
San Cristobal de las Casas

Chiapas, Mexico

I don’t think this is a particularly good photograph, but it does provide a nice perspective of the charming little city known as San Cristobal de las Casas in Chiapas, Mexico.  This is my second time visiting San Cristobal, and I find it is still one of my favorite places in Mexico. The weather at 7,000 feet is cool and refreshing, and doesn’t suffer the heat and humidity of Merida, Yucatan.  The population, when compared to Merida’s 1,000,000 + people, is modest at just 200,000 people.  The dinning is SUPERB, and caters to a diverse tourist trade (although, thankfully, I’ve seen no Norte Americanos).  I’m sorry, but the truth of the matter is, way too many gringos are a real pain in the ass.  I climbed a ba-zillion stairs, up a steep hillside, to visit one of the many Iglesias, to get this shot.  Tomorrow I’m off to the hinterlands (near Guatemala) to photograph waterfalls and lakes—it’s a 12-hour roundtrip, so I am bound to be tired at the end of the day.

Note:  My hostel is located near the blue Cathedral in the photograph.

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