
It seems some Conservatives are super traumatized by all of the, um, evil or something that prevailed at this years Grammy’s. You know, like Katy Perry being an Illuminati Princess and practicing dark magicks right on stage like she was Voldemort or something. Also the fact that there was a mass wedding of many couples, both straight and gay.

Luckily, Tea Party Activist Selena Owens has decided to provide some tips and tricks to help her fellow Real Americans deal with this obvious assault on their values! Because it is tough for them to see this “Grammy Gay Fest” as she calls it (which sounds a lot more like a senior citizen lesbian porn title than she meant it to), and not start feeling like they might not be winning the culture wars.

Now, Selena Owens was not as upset about the Gay Marriaging or the Satanic Illuminati Orgies as some–her personal trauma resulted from this Macklemore person’s rap about the gays.

Via World Net Daily (unsurprisingly)

The right-wing conservatives think [being gay's] a decision
And you can be cured with treatment and religion
Man-made rewiring of a predisposition
Playing God, aw nah, here we go
America the brave still fears what we don’t know.

Bam. There it is. “… right-wing conservatives …”

A few stanzas from the onset of the song, Macklemore attacks, and conservatives are called out in the culture war against homosexuals. Conservatives are meddling with “a predisposition” of homosexual behavior that God somehow wired in mankind – although it directly opposes his own Word. The lyrics are confusing, as is the nature of rap by artists such as Macklemore. (There exist Christian/conservative artists who rap life and truth.) The remainder of the song demeans church and God, vainly attempting to weave together themes that will never intertwine. And mockery. Lots of mockery. Mostly, the lyrics cast blame on the church and infer the Christian message as hate speech. No surprise there. Liberals and same-sex proponents have been on that bandwagon for many years, which has reprogrammed some sheeple-minded Americans to be wary of stating biblical or political truth. Truth is the new hate speech.

Truth is also taking what you say, word for word, and repeating it back to you. Even when it makes you look like a jerk. Because literally, right after you got mad at the song for saying that Right Wing Conservatives think being gay is a decision, you said that being gay is a decision. I do not see any error in interpretation here, except that your sentiments are being repeated back to you by someone who disagrees with those sentiments.

It would be as though Selena Owens wrote a song about how I, Robyn Pennacchia, like pizza, and me being “I DO NOT LIKE PIZZA HOW DARE SHE SAY I LIKE PIZZA YES I WILL HAVE A SLICE OF PEPPERONI PLEASE.”

She then goes on to talk about how it’s unfair for conservatives and Christians to be accused of being anti-gay. I guess she does have a point there, because how can it possibly be construed as being anti-gay to suggest that people not be gay or to prefer living in a society in which gay people have fewer rights than straight people do? Isn’t that exactly what Jesus said? I believe it is.

The culture war has escalated to the point of conservatives directly taking the hit for the anti-gay agenda. Typically, Christians bear the brunt of that charge. But as these lyrics prove, the homosexual agenda is striking more specifically at the heart of politics than religion alone, further increasing heightened tension between conservatives and liberals. Macklemore directly places blame at the threshold of conservatives in the most artistic format known to man: music.

Grammy viewers were instantly taught that homosexuality is inbred, and right-wing conservatives are standing in the way of “natural” feelings, lifestyles and love. Macklemore is the front man who sends a very clear message: Conservatives are trying to treat something that needs no treatment. … God …what God? Church doctrine is hateful. … Gays will live and love out loud. … We’re here. … See? Even straight couples embrace sexual equality in marriage. … Deal with it.

The heightened tension is not caused by song lyrics, it is caused by the fact that we think it’s weird that you have a problem with gay people. Liberals are funny like that. We’re not saying “We have a problem with the way you think gay people should be treated” because you are Christian and we don’t like Christians, or because you are a Conservative and we don’t like Conservatives. We have a problem with it because we very firmly believe it is wrong, and we also think you are assholes, and we have a right to say that.

However, Selena Owens does not think that her fellow Real Americans should deal with this problem by writing letters and signing petitions and complaining to CBS. She believes they should take their issues directly to the gays themselves.

I propose this: Be yourself and don’t be so defensive. I’m myself no matter the situation or people. Sometimes I deliberately go through the checkout line of the lesbian clerk to drop a few words of Jesus’ love in her ear and then compliment her haircut. Or I encourage the star-struck 17-year-old to become informed on political issues that will affect her life, then discuss those big hoop earrings she’s sporting. No defense, no arguments, no worries. I remain offensive. I’m me.

“Hello, Supermarket Cashier! I see you are a lesbian. That’s a very nice haircut you have there. Would you like me to talk to you about my religion in hopes that you will stop being attracted to women?”

I bet this girl just looooves her.

Now, Selena Owens recognizes that not everyone will think it is super great that you are holding up the line to proselytize to innocent cashiers. But she wants to remind you that it is your Conservative political views and Christian religion that are the greatest things in this country. Which means you should feel totally comfortable with making someone else’s job more of a pain in the ass than it already is.

She would like to remind you that this is a WAR. A culture war. A war for the culture. So you should totally be yourself and let everyone around you know how much you disapprove of the gay lifestyle, and then, I guess, hope they think you’re super cool and want to join your club.

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