Title: Double Call From Desire
Series: Dearhart Clan #2
Author: Eri Nelson
Genre: Paranormal, Fantasy, Romance
Publisher: Self Published
Formats Available In: PDF
Blurb: From the unorthodox author Eri Nelson comes the second look into the dark primal world of the DHC (Dearhart Clan Series). An adult tale that continues with the moon’s induced passions that surpass humanity’s logic in favor of not meeting a beckoning demise.
As Kristen and Owen come to grips with a chosen destiny gifted by the moon, a scout is ushered off in search of a rogue wolf. Thomas chosen by Owen to survey for a troublesome wolf discovers a howly formed desirable temptation that he had never wish to unearth.
Not long after Thomas leaves on his scouting mission, Owen himself is persuaded by his highest of confidants to go in search of Kristen’s past. Since she is their hopeful future, Owen is forced to depart only to find that soon after he is gone a misstep by Kristen finds her griped by a revenging hand’s fury.
With the wind came his scent and Julia took pause in her rapid pace. Scanning the ground, she caught the backside of him. Luckily, she was downwind and went unnoticed. With all mountains’ wind, that could change within a pulse. Deciding to hesitate in her movements to look him over could be a mistake. However, by the look of the backside of him, one she would be willing to make.
He was tall, well over her five foot nine stature. Julia could always hold her own in height with the males in town. Still it was nice to see a man who could perhaps make her feel delicate if only for just a moment, if any. At the pinnacle of his stature bore the broadest shoulders she began thinking she had ever seen. Even through his, thick fall apparel she could visibly see the contours of his tapered muscles. They seemed to fight the confines of his clothes and beg to tear free. If she did not resolve what he was from his scent, she undoubtedly could see now what he was by the build of him. She and her brother were the only two she would have ever known of and even that was not until this past year. This man shared the husky form and well-muscled sculpture of her brother. Although this Werewolf would easily outweigh her brother hands down.
She should move and gain ground for her attack but as he turned scanning the land, Julia found herself still to be held in awe of him. Chiseled features trimmed with a shadowing of sandy brown scruff to match his locks of wind-tousled hair. Minus the minuscule of gray that perhaps, only their kind would be able to catch up on. Add in his amber eyes and she could feel an inner turmoil like no other. For all the great works known to the world this man would surely be seen as one of them.
As he caught site of her she knew pausing the second longer on his sun warming eyes had been her down fall. Now it was run and run faster than she had ever in her life.
Tearing through the edge of the lumberyard and entering the forest line took all the strength she could muster. He was fast, too fast, and if not for the distance that had been between them, he would have had her in no time at all.
Their veneer of humanity ran too thin and as the pain creped forward Julia knew that this Were was bringing her wolf to the forefront. With the space amid them disappearing rapidly the urge to change came on chaotically strong. Her stride was pushed to its max and her skin could no longer coil from the oncoming touch. Just as his grip clasp on her the unfurling began and Julia could no longer hold back the pain of the unseen moon’s call.
The hellish howl of a wolf withering in pain filled the tree side. It was enough to stop her once tracker and now pursuer in his tracks. Through her huffing puffs of wolf in changing form, she heard him mutter, “It can’t be?” Then it was all she could do to remain conscious before everything including the arousing male went black.
About Eri Nelson:
Eri Nelson born Erica Walcott is an Indie Author and the youngest of three in a family of five. Erica became Eri (airy) from her mother who called her that for as long as she could remember. The short take on her name took on a more solid base with the love of her life and husband, Jeff Nelson.
Together they have been for the past twenty years. Within that time they were able to raise one daughter and endless amount of pets.
Writing is a passion for her and an abundance of never ending joy. Only one thing tops that for Eri... and that is when a reader enjoys the read......
Eri Nelson is a nontraditional indie author who manages all areas of her fiction, fantasy, paranormal, action, adventure and sometimes-erotic writing. Eri handles all the groundwork of her books, even the editing. Because of this Eri strives to improve her abilities along with trying to explain to readers her far from traditional sentence structures. However, she will openly admit that typos follow her.
Join Eri and her shadowy side of writing as she takes you along to explore new desire hunger filled worlds where your mind can share in the heat of the read.
Eri’s Links:
Website: http://www.dearharts.com/(includes Eri’s book store, promo store, blog, teasers, and more about Eri)
Blog: http://dearharts.com/UnorthodoxBlog/
Facebook Fan Page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Eri-Nelson/119732781417072
Facebook games, videos and book previews: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Author-Eri-Nelson/119732781417072?sk=app_163325500392236
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dearharts
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YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/EriNelsonAuthor?feature=mhee
Twylah: http://www.twylah.com/Dearharts
About Eri: http://about.me/erinelson
Wattpad: http://www.wattpad.com/user/EriNelson
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