Workshop Finished Here
Today was the last day of the Historical, Time Travel, and Alternate History workshop here at the coast, taught by Kris. What a fantastic group of writers who attended from all over the world.
Kris was the instructor on this one, so I played behind-the-scenes support, but last night I got to read a group of stories from them because Kris wasn’t me to be reader feedback. I was impressed and got to give them my feedback today. Some of the most innovative ideas came out of there and I got a hunch I’m going to be seeing a lot of those stories as parts of new novels or series. Great fun for me.
And a few of the locals dropped by after they were done this evening and by the time Kris and I got home all we wanted to do was watch television.
Some Fun!!
Repeating this in case you missed it yesterday. If you want to hear me talk for a while on publishing and writing, I was interviewed for a podcast a while back on DIY MFA Radio by Gabriela Pereira. It was fun to do and I think might help a few folks.
Thanks, Gabriela.
Give it a listen.
Star Fall is Out in a Bundle
Repeating this again also since I really hope a bunch of you get this bundle to see what I produced in those ten days in August. Some of you might remember the book I wrote in ten days while aiming at seven days in late August. Star Fall: A Seeders Universe Novel. That book is now available as I promised it would be. The official publication date isn’t until November, but at the moment it is available in a fantastic bundle called The Extreme Science Fiction Bundle.
Also notice that in this bundle there is a fantastic Retrieval Artist novel called Extremes by Kris. It also has a great novel by Kevin J. Anderson, another by Mike Resnick, and another by M.L. Buchman. Plus two books by J. Daniel Sawyer.
And also an amazing volume of Fiction River: Risk Takers. I edited that and it is a fantastic example of a Fiction River volume.
Totals For Year 4, Month 2, Day 24
Writing in Public blog streak… Day 1,101
Total Miles This Month… 127 miles
— Daily Fiction: 00 original words. Fiction month-to-date: 4,700 words
— Nonfiction: 700 new words. Nonfiction month-to-date total: 1,500 words
— Blog Posts: 200 new words. Blog month-to-date word count: 7,600 words
— E-mail: 11 e-mails. Approx. 400 original words. E-mails month-to date: 353 e-mails. Approx. 22,100 words
— Covers Designed and Finished: 0. Covers finished month-to-date: 0 Covers
— Year of Short Fiction Goal: 120 stories (July 1st to June 30th). Stories finished to date: 8 stories.
— Yearly Novel Goal: 12 Novels. Novels finished to date: 2 novels.
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