
Presents Three-Dimensional Aromatic Cuisine At Vida Rica

Macau, 20 April 2015 – On 23 and 24 May 2015, Vida Rica Restaurant at Mandarin Oriental, Macau presents guest chef Thomas Bühner from the three-star Michelin restaurant La Vie in Osnabrück, Germany, which also boasts 19 out of 20 points in the prestigious Gault & Millau gourmet guide. One of only ten German chefs awarded with three stars, Chef Bühner will showcase his innovative cuisine, made using progressive cooking techniques and presented with an artistic style.

Chef Bühner is famous for his “three-dimensional aromatic cuisine”, an emphasis on the individual product’s natural flavours, a special penchant for low-temperature cooking and a harmonious balance of flavours and textures in his set menus. Diners can explore his unique approach to haute cuisine with a six-course degustation dinner menu, featuring dishes such as foie gras panna cotta with cocoa jelly and lemon granite; turbot fish confit in olive oil with broccoli couscous, chick pea, mud crab, North Sea grey shrimp and Joselito Iberico ham; and more. Priced at MOP 1,888 per person. His avant-garde style is also highlighted in his four-course lunch menu, priced at MOP 688 per person. Both menus offer a choice of wine pairing.

Inspired by his childhood memories in his grandparents’ pub, Bühner had settled on becoming an outstanding chef at a young age. He trained in several restaurants around Germany before taking up the post of Chef de Partie at Harald Wohlfahrt’s Schwarzwaldstube, which he sees as a turning point in his career. In this highly esteemed restaurant, he did not only learn discipline and consistency but also a down-to-earth attitude and humaneness which prepared him for his next position as Chef de Cuisine at the La Table Restaurant in Dortmund in 1991, which was awarded its first Michelin star five years later, followed by a second star in 1998.

In 2001, Bühner was awarded “Rising Star of the Year” by the Gault & Millau, and was voted “Chef of the Year” five years later. Together with his business partner, Thayarni Kanagaratnam, he has been running the restaurant La Vie since April 2006, which has earned three Michelin stars since 2012.

Prices are subject to 10% service charge. For reservations, please call Vida Rica Restaurant at +853 8805 8918 or email momac-vidarica@mohg.com. In order to make the most of this occasion, guestrooms can be booked at preferential rates from MOP 2,499, including breakfast. Rates are subject to 10% service charge and 5% government tourism tax. For room reservations, please contact the hotel’s reservations team at +853 8805 8822 or email momac-reservations@mohg.com.

About Vida Rica Restaurant

Awarded a Five-Star rating by Forbes Travel Guide and a winner of the top award in Macau’s first Quality Tourism Services Accreditation Scheme, Vida Rica Restaurant is an all-day dining destination featuring expansive views of the South China Sea through a spectacular glass wall. Designed with a tasteful blend of East and West, Vida Rica Restaurant offers intimate seating arrangements, luxurious private dining rooms and the grand Chef’s Table, making it perfect for special occasions and exclusive parties. Using only the finest and freshest ingredients, the talented culinary team applies delicate and exciting touches to traditional dishes, infusing them with originality and character. The highlight is classic-meets-contemporary French cuisine created by Dominique Bugnand, Director of Culinary Operations and Food & Beverage. Various dim sums, Chinese specialties and Portuguese delicacies are also served to delight.

About Mandarin Oriental, Macau

Mandarin Oriental, Macau is ideally situated in the heart of Macau’s business, entertainment and high-end retail districts, offering easy access to all major tourist sites and transport hubs. Both Macau International Airport and the Macau-China border are only 10 minutes by car, whilst the Hong Kong-Macau ferry terminal is just a short five-minute drive away. From here, Hong Kong’s airport can be directly accessed by ferry in 45 minutes and Central Hong Kong in just one hour.

About Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group

Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group is the award-winning owner and operator of some of the most luxurious hotels, resorts and residences. Having grown from a well-respected Asian hotel company into a global brand, the Group now operates, or has under development, 45 hotels representing close to 11,000 rooms in 25 countries, with 20 hotels in Asia, 10 in The Americas and 15 in Europe, Middle East and North Africa. In addition, the Group operates or has under development, 13 Residences at Mandarin Oriental connected to its properties.

米芝蓮三星名廚 THOMAS BÜHNER 親臨御苑餐廳

澳門,2015年4月20日 – 2015年5月23日及24日,澳門文華東方酒店邀請德國名廚Thomas Bühner親臨御苑餐廳獻藝。他於德國奧斯納布呂克 (Osnabrück) 開設的La Vie餐廳,擁有米芝蓮三星和法國權威美食指南 Gault & Millau 19分 (滿分為20分) 之雙項殊榮;他亦為全球僅十位榮獲米芝蓮三星的德國名廚之一。推廣期間,他將以突破傳統的前衛料理方式和美不勝收的藝術排盤,呈獻絕無僅有的美食饗宴。



Bühner幼時常流連於祖父母經營的餐館,因而深受啟發,自小矢志成為一位出色的廚師。他曾於德國各地多間餐廳磨鍊學習,練就一身好廚藝。優秀的表現讓他獲得德國頂尖大廚Harald Wohlfahrt的賞識,並於其掌杓的豪華餐廳Schwarzwaldstube擔任部門總廚。Bühner視這段時期為職涯中的轉捩點,他不僅料理技法更上一層樓,更體會到講究紀律和追求一貫高品質之餘,亦須具備腳踏實地的態度和以仁為本的精神。這樣的歷練讓他於1991年在德國多特蒙德 (Dortmund) 擔任La Table餐廳的總廚時有更好的發揮。在他的帶領下,La Table於1996年首奪米芝蓮一星,兩年後再贏得二星榮耀。

2001年,Bühner獲得 Gault & Millau 頒發之「年度崛起新星」獎,五年後又獲選為「年度最佳廚師」。自2006年四月起,他與合夥人Thayarni Kanagaratnam共同開設La Vie餐廳,在兩人的用心經營下,La Vie從2012年起四度蟬聯米芝蓮三星殊榮。

以上價格皆需另加壹服務費。訂座請致電御苑餐廳 +853 8805 8918,或電郵至 momac-vidarica@mohg.com。如欲訂房,請致電 +853 8805 8822 或電郵至 momac-reservations@mohg.com 與澳門文華東方酒店訂房部聯絡,亦可透過文華東方酒店集團全球之銷售及訂房部,或利用集團網址www.mandarinoriental.com 的網上訂房服務。


獲頒福布斯旅遊指南五星評級,以及澳門首屆「星級旅遊服務認可計劃」之最高殊榮的御苑餐廳,陳設典雅、中西合璧,廳內設有一面玻璃牆,讓賓客可擁覽南中國海的無邊景致。此外,高私密度的餐座配置、華麗貴賓廳及尊貴氣派的廚藝展示桌,亦讓御苑餐廳成為舉辦重要慶典與私人宴會的首選。廚藝團隊惟選最新鮮優質的食材,以獨到創意詮釋經典美食,為料理融入絕無僅有的原創性和特色。特別推薦廚藝餐飲總監貝銘樂 (Dominique Bugnand) 巧妙糅合傳統與當代風格的頂級法式佳餚;另外,精緻中式點心、各省名菜及葡國特色料理亦一應俱全,為賓客打造無與倫比的飲饌享受。




文華東方酒店集團是一個屢獲殊榮的國際機構,擁有及經營一些最奢華的酒店、渡假酒店及酒店式住宅。由備受推崇的亞洲地區酒店集團發展至蜚聲國際的品牌,文華東方酒店集團目前在二十五個國家經營或發展四十五家酒店,客房數目已接近一萬一千間,其中有二十家酒店位於亞洲、十家位於美洲及十五家位於歐洲、中東及北非。此外,集團亦經營或發展十三家與酒店物業相連的文華東方酒店管理式住宅(Residences at Mandarin Oriental)。



Mandarin Oriental, Macau

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