://derekentringer.com/$1 [R=301,L]

By deciding which of these ways of keeping your inbound links will work best, you can improve your search engine results.

301 Redirects

Redirect 301 / http://www.yournewdomain.com/

The above code is to be used when pointing multiple domain names to one domain (the main site) . This is often done by businesses wishing to protect their trademark by purchasing similar names and various top level domain names (TLD) for their company. This is also good for companies wishing to capture type in traffic of users who type keywords straight into the toolbars or their url area of the browser.

By using both of these methods, you can keep a tight seal around all of your inbound links, improve your SEO and Google Page Rank, and keep the files on your server more organized.

Keep Directory Index File Name Out of Your URL

Sometimes it just looks nicer to not have a url such as http://www.derekentringer.com/index.php. All we want is http://www.derekentringer.com.

Using your .htaccess you can eliminate it easily. You can also specify any directories that you might not want it to parse out the index file.

# Main Index exclude

DirectoryIndex index.php

RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|robots\.txt)

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/DirectoryYouDoNotWantChangedHere

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L,QSA]

Now, there will never be an index file listed in the url, except for the directory “DirectoryYouDoNotWantChangedHere”.

Error Document Redirects

Instead of using a Control Panel to process redirects, you can use your .htaccess file. These links can either be redirected to your home page, or you can setup an error document.

# Handle Errors

ErrorDocument 100 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 101 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 102 http://www.derekentringer.com

# 2xx

ErrorDocument 200 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 201 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 202 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 203 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 204 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 205 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 206 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 207 http://www.derekentringer.com

# 4xx

ErrorDocument 400 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 401 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 402 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 403 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 404 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 405 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 406 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 407 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 408 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 409 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 410 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 411 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 412 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 413 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 414 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 415 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 416 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 417 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 418 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 419 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 420 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 421 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 422 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 423 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 424 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 425 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 426 http://www.derekentringer.com

# 5xx

ErrorDocument 500 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 501 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 502 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 503 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 504 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 505 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 506 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 507 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 508 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 509 http://www.derekentringer.com

ErrorDocument 510 http://www.derekentringer.com

Alternate to ErrorDocument

Instead of listing out all of the error types, you can also use the much shorter version:


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d

RewriteRule ^.*$ /error.php [L]

This will push all of your errors to a single page.

That’s really just the beginning of what the .htaccess file is capable of, as it has an extensive set of capabilities.

Read more about them here.

Download a sample .htaccess file

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