Wednesday March 1, 2017 – Ash Wednesday
Let us remember that we are in the holy presence of God.
Lord, grant us simplicity of faith
and a generosity of service
that gives without counting cost.
A life overflowing with Grace
poured out from the One
who gave everything,
that we might show
the power of love
to a broken world,
and share the truth
from a living Word.
Lord, grant us simplicity of faith,
and a yearning to share it. Amen
Saint John Baptist de La Salle…pray for us.
Live Jesus in our hearts…forever!
On today’s calendar…
Adjusted Class Schedule
We will follow this adjusted class schedule today because of our Ash Wednesday Mass:
Period 1: 8:30-9:07
Mass: 9:12-10:24
Period 2: 10:32-11:06
Period 3: 11:11-11:45
Period 4: 11:50-12:24
Period 5: 12:29-1:03
Period 6: 1:08-1:42
Period 7: 1:47-2:21
Period 8: 2:26-3:00
In today’s news…
Ash Wednesday Begins Lenten Season
We gather after 1st period today in the Florance Center for Ash Wednesday Mass. This marks the beginning of the Lenten season, 40 days in preparation before the death and resurrection of our savior, Jesus Christ and the Easter Season.
During this season we will be encouraging students to pray, fast and give alms, the three main tenets of Lent.
PRAY: The DLS community is invited to attend prayer in the “Upper Room” (school chapel) every Monday, March 6, 13, 20, April 3, 10 from 7:45-8:00am. Everyone is welcome. (students, staff, parents, trustees) Take time out of your busy day to come to the school chapel to pray. Submit prayers in the many prayer boxes located around the school for our Parents in Prayer group.
FAST: Fasting can take on many forms, disciplines and definitions and you may choose to fast in whatever way is helpful for you to develop and grow your relationship with God. Try fasting by choosing to not eat between meals. Try fasting by sacrificing your morning latte for a week. Try fasting by turning off electronics for one night a week.
GIVE: Almsgiving asks you to give of something until it hurts. Throwing a quarter into the collection basket on the weekend may not be too difficult but, a 10 dollar bill may. Practice almsgiving by sharing your time in service at Catholic Eldercare or a local kids club. Practice almsgiving by cleaning out unused clothing or shoes and donating them to Sharing and Caring Hands. Practice almsgiving by taking time to sit and talk with a friend in need.
Among the ways DeLaSalle observes Lent is by abstaining from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays throughout Lent. Meatless options are served in the DeLaSalle Cafe on these days.
Activities Pepfest Friday
This Friday, we will gather after 8th hour in the Gym for a Pepfest to honor all of our student activities at DeLaSalle. Let us hear your battle cry as you compete for the spirit stick!
Work Service Shifts Available
Some work service slots still remain available this week after school from 3:15-5:15pm. Space is available each day next week. Please see the schedule below. More information coming soon on shifts available during Spring Break. See Mr. Shelstad to sign up:
Wedfnesday, March 1 (1 space)
Thursday, March 2 (1 space)
Friday, March 3 (4 spaces)
Monday, March 6 (open)
Tuesday, March 7 (open)
Wednesday, March 8 (open)
Thursday, March 9 (early dismissal – 2:15-5:15pm) (open)
Friday, March 10 (no classes) – 9:30am-3:00pm (open)
Girls' Basketball Sections
Good luck to the varsity girls’ basketball team, which earned the #4 seed, and will host #5 seed Hill-Murray tomorrow at 7:00pm. Remember, during sections, everyone must pay. Tickets cost $8 for adults and $6 for students.
Parking for Friday's Boys' Basketball Game
On Friday, the Islander varsity boys’ basketball will host heir final regular season game at 7pm against Eden Prairie. We anticipate a large crowd for this game and wanted to let you know that additional parking will be available in the Nicollet Island Pavilion and Nicollet Island Pavilion overflow lots (located south of the Hennepin Avenue Bridge). Go Islanders!
Youth Leaders in Diversity Meets Today
This week, in Youth Leaders in Diversity, we will discuss the intersections of being a person of color while also being a woman and/or part of the LGBTQ community. Explore unique perspectives. YLD meets after school from 3:20-5:00pm in B215.
Lasallian Ministry Meets Tomorrow
Lasallian Ministry meets tomorrow from 7:30-8:20am in D117, all are welcome. This week we will have an activity and discussion on poverty and homelessness.
TableTop Games Club Meets Tomorrow
Come play Ticket to Ride and build your railway empire! Tomorrow after school in B307. Watch TableTop- Ticket to Ride for a rules overview. New players welcome!
Sign Up for March NET Mass
Join your classmates from De and a thousand teens from across the Twin Cities at the next NET Lifeline Mass on Saturday, March 4. This is for you if you are looking for a Mass with GREAT music and a message geared to you. Please sign up here to let us know you are coming. We will stay for the talk after Mass, which means that we will be at Davanni’s for pizza by about 9:15 and wrap up about 10:00pm. De provides transportation = so meet in the De parking lot at 4:30pm or in the St. Mark’s Catholic Church parking lot in St. Paul about 4:50pm. Or just meet us at the NET Center in West St. Paul by 5:30pm.
DeLaSalle Offers Academic Trip in July to Bolivia
Students can delve into the social determinants of public health and earn college credit during a 15-day academic trip to Bolivia in late July through a course offered by DeLaSalle’s Global Advantage Program, in partnership with St. Catherine University. The trip, including airfare, lodging, meals, and more, will cost $3,800. Students must complete an online application and secure two teacher recommendations by Friday, March 17. Click here to learn more and find application materials.
Lasallian Ministry Offers Service Immersion Opportunities
Students are invited to apply now for one of these upcoming Lasallian Ministry-sponsored service immersion opportunities. Click the link to see more about and apply for the experience:
Br. David Darst Center Immersion (Chicago) – April 7-9
Lasallian Youth Gathering (Winona) – June 25-29
De La Salle Blackfeet School on the Blackfeet Indian reservation – July 5-12
Catholics at the Capitol
DeLaSalle is sponsoring a trip to the state capitol on Thursday, March 9 to join with Catholics from all over Minnesota to learn about the key challenges facing our state, gain insights into effective advocacy, and have conversations with elected officials about the issues that matter to you. We’ll do our best to equip you for action, but it’s your voice that will make the difference.
If you would like to attend, click here to sign up.
Sign Up for University of St. Thomas Engineering Camp
The University of St. Thomas is offering an engineering camp June 6 for students exploring an engineering career. The afternoon camp includes professor-led explorations that will challenge students and a campus tour. Interested students should sign up with Mr. Wolfe.
St. Scholastica, St. Catherine Offer Summer Opportunities
Islanders are invited to consider some upcoming summer opportunities through two Minnesota colleges or universities.
Summer Opportunity at the College of St. Scholastica
St. Scholastica is hosting their second annual youth theology institute “Sacred Word, Sacred World, Sacred Call.” This camp is an exciting opportunity for young women and men entering grades 9, 10, 11 to ponder life’s big questions in the beauty of Lake Superior and the North Woods. Make lifelong friendships while engaging in service learning and wilderness experiences.
The cost for this camp is $500 but full and partial scholarships are available. The opportunity is July 7-16 and students may earn up to 20 Christian Service hours. Please e-mail Ms. Hodapp for more information
Summer Opportunity at St. Catherine’s University
St. Kate’s is hosting their second Encuentro week. Encuentro is an exciting opportunity for young women in High School from diverse backgrounds to engage in intercultural dialogue, communal prayer, theological coursework, reflection and local service projects. This FREE camp is a week long camp for young women entering 10th, 11th or 12th grade. It will be held June 25-July 1. During the week the young women will have the experience of living on a college campus – dorms, campus dining, meeting new people. DeLaSalle students can earn up to 20 Christian Service Hours for their participation. Click here to register. You may see Ms. Hodapp or Ms. Halbach with questions.
Parents Invited to Social Media Safety Workshop
A nationally-renowned social media safety speaker will present workshops in the Twin Cities March 7-9 that will help parents know how to talk with their children about social media safety before they make a damaging mistake with lasting consequences. Josh Ochs will speak on social media safety and leveraging social media to impress colleges and future employers in his “Safe, Smart & Social: Teach Your Children How to Shine Online” workshop, organized locally through the Catholic Schools Center of Excellence. The free workshops are offered:
March 7, 7pm-8:30pm: St. John the Baptist Catholic School (Savage)
March 8, 7pm-8:30pm: Annunciation Catholic School (Minneapolis)
March 9, 7pm-8:30pm: St. Croix Catholic School (Stillwater)
Please click here to RSVP; free childcare is available, but parents must indicate their need for it on the registration form.