*If you are reading this post via a reader such as Bloglovin’ you can click HERE to view the new design in its entirety.
For the last seven years that I have been writing this blog I have, for the most part, designed all the headers, sidebars and coded all the HTML. As much as readers loved the headers that changed monthly, then seasonally, I began to desire a constant and clean look with a layout that would be easy and enjoyable for readers to interact with.
I knew it was also time for DTA to get fully on board with social media.
In short, it was time to bring in a professional. Someone who could read my design mind.
Enter in Rebekah of Rebekah Louise Designs. Rebekah is so professional and PATIENT. I was very specific about what I wanted the Décor To Adore site to look like and she made my vision a reality.
She has several well priced design packages available to include custom design and add ons.
She also designs beautiful printables. This one is my favorite.
You can also find Rebekah on Facebook.
© 2014 Decor To Adore Laura Ingalls Gunn All Rights Reserved