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India’s fleet of Soviet-era maritime patrol aircraft has been upgraded, but it needs to be replaced. Indian naval responsibilities are growing, and the 2008 terrorist atrocities in Mumbai made it crystal-clear that control of their coasts was a necessity. Fortunately, they already had a competition underway. In December 2005, after an attempted buy of Lockheed Martin P-3s fell through, India’s navy had floated an RFP for at least 8 new sea control aircraft. Bids from a variety of contenders, including Lockheed Martin, were submitted in April 2007. Subsequent statements by India’s Admiral Prakash suggested that they could be looking for as many as 30 aircraft by 2020.

The plan had been for price negotiations to be completed in 2007, with first deliveries to commence within 48 months. India’s Ministry of Defence has extreme problems with announced schedules, but their existing fleet was wearing out, international requests for India’s maritime patrol help are rising, and Mumbai’s events provided an extra shove. By January 2009, India had picked its aircraft: the 737-derivative P-8i Neptune, a variant of the P-8A that’s readying for service as the P-3′s successor within the US Navy. DID discusses the geopolitical drivers, the current fleet, the known competitors, Boeing’s P-8i, and key contracts and events.

With Growing Naval Power Comes Growing Naval Responsibility

TU-142: headed out
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The competition and refurbishment efforts are being given greater impetus by international developments. In February 2006, IPT reported that warning bells have been sounded at an international summit over the mounting terrorist threats to sea lanes around Indonesia and the Straits of Malacca, which serves as a choke-point for a significant percentage of global shipping. At a subsequent high-level meeting in the United States that included Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan and others, Stratfor reported that India was asked to play a major policing role against sea-piracy in the region.

Successful procurement of modern maritime patrol aircraft would certainly expand India’s capabilities, as its naval responsibilities undergo rapid growth. To the west, India is also undertaking anti-piracy efforts on the East African coast, with a base in Madagascar and a recent military co-operation agreement with Mozambique that includes coastal patrol responsibilities.

Heron UAV, India
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The Indian Navy currently relies on its fleet of around 15 Dornier 228-101 aircraft and 12 Israeli Searcher Mark II and Heron unmanned aerial vehicles to monitor India’s 7,516 km long coastline, 1,197 islands and a 2.01 square km exclusive economic zone.

Additional patrols and interdiction within and beyond that area are undertaken by its 8 ultra-long-range TU-142 Bear aircraft and its remaining IL-38 May maritime surveillance aircraft, which have been upgraded to IL-38SD status. The IL-38SDs was expected to rise to 5 operational planes the by end of 2008, but the planes have been a flashpoint for controversy due to a May 14/07 report from India’s Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) which said that the first 2 are missing essential avionics and weapon systems that are “seriously limiting their operational capabilities.”

New resources are needed. At the low end, India is buying Dornier 228NGs as a short-range replacement. A mid-tier option is under consideration, but at the high end, India decided that the Boeing’s P-8i’s fast long-range cruise, and advanced ground and ocean monitoring systems, made it their best option for patrolling the Indian Ocean’s vast expanses.

India’s P-8is will be based from Naval Air Station Rajali, at Arakkonam in Tamil Nadu. It’s also the base for India’s current fleet of 8 Tu-142 ‘Bear’ aircraft, offering both a long runway, and a southern location which increases the planes’ patrol coverage over the Indian Ocean.

P-8i: Program Timeline & Industrial Participants

P-8i concept, armed
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In November 2005, India’s $133 million deal for 2 P-3C Orion maritime-optimized patrol and surveillance planes fell through on grounds of expense, support costs, and timing. Apparently, it would have taken 18-24 months for the US Navy to retrofit the aircraft to the Indian Navy’s specifications, once the lease had been finalized.

In response, December 2005 featured an RFP that sought 8 aircraft, and threw the competition open. Bids were received from various candidates in April 2006, and initial schedules involved a signed contract by the end of 2007, and deliveries by the end of 2009. Of course, that didn’t happen. A July 2007 Defense News report said that an Indian procurement team would be sending preliminary evaluations to the Defence Ministry by September 2007, which would lead to a short list. A preliminary decision and price negotiations were scheduled to begin “within two years,” i.e. by mid-2009.

Experience has demonstrated that price negotiations with India’s MoD can take years themselves – or even sink deals entirely, vid. the various collapsed deals for second-hand Mirage 2000 fighter jets. In this case, however, the $2.1 billion deal for 8 jets was done by January 2009. By October 2010, India’s Navy was pushing to extend the buy, and enlarge its fleet of Boeing P-8i Neptune aircraft to 12. India has made slow and steady progress toward approving that added buy, and some senior naval officials are openly talking about buying 24 jets.

Pre-delivery work

First deliveries weren’t expected until 2013 at the earliest, and the jets were expected to enter service “before 2015.” That prediction was correct, with the first plane touching down at the INS Rajali air station on May 15/13. By the end of 2013, 3 had been delivered.

Confirmed weapons at this time include the Mk-54 lightweight torpedo, which can be enhanced with the HAAWC/ HAASW kit for high-altitude, GPS-guided drops. India has submitted a formal DSCA request for these torpedoes. For longer-range surface attacks, AGM-84 Harpoon Block II missiles are carried on external pylons. These sub-sonic cruise missiles can hit ships or land targets, thanks to a combination of GPS guidance, and improved radar resolution that can cut through near-shore clutter. Boeing reportedly has a license to export the longer-range AGM-84K SLAM-ER, which adds longer range and better land attack features, but India’s hasn’t formally requested them. Some pictures, like the one in this section, even show P-8Is carrying smart bombs. The P-8 is designed to be even more capable than its P-3 predecessor on overland surveillance missions, and adding weapons like GPS-guided bombs would give India a new capability for long-range, long-endurance surveillance and strike.

The P-8A has its own industrial team, and most of them will also be involved in the P-8i project. A number of electronic and sensor systems will differ, however, due to a combination of Indian insistence on indigenous content, and American security concerns that forced the use of alternatives. Industrial partners in India, or specific to India’s version, reportedly include:

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Contracts and Key Events


P-8i scenarios

Jan 23/14: Testing. Bloomberg News reports that an unreleased copy of the Pentagon’s annual DOT&E report isn’t positive for the P-8A. DOT&E chief Michael Gilmore reports that the P-8 still exhibits “all of the major deficiencies” identified in last year’s report, and is “not effective [DID: does not meet stated criteria] for the intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance mission and is not effective for wide area anti-submarine search”.

To review, DOT&E’s FY 2012 annual report (q.v. Jan 17/13) focused on the P-8 sensors’ ability to work as advertised, and to work together. The main radar has track-while-scan deficiencies, problems with high-resolution image quality, radar pointing errors that were especially troublesome over land and in littoral regions, and cross-cue errors with the MX-20HD surveillance turret. The MX-20HD itself had issues with auto-track integration, and interference was making it hard for the AN/ALQ-240(V)1 ESM systems to accurately pinpoint radars and communications sources around the plane.

Reactions in India were as negative as one might image, but that doesn’t mean the P-8is are useless to India. The P-8i’s speed, sensors, and civil airspace compatibility could still allow them to act as important adjuncts, and may even make them more useful than existing Tu-142/IL-38 aircraft, even if they don’t match the advanced American standards set for them. USN Lt. Caroline Hutcheson says the P-8s “fully met” the criteria for “effective” patrols, which is not the same as DOT&E’s definition of “effective” as “meeting all contracted capabilities”.

Unfortunately, Bloomberg’s report didn’t discuss the P-8′s deficiencies in detail, and the FY 2012 report cited a main P-8 fuel tank that overheats in hot weather during grounding and low-level flight. That’s not a great feature in India, and would be a real problem for the P-8i if it hasn’t been fixed. Sources: Bloomberg, “Boeing Surveillance Plane Found Not Effective for Mission”. Sources: Bloomberg, “Boeing Surveillance Plane Found Not Effective for Mission” | India’s Business Standard, “Pentagon report: Indian Navy’s new submarine hunter is ineffective”.

2012 – 2013

1st delivery; 1st P-8i inducted at INS Rajali.

Deliveries begin
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Nov 22/13: #3 arrives. The 3rd P-8i lands at INS Rajali. Sources: Boeing, Nov 22/13 release.

Nov 11/13: India’s Defence Acquisition Council, which is chaired by its defense minister, “approved the waiver of certain offset provisions for the Rs 4,381 crore order for four more American P-8I long-range maritime patrol aircraft.” That order, which would bring India’s fleet up to 12, hasn’t been placed yet, but this is another step forward. Sources: Times of India, “Antony defers decision on critical but controversial missile deals with Israel”.

May 15/13: #1 arrives. India inducts the 1st Boeing P-8i Neptune aircraft into their navy at the INS Rajali air station. Boeing says that it will deliver another 2 planes to India in 2013.

INS Rajali is the longest military runway in Asia, located just inland from Madras on India’s SE coast. It currently hosts India’s TU-142F fleet of long-range maritime patrol aircraft, and will be the P-8i’s future home. It also hosts the Indian Navy Helicopter Training School. Boeing | Times of India | Wall St. Journal India.

P-8i arrives in India

May 15/13: #2 arrives. The 2nd P-8i arrives at INS Rajali. As the P-8i flew in, a Tu-142 flew out. It was a symbolic changing of the guard, even though the Bears will continue to serve until 2018 or so. Sources: Bharat Rakshak Gallery, “P-8I arrival at NAS Rajali 15 May 2013″.

Jan 17/13: US DOT&E report. The Pentagon releases the FY 2012 Annual Report from its Office of the Director, Operational Test & Evaluation (DOT&E). The P-8 is included, and the plane still has a lot of gaps and teething issues before it’s ready for service. The aircraft is working toward reliability goals, but its biggest problems lie with its sensors’ ability to work as advertised, and to work together. Fortunately, India’s P-8is have alternatives in some cases, like different SATCOM and the APS-143(v)3 OceanEye radar. That may help them ensure the technology works as advertised, but working together is a question of the P-8i’s current level of integration, which is unknown.

There are a couple of particular concerns for India. One is that the main fuel tank overheats in hot weather during grounding and low-level flight. This limits anti-submarine flight patterns, and has to be a “must fix” given India’s environment. The other concern involves faulty ESM systems for pinpointing radars and communications sources around the plane.

The P-8′s main radar is flagged for multiple problems by DOT&E, and India has to hope they will be fixed by the time its P-8is enter service. Wide-area submarine searches using the twin-sonobuoy multi-static active acoustic capability (MAC) approach will be a step up from the USA’s current IEER advanced sonobuoys, but their program delay still leaves adequate capability on board. India is likely to find that initial capabilities surpass their TU-142F and IL-38D fleets.

Dec 19/12: 1st delivery. Boeing “delivers” the first P-8I aircraft to the Indian Navy in Seattle, WA. 2013 will see India receive aircraft #1-3, with planes 4 and 5 under construction.

Indian personnel will conduct some training in the USA with the US Navy, while India builds up INS Rajali at Arakkonam Naval Air Station in Tamil Nadu (SE India). Those imperatives are underscored by the P-8i’s absence from Aero India 2013 in February, despite strong interest and anticipation within India. Boeing | IANS | Boeing re: Aero India 2013. Boeing | IANS.

1st delivery

July 7/12: Testing. India’s first P-8i aircraft begin flight-testing in Seattle, and all test objectives are met in its initial flight. Boeing test pilots will continue the process at a US Navy test range west of Neah Bay, WA, and at a joint U.S./Canadian test range in the Strait of Georgia.

Boeing says that assembly is complete on the 2nd P-8I aircraft, and it will make its first flight in the coming weeks. They believe that they are on track to deliver the 1st P-8i to the Indian Navy in 2013. Boeing.

Feb 13/12: Radars. Raytheon announces that it has delivered the 1st AN/APY-10 International radar to Boeing, for installation in the nose of India’s 1st P-8i. They also confirm that, per rumors reported on Feb 3/10:

“To meet unique requirements for the Indian navy, Raytheon has added an air-to-air mode, which provides the detection and tracking of airborne targets, allowing customers to detect threats in the air as well as at sea. In addition, an interleaved weather and surface search capability has been added to provide the cockpit with up-to-date weather avoidance information while performing surveillance missions.”

APY-10i includes air-air


1st flight; Mk.54 torpedo request; Tu-142MEs returning from overhaul.

P-8i test flight
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Dec 5/11: 24? Indian Navy Chief Admiral Nirmal Verma has told India Strategic magazine that the first 8 P-8is have been making satisfactory progress, that approval for the follow-on buy of 4 more is expected by the end of their fiscal year in March 2012, and that ultimately, India will want another 12 planes to bring their P-8i fleet to 24.

Dec 5/11: Bear’s back. Indian Tu-142ME maritime patrol aircraft, tail number 312, leaves Beriev Aircraft Company for its home base, following an overhaul and service life extension, and required flight testing. It’s 1 of 8 “Bear ASW” aircraft manufactured at Taganrog at the end of the 1980s for India, and Beriev still provides support and maintenance services through Rosoboronexport.

Beriev expects to continue the overhaul program until 2020, which implies that India’s TU-142s will serve for a while yet. JSC Beriev.

Sept 28/11: 1st flight. Initial flight for the P-8i, which takes off from Renton Field, WA and lands 2:31 later at Boeing Field in Seattle, WA. During the flight, Boeing test pilots performed airborne systems checks including engine accelerations and decelerations and autopilot flight modes, and took the P-8i to a maximum altitude of 41,000 feet. Boeing.

June 24/11: Weapons. The US DSCA announces [PDF] India’s request to buy 32 MK-54 All-Up-Round Lightweight Torpedoes, 3 recoverable exercise torpedoes, 1 training shape, plus containers, spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, transportation, and other forms of U.S. Government and contractor support. The estimated cost is $86 million, but actual costs will depend on a negotiated contract.

India intends to use the torpedoes on its forthcoming 8 P-8I Neptune maritime patrol aircraft, and the numbers involved mark this as an initial familiarity and training buy. Prime contractors are listed as “Boeing Company in St. Louis, Missouri, and a yet to be identified U.S. torpedo contractor.” Which is odd. Technically, Boeing is the P-8i lead integrator, but the Mk54 is a Raytheon design. On the other hand, Lockheed Martin offers the GPS-guided, high altitude launch HAAWC/Longshot, consisting of an adapter kit mounted on a Mk.54. If India wants HAAWCs, Lockheed Martin could be listed as the contractor.

There is a possible industrial offset agreement in connection with the proposed sale, and implementation will require an unfinalized number of U.S. Government and contractor representatives in-country visits on a temporary basis for technical reviews, support, and oversight.

Mk54 torpedo request

April 13/11: Industrial. IANS reports that Boeing has submitted a $300-million plan for investment in the Indian defense industry, covering 30% of the $1 billion (Rs.4,500 crore) that another 4 P-8i aircraft would cost. Boeing Military Aircraft president Christopher M. Chadwick, mentioned the draft offsets proposal, and told IANS that:

“The P8I order, which we won a few years ago, is on track and we are delivering the first of the eight P8Is in January 2013. The customer has informally talked about the potential for four more P8Is. That will take it (the order) to 12 (aircraft). That programme is on track, on cost and on schedule…”

Feb 11/11: SLAM? A Defense News report quotes Boeing’s P-8i program manager Leland Wright, who confirmed that Boeing has a license to export the AGM-84K Standoff Land Attack Missile-Expanded Response (SLAM-ER) to India, but said that P-8is will initially carry 4 of the less capable Harpoon anti-ship missiles instead. On the other hand, the Harpoon is the standard anti-ship missile of the US Navy, and India’s Block II missiles will be more advanced than USN versions.

Feb 3/11: 12? Indian Navy PR officer Commander PVS Satish tells India’s Economic Times that the Navy has decided to exercise its option for 4 more P-8is, “in a bid to boost its maritime patrol capabilities as well as counter piracy threats and the growing Chinese influence in the Indian Ocean.” The deal is expected to range between $1 billion to $1.5 billion, but government approvals to negotiate don’t mean a contract just yet.

No confirming announcement yet at Aero India 2011. Boeing India VP Dr. Vivek Lall confirmed that the Indian government is “considering” the option, and said Boeing has submitted its draft industrial offset program to the Indian MoD. domain-B | India’s Economic Times | StrategyPage.

Jan 20/11: MAD. CAE in Montreal, QB, Canada announces a subcontract from Boeing to provide its AN/ASQ-508A Advanced Integrated Magnetic Anomaly Detection (MAD) System for India’s 8 P-8is. The value is cloaked by its presence within a scattershot set of announcements worth a total of “more than $140 million.”

MAD systems work by identifying magnetic variations or anomalies caused by large metal objects, such as a submarine, in the Earth’s magnetic field. CAE’s MAD system is already in use by a number of countries and platforms: P-3 Orion derivatives flown by Brazil, Canada, and South Korea; Turkey’s CN-235MP and ATR-72 MPAs; Chile’s C-295 MPAs; and Japan’s locally-developed XP-1 maritime patrol aircraft.


Harpoon request; OceanEye rear radar picked; P-8i fleet expansion plans?

Dec 23/10: IFF. Defence PSU Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL) has delivered an Indian-designed Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Interrogator to Boeing, for installation into India’s P-8i. Other Indian electronics eing provided for final integration include BEL’s Data Link II communications system, Avantel’s mobile satellite system, and the Electronic Corporation of India Ltd’s (ECIL) speech secrecy system. IANS via Thaindian | The Hindu.

Harpoon in flight
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Dec 21/10: Weapons. The US DSCA announces [PDF] India’s formal request for up to 21 AGM-84L Harpoon Block II Missiles, 5 ATM-84L Block II Training Missiles, Captive Air Training Missiles, containers, spare and repair parts, support and test equipment, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment, and related U.S. Government and contractor support. The estimated cost is up to $200 million, and this request is very explicit about their use:

“India intends to use the missiles on its Indian Navy P-8I Neptune maritime patrol aircraft which will provide enhanced capabilities in effective defense of critical sea lines of communication. India has already purchased HARPOON Block II missiles for integration on the Indian Air Force Jaguar aircraft and will have no difficulty absorbing these weapons into its armed forces.”

Note that the P-8i is known as the Poseidon in the USA – “Neptune” was the Roman name for the same Greek deity. The prime contractors will be The Boeing Company in St. Louis, MO, and Delex Systems Incorporated in Vienna, VA. Implementation of this proposed sale will require annual trips to India involving U.S. Government and contractor representatives for technical reviews, support, and oversight on for approximately 5 years. Details of a potential industrial offset agreement in connection with the proposed sale were not known when the DSCA made the announcement. See also Tehelka.

Harpoon missile request

Nov 22/10: Aft Radar. Griffon Corp. subsidiary Telephonics Corporation announces a contract from Boeing to supply its AN/APS-143Cv3 OceanEye Multi-Mode Radar as the P-8i’s aft radar. The contract includes systems for 8 installations, plus integration and support services. Cost is not disclosed. The Feb 3/10 report regarding an aft radar from Raytheon, instead of the eventual winner Telephonics, means the OceanEye was probably picked over Raytheon’s AN/APS-143 SeaVue.

The AN/APS-143C(V)3 OceanEye [PDF] currently serves on the US Coast Guard’s HC-144A Maritime Patrol Aircraft and HU-25D Falcon Jet, as well as “most international S-70 Naval Hawk helicopters and certain NH-90 [DID: Swedish NH90-NFH], Super Lynx and other Maritime Helicopters.” It’s an advanced mechanically scanned array that’s lightweight, low power, and has a long lineage to draw on, including the related AN/APS-147 radar used on the US Navy’s new MH-60R helicopter. Maximum range is 200 nm against larger targets, with the standard clutter rejection features and a default set of Search, Weather, Beacon, and Small Target Detect modes. Options include land-looking ISAR and Stripmap SAR modes, Range profiling, and an integrated Identification Friend or Foe interrogator.

On the flip side, the radar is still missing SAR/GMTI (Ground Moving Target Indicator) and AIS (Automated Identification System) modes. Its electronics are also a technology step behind AESA competitors like Selex Galileo’s Seaspreay series, which equips the USCG’s HC-130Hs, Britain’s forthcoming AW159 Wildcat helicopters, and some CN-235 and ATR-72 MPA aircraft.

P-8i unique: Aft radar

Oct 4/10: Fleet plans, gaps. India’s navy wants to grow its P-8i fleet to 12 planes, by exercising a $1 billion option for 4 more. Indian sources are telling the media that the prices and offset agreements would be the same as the original $2.1 billion contract for 8 aircraft. The decision follows a recent visit by Indian defense minister Antony and Chief Admiral Nirmal Verma. The proposal will now be sent to India’s Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) for approval, and other steps also remain on the to do list. The Times of India:

“P-8Is are being customised to Indian naval requirements, with communication, electronic warfare and other systems being sourced from India. For instance, defence PSU Bharat Electronics is delivering Data Link-II, a communication system to enable rapid exchange of information among Indian warships, submarines aircraft and shore establishments, for the P-8Is to Boeing. There is, however, the question of India having not yet inked the Communication Interoperability and Security Memorandum Agreement (CISMOA) being pushed by the US as ”a sensitive technology-enabler” for P-8I and other arms procurements.”

See: India Defence | Times of India | Zee News | China’s Xinhua.

July 20/10: Industrial. A new F/A-18E is delivered as the 1st US Navy Super Hornet featuring a gun bay door manufactured by India-based Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL). The gun bay door contract is the first military contract between Boeing and HAL, and stems from Boeing’s industrial participation commitment to India for the P-8i contract. Boeing.

Sept 17/10: Industrial. Dow Jones reports that Mahindra & Mahindra subsidiary Mahindra Aerospace Pvt. Ltd. has signed a deal to buy aircraft parts-making machinery from Boeing’s plant in Melbourne, Australia, for expected delivery by the end of 2010. The company hopes it will improve the quality of aircraft parts it produces, and boost orders placed under offset clauses. In addition to the P-8i deal, for instance, there have also been offset clauses in government airline orders, creating a lucrative (if rentier) market.

The Mahindra Group has become active in the aerospace sector, and reportedly plans to invest about $55 illion (INR 2.5 billion) in its aerospace business over the next few years. In 2009, they bought 75.1% stakes Australia’s Gippsland Aeronautics and Aerostaff Australia for almost $38 million. Mahindra Systech President Hemant Luthra waqs coy about this deal’s value, saying only that it’s “…a slightly complex deal and I wouldn’t want to get into a specific value.”

Sept 8/10: Industrial. India’s Economic Times reports that Maini Global Aerospace (MGA) has bagged an outsourcing contract worth up to $10 million to make structural components for the extended range fuel cells of the Boeing P-8A Poseidon multi-mission maritime (MMR) aircraft. These components would be common to the P-8A and P-8i.

July 18/10: Radars. Raytheon announces a contract from Boeing to develop an international version of the AN/APY-10 surveillance radar for India’s P-8i. It’s a private arrangement, and Raytheon’s director of strategy and business development, Neil K Peterson, tells DNA India that details of the contract are still being worked out. He adds that “The radar we will be giving to the Indian Navy’s planes will have more features than those with The US Navy.”

This is the first sale of the APY-10 beyond the USA. The challenge is to provide excellent performance, without including some of the American radar’s protected features. Raytheon describes the APY-10 as a “long-range, multimission, maritime and overland surveillance radar.” So far, Raytheon is under contract with Boeing to provide 6 AN/APY-10 systems and spares for the US Navy’s P-8A program, and has delivered 4. The firm says that it remains on or ahead of the production schedule. Raytheon | DNA India.

July 16/10: Final Design Review. Boeing successfully completes the P-8i’s 5-day final design review with the Indian Navy in Renton, WA, USA. That locks in the design for the aircraft, radar, communications, navigation, mission computing, acoustics and sensors, as well as the ground and test support equipment. It also paves the way for the program to begin assembling the first P-8I aircraft, which will include Indian-built sub-systems. Boeing P-8i program manager Leland Wight says that Boeing is on track to start building the P-8I’s empennage section before the end of 2010. Boeing.

P-8i design review

March 2/10: Avionics. BAE Systems announces that it will provide India’s P-8i with mission computer systems, and says it will begin deliveries to Boeing in 2011. BAE provides the same computers for the P-8A.

Feb 3/10: Radars. Flight International reports that Boeing plans to put an additional Raytheon radar on the aft section of India’s P-8is, and is exploring an air-to-air mode for the APY-10. India wanted air-to-air capability and a 360 degree radar, and the AN/APY-10 provides only 240 degree coverage from the P-8′s nose section.

2008 – 2009

P-8i wins; Negotiations over US export conditions.

P-8i concept
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Oct 2/09: Industrial. domain-b reports that Boeing has signed P-8i related agreements with several Indian public sector defense firms, as part of the P-8i’s offset commitments. See also Feb 2/09 entry. Boeing India chief Vivek Lall:

“We have signed agreements with Indian companies such as Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), Electronic Corporation of India Ltd (ECIL) and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL)… They will be supplying indigenous equipment and spares such as transponders and other electronic equipment for the aircraft.”

Aug 8/09: TAA cleared. The Times of India reports that:

“The last hurdle for the execution of the biggest-ever defence deal with US, the $2.1 billion contract for eight Boeing P-8I long-range maritime reconnaissance (LRMR) aircraft, has now been cleared.”

That hurdle is the technical assistance agreement (TAA) for the P-8i contract, which follows on the heels of a contentious July 2009 agreement with the USA defining End-Use Monitoring Agreements. With these agreements in place, all aspects of the P-8i contract are now set. See also: Express Buzz | Sindh Today | UPI Asia.

April 20/09: Basing. IANS reports that India’s P-8is will be based from Naval Air Station Rajali at Arakkonam (in Tamil Nadu), which is also the base for India’s current fleet of 8 Tu-142 ‘Bear’ aircraft. This location is preferred for its long runway, and for its southern location, which increases the planes’ patrol coverage over the Indian Ocean.


March 12/09: P-8 DCS OKed. In a notice to the US Congress, the State Department has said that it will license the direct commercial sale of P-8i aircraft to India, having factored in “political, military, economic, human rights and arms control considerations.” India’s domain-b.

While a direct commercial sale faces far fewer hurdles than a Foreign Military Sale, there are still some legal hurdles and agreements that must be present before the aircraft are delivered to the customer.

Feb 11/09: EUA. Reports surface that standard American provisions around “End Use Monitoring”, and information sharing restrictions that accompany American defense exports, are beginning to become a problem for the P-8i sale.

Feb 2/09: Industrial. The Wall Street Journal’s LiveMint reports that Boeing will buy aerospace structures and aviation electronics products worth at least INR 29.41 billion (about $600 million) from Bharat Electronics Ltd (BEL), Dynamatic Technologies Ltd, HCL Technologies Ltd, Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), Larsen and Toubro Ltd (L&T), Wipro Ltd, and simulator-maker CAE’s subsidiary Macmet Technologies Ltd.

Wipro, HCL, L&T and HAL declined to comment, but a Dynamatics executive confirmed that their firm had been chosen. A BEL executive said the firm had entered into an agreement with Boeing for communication equipment, radars, electronic warfare systems and contract manufacturing, but a contract was yet to be signed. Swati Rangachari, a spokeswoman for Boeing in India:

“Our team is working on the offset strategy and will be in touch with industry partners in a while… We will concentrate in the areas of avionics (aviation electronics) and aerostructures.”

Meanwhile, Flight International takes a deeper look at India’s nascent private aerospace industry, and its challenges, in “Can India’s aerospace manufacturers step up?”

Jan 5/09: Winner! The Indian government announces that it has signed a $2.1 billion deal with Boeing for 8 maritime patrol aircraft in “P-8i” configuration. The $2.1 billion figure is the commonly reported total at the moment; DID cautions readers that exact dollar figures for Indian contracts often take some time to clarify. The contract reportedly includes lifetime maintenance support, and an option for another 8 aircraft. Indian Navy spokesman Commander Nirad Sinha:

“Though we have signed a deal, final clearance is still required from a U.S. authority… The first plane delivery is four years from the final contract signing, so I think it should come in 2013.”

Boeing’s release commits to delivering the 8th aircraft by 2015. See: Boeing | India Defence | CNN Money.

Contract: 8 P-8i

Dec 29/08: P-8i? The P-8I deal for India appears to be moving closer. India Defence reports that “virtually all the steps” required for the contract to be signed, including tabling of it in the Cabinet Committee on Security for approval, are complete. Reports place the deal at Rs 8,500 crore (about $1.7 billion) for 8 jets, with first delivery coming within 4 years and all deliveries by 2015. India currently flies 8 Tu-142s. India Defence | StrategyPage.

Aug 10/08: P-8i? Sindh Today reports that India’s contract negotiating committee has completed its report on price negotiations with Boeing, after the P-8I won the technical bid and the trials of the product. Negotiations were reportedly stuck due to the end-user agreement, under which Boeing can conduct physical inspections of the aircraft as and when it wants to check if the product is being used for the purpose it has been acquired. This is linked to requirements under American ITAR laws, which regulate sales of military equipment whether they are conducted as FMS or direct commercial sales. India’s defence ministry reportedly separated that set of negotiations from the deal itself, knowing that a signed deal will be significantly harder to cancel, on either side.

The contract will reportedly be a direct commercial agreement between the Boeing company and the Indian Navy, rather than an announced Foreign Military Sale. The cost is reportedly around $2.2 billion, and that deal will now go to the defence acquisition committee (DAC) and then to the cabinet committee on security (CCS) for approval.

Aug 9/08: Future Force. During a lecture in New Delhi, Indian Naval Chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta reportedly vowed that:

“By 2022, we plan to have 160-plus ship navy, including three aircraft carriers, 60 major combatants including submarines and close to 400 aircraft of different types. This will be a formidable three dimensional force with satellite surveillance and networking to provide force multiplication”

AP Pakistan | domain-B

April 20/08: USA? India’s NDTV reports that:

“India is set to sign a $2.2 billion deal, its biggest with the US, for eight long-range maritime reconnaissance (LRMR) aircraft, even as the Indian Navy chief opposed ”intrusiveness” in the use of military hardware the country purchases.

Negotiations for the purchase of the Boeing-P8I LRMR aircraft are in the final stages and are likely to be wrapped up during Indian Navy chief Admiral Sureesh Mehta’s visit to the US that began Sunday [DID: That did not happen]. The agreement for the purchase under the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) route will be signed between the two governments in New Delhi later this year, official sources said.”

2005 – 2007

RFP out, Competitor reviews begin.

A319, Indian Air
(click to view full)

Sept 7/07: India’s IANS wire service reports that the Indian Navy has completed evaluations of maritime patrol aircraft (MRA) on schedule, including a 4-member navy team led by a one-star officer who observed MRA derivative trials and simulations in July 2007 for the Airbus A319 in Spain and Boeing’s P-8A Poseidon MMA in the US. WebIndia story.

They also offer a list of bids submitted: Boeing, EADS Airbus, IAI/Elta, Lockheed Martin, and Rosoboronexport; plus this interesting tidbit:

“But official sources said since the navy was more interested in the longer range MRAs still under development, it was “seriously considering” acquiring two or three of the existing shorter range aircraft as an interim measure to plug a vital operational void in patrolling India’s vast coastline.

July 3/07: Defense News reports that Indian officials will be studying Boeing and Airbus aircraft in France, Germany, Spain and the United States as they prepare for a decision re: their maritime patrol aircraft competition. Defense News.

Don’t get too excited about outcomes, though; India’s procurement system has already solicited bids, and will be sending preliminary evaluations go to the Defence Ministry by September 2007, which will lead to a short list of bidders. A preliminary decision and price negotiations will begin “within two years.” Past experience has demonstrated that such price negotiations can take years themselves – or even sink deals entirely.

May 14/07: Ill 38s? India’s Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) warned in a report that the first 2 of 5 upgraded IL-38SDs remain without essential avionics and weapon systems that are “seriously limiting their [the Il-38SD's] operational capabilities.” The problem? As usual… “unrealistic assumption” about the capability of timely indigenous development of certain avionics systems, and lead-time for import of necessary weapon systems. India Defence | Times of India

April 20/06: Lockheed’s deal reportedly includes a combination offer: 8 upgraded US Navy P-3C aircraft for $550-700 million; and 16 multi-mission MH-60R helicopters from Sikorsky costing $350-400 million.

April 15/06: Bids in. The Times of India reports that all bids are in:

“Thursday was the last day for the aviation majors to submit their proposals. We hope to fast-track the process and sign the contract by early-2007 after technical and commercial negotiations. Deliveries of the selected aircraft would begin 48 months after that,” said a senior Navy officer.”

RFP bids in

April 13/06: Team Boeing announces its proposal to develop and deliver 8 P-8I Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft variants, touting its commonality and supportability benefits. The Boeing team includes CFM, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and Smiths Aerospace, and their proposal includes the development of a unique Indian navy P-8 configuration, significant participation for Indian industry, test and certification activities, and 8 aircraft delivered over a 4-year period. See release – and note that Boeing just pledged to invest $1.5 billion in India’s aerospace industry, as part of a $6 billion deal with Air India.

Feb 14/06: Flight International reported that India’s navy has set a March 2007 deadline to receive bids for 16-24 more anti-submarine warfare helicopters; but the manufacturers that were handed the tender (AgustaWestland, Eurocopter, Kamov and Sikorsky) asked for an extension.

That program ended up taking far longer than the maritime patrol aircraft competition, but some MPA bidders looked to bundle the 2 together in a single solution. India eventually bought the P-8is as a “clean” acquisition.

December 2005: RFP. The Indian Navy issues its maritime patrol aircraft RFP.

RFP out

Appendix A: The Competitors

According to Indian media reports, India’s 8-10 TU-142 Bear aircraft are being retired, after negotiations with Russia and Israel to retrofit them were called off. Invited bidders (and their relevant offerings) reportedly included:

BAE (Nimrod)

Boeing (P-8A MMA)

IAI/Elta (Dassault Falcon 900 MPA)

Lockheed Martin (P-3C Orion)

Northrop-Grumman (Global Hawk, presumably)

EADS (CN-235MP, AT3 Atlantique, ATR-72MP, modified A319)

Rosoboronexport (IL-38 “May” and TU-142 “Bear”, both currently in service)

(click for labeled cutaway)

India has shown interest in the Boeing 737-derived P-8A MMA. This P-3 Orion’s successor will feature long range, very advanced radars that will also be useful for ground surveillance and may have air-to-air uses; advanced electro-optics for day/night viewing, and an array of weapons and sensors that will include Harpoon anti-ship and land-attack missiles, torpedoes, sonobuoys, etc. All in a package that’s broadly compatible with existing global 737 commercial fleets.

The P-8A is not expected to be available before 2013-2014. Nevertheless, The Times of India’s sources in the Indian Navy believed that the P-8A would match the combined operational profile presently being executed by its existing fleet of Ilyushin Il-38 Mays and TU-142 Bears. Given the limited remaining lifetime of even the refurbished IL-38SDs, a long-term, long-range solution was attractive.

From the beginning, India has treated its potential involvement in the Boeing P-8 MMA program as a test of Washington’s long-term military and strategic commitment. Significant distrust remains in the wake of the USA’s 1988 embargo of military exports to India and Pakistan following underground nuclear tests – an embargo that was only lifted fully in September of 2004. While its timeline may pose problems, just having the P-8A offered and cleared for export has been the one of the biggest benefits India received from this RFP.T the Pentagon has also pledged to make additional technical military capabilities available to New Delhi as they enter US service.

In the end, Team Boeing submitted its proposal to develop and deliver 8 P-8I Multi-mission Maritime Aircraft variants, touting its commonality and supportability benefits (q.v. April 13/07 timeline entry). The proposal included the development of a unique Indian navy P-8 configuration, significant participation for Indian industry, test and certification activities, and 8 aircraft delivered over a 4-year period. Thanks to its combination of compatibility, range, technology, and the stability and future development guaranteed by US Navy orders, Boeing’s P-8i won.

TU-142M “Bear”

The TU-142 Bear is the current incumbent. It was originally built as the TU-95 heavy bomber in the pre-jet era, before going on to a very long and successful career as the Eastern Bloc’s most important and longest ranging maritime surveillance and attack aircraft. A TU-142 can fly from Mumbai (Bombay) to Johannesburg, South Africa and back – without refueling. Bharat-Rakshak reports that 8-10 Bears remain in service with the Indian Naval Air Arm. Supplied to India in 1987-1988, all of them have been refurbished at least once.

Bharat-Rakshak notes that proposals had been floated to Russian and Israeli firms to significantly upgrade the TU-142 with the Leninets Sea Dragon common patrol suite, as well as other electronic enhancements useful for surveillance and even electronic warfare. Proposed Sea Dragon upgrades were rejected on cost and performance grounds, which led to discussions concerning an Israeli IAI Elta surveillance and communications package based around the AN/M-2202A radar used in Spain’s P-3C upgrades. These upgrades may even have been installed on at least one aircraft.

IL-38 May
(click to view full)

Russia’s smaller IL-38 had 2 big advantages. One was its recent refurbishment, and use by the navy. The other was the likely timeline for long-range replacement aircraft from Boeing or Airbus. Russia’s IL-38 May is about the same vintage as the P-3C Orion. Only 3 aircraft remain in Indian service from the original set of 5, after 2 of the aircraft were lost in an airshow collision. Unlike the TU-142s, however, the status of their upgrades is clear. India Defence reports that the first of 3 improved Il-38SD maritime anti-submarine warfare (ASW) aircraft has been delivered to the Indian Navy following Russian upgrades that cost about $35 million per plane. Another 4 similarly upgraded IL-38SDs were scheduled for delivery to the Indian Navy by early in 2007, bringing the fleet to 7 – but the upgrades themselves have had problems due to poor delivery from DRDO.

The IL-38 upgrade includes the Leninets Morskoy Zmei (Sea Dragon) digital common patrol suite, which is designed to detect and intercept surface vessels and submarines as well as detect mines and carry out surveillance. Like the Israeli M-2202A, the suite can also detect airborne targets, and it can be linked to the Russian Glonass GPS satellite navigation system. India’s Defence Research and Development Organisation has supplied the new IL-38SD’s electronic intelligence system, electronic countermeasures station system, digital firing decoys and radio communication system. India also plans to mount the medium-range PJ-10 BrahMos supersonic cruise missile on this aircraft in the near future.

The age of refurbished airframes had to be a concern for a long-term buy like India’s LRMR competition, but IL-38SD may have become an “interim buy” option, if India’s preferred choice was delayed or unavailable for other reasons. Russia reportedly submitted proposals based on its TU-142 and IL-38, but they were not compelling enough. India’s existing fleets will retire, without new additions or refits.

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