
plaintomato wrote:Oh I know, I know, I've heard it all before here. Anyone who disagrees is just stupid and this is the way it is MutherFuker facts aren't up for debate. My mistake really, I knew that comment was against the secret forum rules before I made it. No need to derail the thread with a rehash topic.

now now, have some of this. better?

i think i was pretty clear:

(...) the best one in 'the series' as far as actual combat in pvp is concerned.

combat is at the core of the game. combat mechanics (and various known glitches and exploits, thank god for them) are, for the most part, sound in ds and easily the best/most balanced in 'the series'. i didnt mention any actual items because thats 'just' balancing that can be improved with patches. not the core game mechanics though, at least it didnt happen in any souls afaik.
dks1 received few balancing patches but at the end of the day we still have that silly poise system. lets add slower pace, slow movesets and similar bs mechanics and we get a game that jumi described so well.
hell, flip nerf was so well thought out that wolf (and havel) were left untouched.

you may disagree, you may like dks better than ds, opinions are subjective, to each their own and all that. objectively though ds has the most competitive pvp due to its fundamentals being so good and variety that comes not from the abundance of items (and yet theres plenty of viable weapons in ds, arguably more than in dks) but 'abundance' of tactics, little tricks etc. other 3 pale in comparison - yh, bb cant touch this either (yet?) but at least its faster and more intense. its also young so who knows.
i actually had this argument a long time ago on a different forum and the consensus was that ppl just dont know ds well enough to have an informed opinion. suffice to say that changing direction of your backstep was a huge discovery for dks pvp crowd iirc. they even gave it some stupid name... ravioli step, was it?
and now it has been 'discovered' again by bb players!

as for this forum there was a huge influx of new players when dks came out. id say its been kinda overrun by them actually. other popular sites have mostly dks ppl too. even if they do get ds and try to pvp theyre just late to the party and usually dont have enough patience to get to know it better. and why would they? ds is mostly dead. spamming runstab and getting destroyed w/ chainstabs as a result doesnt help either i guess. even on eu few tears were shed for that very reason - no honour
now, this site has a few old scrubs visiting from time to time so i guess its natural that ds is being favoured here more than anywhere else - we actually played it a lot, not just heard about it after getting into dks.

ps. wishlist? i remember when ppl wished for a poise-like mechanic right before dks release #bgmkingnothing

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