
Title:  Fading Light

Series:  Shadow Born #2

Author:    Angela Dennis

Published:  September 23rd, 2014

Publisher:  Samhain Publishing

Word Count:  72,000

Genre:  Urban Fantasy

Content Warning:  Sexual Material and Violence

Recommended Age:  18+


Everyone has a breaking point.

Her hundred-year penance lifted, Shadow Bearer Brenna Baudouin returns to the Earthly plane with her partner, Gray Warlow, to keep the peace between humans and supernatural creatures—and to prevent another apocalyptic war from happening.

The attraction between them is nearing a critical point, but their checkered history has left Brenna unable to trust either her heart or her instincts.

It’s chaotic business as usual until humans begin turning to statues of dust. There is no explanation, no sign of magical foul play or a biological toxin. The humans are convinced it’s the work of a deviant supernatural faction, twisting the knife in the already tense relationship between their species. Brenna and Gray agree—the deaths have a former comrade-turned-rogue stamped all over them.

In a race against time, they enlist the help of both friend and foe to save the human race and stop the impending civil war. Along the way, they are forced to come to terms with their past and decide, once and for all, whether they will come together or fall apart.

Warning: Contains a heroine who knows her weapons but not her own heart, an outbreak of supernatural proportions, copious bloodletting, and a race to save an endangered species—humans. All tied up in a tight bow of sexual tension.

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Darkness embraced Brenna like a thick wool blanket. It wrapped around her, blocking the dim lamplight as she walked toward the seedy bar. Glass residue from the riots crunched beneath her leather boots. Mixed with snow, the bits of broken beer bottles and smashed windows glittered like an army of broken icicles. She breathed deeply, inhaling the cool night air. It smelled of sour beer and clove cigarettes and left a bitter taste on her tongue.

Shadows embraced the sides of the stone structure that housed the Dirty Ruby, one of the few multi-species bars in Denver proper. They stalked across the snow and mixed with the night to merge into a black mass. From its midst stepped a man. Well over six feet, he moved with grace in contrast to his size. The moonlight played across his face, highlighting his chiseled features.

Brenna’s pulse quickened and she took an involuntary step forward. Self-conscious, she ran a hand through her copper curls, freeing them from the careless bun. The thick strands streamed down her back like fire as she moved, her breath coming in quick harsh bursts. She slipped off her black leather duster and draped it across her arm. Without it the tight black corset left her taut belly and back exposed, but she didn’t feel the cold. She never did around Gray.

“Four demons. Thirty humans. Keep the casualties to a minimum.” Brenna brushed past him, tossing him her coat. “I’ll bring them out. You send them back to h*ll.”

“H*ll?” Gray grinned. His teeth gleamed in the moonlight. “You speak human now?”

She shrugged. “When in Rome.”

Her back to him, she turned toward the freshly white-washed door. But before she could move, he had her shoulder in a vise grip. His fingers twined in the hair at the base of her skull. His breath hot against her cheek. “I know your other partners let you boss them around.” He turned her to face him. “I’m not them.”

He stepped forward, forcing her back. They moved in an awkward dance until her ass hit the stone wall. Trapped, she stared at him, wary. A shadow fell across his face hiding all but his piercing violet eyes.

“We enter together. Once they’re dead, we leave.” He stepped back, loosening his hold.

“The humans—”

“Won’t remember a thing.” He crushed his lips to hers even as he slid the duster across her shoulders. “And I’m not your coat rack.” Releasing her, he stepped back.

Brenna rubbed the back of her hand against her bruised lips. Gray would be the death of her.

If she didn’t kill him first.

About the Author:

Angela Dennis lives outside Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband, son and a sheltie with a hero complex. When she is not at her computer crafting stories, she can be found feeding her coffee addiction, playing peek-a-boo, or teaching her son about the great adventures found only in books.


Where are you from?

I’m from the land of fast horses and good bourbon, a Kentucky girl born and raised J

Tell us your latest news?

Most importantly (and also most obvious) the second book in my Shadow Born series, Fading Light, will release September 23rd.  It’s a suspense filled, supernatural roller coaster, and I had a blast writing it.  The next book in the series, Piercing the Darkness, will release in the spring of 2015.

When and why did you begin writing?

I can’t remember a time when I didn’t write. My mom likes to joke that as a kid I was always hiding out with a pencil and a notebook, scrawling down ideas. She loved it because I could amuse myself for hours. Heck, I still can J

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

Probably the summer between college and graduate school. I’d always wanted to write a full size novel, mainly to see if I could actually do it. It was one of the most difficult things I’d ever done, and I loved every second. At that point, I knew I wanted to write, published or not.

What inspired you to write your first book?

I had always want to write a book. I was reading a lot of historical romance, so that’s what I wrote. Three books later, I realized that wasn’t my niche. My voice doesn’t lend itself to those types of books (although I love them).

Do you have a specific writing style?

Honestly, I’m not sure.  I focus the most on characterization and pacing. I want to immediately pull the reader into the story and entertain them from beginning to end.

How did you come up with the title?

My husband actually thought up the title to FADING LIGHT. We spent almost a week tossing ideas back and forth, and nothing even remotely sounded right until he suggested it. I thought it was perfect because the conflict in this book is so intense and seemingly impossible to conquer.

Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?

I created a diverse cast of characters for this series because I wanted to celebrate the uniqueness that is inherent in every person. I think it’s really important to embrace our own individuality and learn who we really are, not who other people want us to be. We all deserve to be loved for ourselves.

How much of the book is realistic?

Fading Light is set in a dystopian version of Denver Colorado, so the setting is far from realistic. However, I think the relationships that exist between the characters, particularly Brenna and Gray are universal.

Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?

I would like to say it is purely imagination, but I don’t really think that’s possible. I think every author’s world view, experiences and personality flavors both their characters and the worlds they create. I know mine do.

What books have most influenced your life most?

I cut my teeth on books by Victoria Holt and Dean Koontz, two authors who will always hold sway over the majority of my bookshelves. But it wasn’t until I found authors like Kim Harrison, Jim Butcher, Kevin Hearne, and Ilona Andrews that I really knew what I wanted to write.

What book are you reading now?

Right now I’m reading through Kim Harrison’s Hollows series in anticipation of the final book. It’s one of my favorite series, so I’m sad to see it end. Rachel, Jinks, and Trent will always have a place on my bookshelf (and in my kindle).

Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?

I’ve discovered a few new authors (at least new to me) this year. I fell in love with Abby Niles’ “The Awakening” series from Entangled Publishing after the first book.  I also (believe it or not) just discovered Tessa Dare. Her historicals are fantastic.

What are your current projects?

Right now I’m working on the third book in the Shadow Born series as well as another Shadow Born Novella.

What would you like my readers to know?

Mainly how thankful I am for all the support and good wishes I’ve received since Shadows of Fate came out. My readers are the best.

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