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Udai Yadla


Love is elixir that keeps you alive. Love is poison that kills you. Unreciprocated love keeps you alive but kills every day.

Heartbroken Sunny lives a reclusive life, trapped in the past, living in his memories. He has no complaints about his life but refuses to embrace the present.

Saloni is a prostitute who is desperate to earn money by any means. She does not care about exploiting others to fulfill her purpose.

Fate unites the loner and the prostitute to embark on a life changing journey of retribution and self discovery.

Lovelorn Sunny turns misogynistic after Sandy, the only girl he loved walks away from his life, unannounced. He suffers painful solitude for almost two decades with the relentless haunting of her thoughts. A distressed friend Imran, vows to change his life forever. A surprise planned for his birthday turns into a tragedy that claims the life of his dear friend, triggering a series of unbelievable events. As Imran gets killed by a stranger, Sunny's calm life suddenly turns into a turbulent storm. With nothing left to live for, vengeance becomes his ultimate mission. His reluctant alliance with a prostitute to trace the killer sets him onto a nerve racking adventure of life and death.

Both are bound to a common goal with different motives but destiny has its own motive. A walk in the rain is an intricate tale of intense emotions, driven by hair raising twists and turns.

Read an excerpt from the book...

Surya woke up to the symphonic pattering of the incessant rain drops on his bedroom window panes. He dragged himself to the window in a hypnopompic daze and sat on a chair beside. He pushed opened the window and stared outside to witness the magic of the tender rain. It, actually, was a magical sight.
The tiny specks of rain slapping the leaves of the trees and the leaves swaying to the tune of the rain droplets
The fresh sprouts of the fluorescent green leaves peeking out through the nodes of the branches
Chirping of the sparrows sheltered in their nests
The fragrant aroma of the rain permeating the cool breeze
And the cool breeze seeping in through the window, forcing him to fetal position, gently caressing him
It was magical indeed. The ringing of his phone at the table near him attempted to disturb his dreamy experience. He silenced it without even looking at it and continued to enjoy the blissful beauty of the pluvial charm. There was a mystic bond between the two. He sat at the window, silently staring at the rain as if he was deciphering a coded message. The ringing of his phone interrupted him again. He didn’t ignore the call this time. He shrugged in exasperation as he picked the phone. His frustration vanished when he knew who was calling. He smiled as he looked at the calling number.

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About the author

Udai Yadla is a passionate author and poet. Mechanical engineer by education, Software engineer by profession, Writer by passion. Owing to his job, he travelled to various cities, socializing with people of different cultures. He cultivated interest in learning more about people, which perhaps enticed him into the study of human psychology. His interest in psychology is evident in his writings. His first book 'A walk in the rain' is widely appreciated equally by critics and peers. He has been nominated for Forbes India Celebrity 100 List. He is the most sought after author among young breed of authors. He is currently working on his next novel, which is a psychological thriller.

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