
I’ve been using essential oils for a couple of years now, and I love them. I love using oils because they’ve worked well for me and my family, and using them is super easy, with different options for different needs. My husband even uses them now, and he was more than a bit skeptical at first.

I love that the oils last a long time. One drop (diluted) takes care of a lot – two drops is the most I use for anything topical, and often one is enough. I may use more drops when I’m diffusing, but other than that I often use them so sparingly that I’m still on my first bottle for many of the oils.

What are Essential Oils

Essential oils are aromatic volatile liquids distilled from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes, and seeds. They are highly concentrated and very complex and may consist of hundreds of different and unique chemical compounds.

Why Young Living Essential Oils

It’s all about the Seed to Seal guarantee for me. Young Living:

Owns their own farms and can guarantee the quality and purity.

Has farms worldwide so that plants can be raised in their native environments.

Allows you to visit their farms at any time – you can see the plants they’re growing.

Handles the process from planting to bottling (seed to seal), never buying from suppliers or relying on others. No other essential oil company can make that claim.

Everything is 100% natural and chemical free – they include no adulterants or synthetics in their oils.

What Would I Actually Do with Them?

Essential oils are easy to integrate into your daily routine. You can diffuse them, apply them topically, take them internally, or use them to make your own household cleaning products. Curious about some specific ways to use them? Come back next week for another post, or until then check out Young Living’s guide.

You’ve Convinced Me. How Can I Get Started?

To get started with your membership, order a starter kit – I highly recommend the Premium Starter Kit – through Young Living. This lets you join Young Living as a distributor/wholesale customer (it’s the same thing), which lets you buy YL products at a 24% discount.

And a heads-up! Young Living is having a special offer: $10 off premium starter kits, now through August 14. A good deal just got even better!

For more details on how to order, I created the page “How to Order Essential Oils.” It should walk you through the process. If you sign up through me, I’ll send you some free gifts to help you make the most of your oils.

Why the Premium Starter Kit?

Why do I recommend the Everyday Oils Premium Starter Kit? Because it’s a fantastic value with 11 great oils, a diffuser, and samples. It lets you really try the oils out in your daily life and see how you like using them.

The Everyday Oils Premium Starter Kit is all new, and now includes:

The Premium Essential Oils Collection – 5-ml bottles of Lavender, Peppermint, Lemon, Copaiba, Frankincense, Thieves, Purification, RC, DiGize, and PanAway. And, the Premium Starter Kit also includes an eleventh bonus oil: Stress Away!

What’s new now is there is a “flex oil” system in effect. If there are sourcing, shipping, or other supply constraints there may be a substitution of AromaEase, Orange, Lemongrass, Tea Tree (Melaleuca Alternafolia), or Citrus Fresh.

Any or all of these are fantastic oils!

What else is in the Premium Starter Kit? You also get:

A home diffuser (I use mine daily – it’s a great way to use the oils. There are different diffusers to choose from, some with an upgrade charge)

Aroma Glide roller fitment (to turn any oil into a roll on)

2 sample packets each of Lavender, Peppermint, Peace & Calming, Lemon, and Thieves for travel or sharing with family and friends

2 NingXia Red 2-oz. samples (a fabulous antioxidant supplement)

10 Love It? Share It! Business Cards

10 Love It? Share It! Oil Bottles

Product Guide and Product Price List

EO – Essential Oils Magazine, Essential Edge, and Member Resource Materials

As great a kit as this is, there are also two other Premium Starter Kits – the NingXia Red and Thieves kits are also terrific options if they sound more appealing to you.

Not sure yet?

I’d be happy to talk with you about oils or which starter kit is right for you – email me any time at sheila(at)deliberatereader.com.


Do I have to order a minimum amount? Do I have to order every month?

No! There is no required monthly order, and you only have to order 50 PV (PV = personal volume, and if you’re buying oils it’s generally $1 = 1PV) in a year to stay active. You do not have to order every month, and can just order whenever you want to.

Wait. I thought there was something about ordering every month?

If you want to join Essential Rewards (ER), that’s a monthly order. This is totally optional if you’re just a wholesale member.

Why would I want to join Essential Rewards?

You’ll have a set date every month for ordering oils, and you’ll get reduced shipping. You can also earn points for FREE oils. It also helps you to use your oils when you know you’re getting new ones every month. You can adjust your order every month to just get what you want that month – it doesn’t have to be the same items each month. You’ll also be eligible to for special monthly promotions. For more information, see my “How to Order Essential Oils” page, and scroll down to the section on Essential Rewards.

Do I have to sell oils?

No – you can sign up as a distributor but there is no obligation to sell oils, or any purchase requirement beyond that 50PV purchase per year. You can be a distributor for your own personal benefit and just to get the wholesale prices and support that is offered through your team.

What if a friend wants to sign up under me? Or what if I decide I do want to turn this into a business?

As a distributor, you have your own distributor number you can use to sign up new members. If you join my team, you’ll have access to a private business builders group, and lots of support.

What do I need to get started?

I recommend the premium starter kit and a carrier oil. See “How to Order Essential Oils” for more information.

Still have more questions?

Send me an email at sheila(at)deliberatereader.com - I’d be happy to help, and if I can’t answer them I can check with my great upline.


I am not a medical doctor. The information provided and products mentioned are not meant to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Any statement(s) said/implied/posted have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using these products. Information obtained here is meant for educational and informational purposes only, and to motivate you to make your own wellness care and dietary decisions based upon your own research and in partnership with your health care provider. It should not be relied upon to determine dietary changes, a medical diagnosis, or courses of treatment.

Disclosure: If you sign up using my member number, I may receive compensation, which I use to support this site. Thank you for supporting The Deliberate Reader!

You\'re reading Getting Started with Essential Oils by Sheila Craig, originally posted on The Deliberate Reader on July 17, 2015. If you\'ve enjoyed this post, be sure to follow Sheila on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

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