
Breakthrough bioactive materials partner with teeth and saliva to enhance dental health

WATERTOWN, MASSACHUSETTS February 20, 2014 —Dental professionals have become accustomed to seeing bold claims made on behalf of dozens of new dental products each year, yet few if any of those products end up living up to their promises or making a meaningful impact on the practice of dentistry. Every so often, however, a new product line truly deserves to be called a “breakthrough.” ACTIVA restorative and base/liner, which were launched today by Pulpdent Corporation at the Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting, are one such product line.

Up until now, the materials available to dental professionals for restoring a tooth have done little more than plug a hole. Amalgam, composite and glass ionomer restoratives have had little in common with the tooth structure they replaced other than the shape and perhaps the color. Now ACTIVA bioactive restorative makes it possible to create restorations that actively release and exchange calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions while being dynamic with the function of the tooth.

Not only that, this new bioactive restorative:

• Delivers amazingly life-like aesthetics.
• Functions like real tooth structure by absorbing and dispersing forces to deliver exceptional strength.
• Seals with unmatched marginal integrity.
• Requires no bonding agents.
• Contains no Bisphenol A, no Bis-GMA and no BPA derivatives.

“ACTIVA isn't merely an incremental improvement over the status quo,” said Ken Berk, Pulpdent president. “It’s a true breakthrough that should, and we think will, change the future of dentistry.”

The key to performance of ACTIVA products is the fact that they are formulated with a bioactive resin matrix and bioactive fillers. In fact, ACTIVA is the only product the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has allowed to make this claim, which means that ACTIVA represents an entirely new category of bioactive dental products.

ACTIVA combines all the benefits of composites and glass inomers while eliminating the disadvantages associated with those materials. ACTIVA BioACTIVE-Restorative combines the esthetics, strength and resilience of composites with bioactive properties and fluoride release that are superior to glass ionomers. ACTIVA BioACTIVE-Base/Liner has greater fluoride release and bioactive properties than glass ionomers in a strong, resilient resin matrix that will not chip or crumble. It adheres to dentin and does not require etching or bonding agents. 1,2,3,4,5,6

ACTIVA products are also the first bioactive dental materials with an ionic resin matrix, a shock-absorbing resin component, and bioactive fillers that mimic the physical and chemical properties of natural teeth. They are durable and wear- and fracture-resistant, chemically bond to teeth, seal against bacterial microleakage, and release and recharge calcium, phosphate and fluoride ions with the surrounding teeth.

For more information about ACTIVA products, please visit www.activabioactive.com.


1. Fluoride ion release and recharge over time in three restoratives. University testing. Accepted for publication. Accepted for publication AADR 2014.
2. Zmener O, Pameijer CH, Hernandez S. Resistance against bacterial leakage of four luting agents used for cementation of complete cast crowns. Accepted for publication Am J Dent.
3. Zmener O, Pameijer CHH, et al. Marginal bacterial leakage in class I cavities filled with a new resin-modified glass ionomer restorative material. 2013.
4. Flexural strength and fatigue of new Activa RMGIs. University testing. Accepted for publication. Accepted for publication AADR 2014.
5. Deflection at break of restorative materials. University testing. Submitted for publication.
6. Comparison of Mechanical Properties of Dental Restorative Material. University testing. Accepted for publication. AADR 2014.

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