
Book & Author details:

The Children and the Blood by Megan Joel Peterson
Series: The Children and the Blood, #1
Publication date: February 28th 2013
Genre: YA Urban Fantasy


A forgotten life.

A secret war.

Eight years ago, an exploding gas main killed Ashley’s family and left her with a childhood she can’t remember. Eight years later, the forgotten past is behind her and life on her isolated farm is all she knows.

Until that past comes looking for her.

Until men with superhuman powers hunt her down in the night, determined to take everything she loves away from her again

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/17554555-the-children-and-the-blood?ac=1


-Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-children-and-the-blood-megan-joel-peterson/1114376563?ean=2940016222059

-Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00BCH1K2C/ref=cm_sw_su_dp



Megan Joel Peterson lives somewhere between the cornfields of Illinois and fantasy worlds filled with magic and wizards. She has a degree in English Literature from the University of Illinois, and has worked a little bit of everywhere over the years. Now she spends her days and nights creating new stories, and thinks writing is the best job she ever could have asked for. The Children and The Blood is her first published novel.

Author links:

Website: http://meganjoelpeterson.com/

Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6925103.Megan_Joel_Peterson

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/meganjoelpeterson

Twitter: https://twitter.com/meganjopeterson

My Review:

This was a great read because the kids had no idea how powerful and important they are. They have no clue who their ancestors are and they don't know anything about the magic around them. They get a fast crash course however when an explosion kills their parents. They must learn to overcome their pain and use their "powers" the best way they can. Lives depend on it. I liked Cole, and he is definitely one of my favorite characters in the book. Ashley being the other. The cliffhanger was not a good enough ending for me, and now I have to read another sequel. The plot is interesting and i am still not sure that I know all of the "powers" that are in the book.The suspense was the best part of the book. I never knew what was going to happen, and I was surprised constantly at the new layers that were exposed. The author did a great job creating situations that were easy to see in my mind.

I am giving this book a 4/5. I was given a copy to review from xpresso book tours, however all opinions are my own.

Author Interview:

1. How does she forget her past? amnesia? 

        It is amnesia, but beyond that, I can’t answer because it plays into the end of this book and parts of the second and third books as well! There is, however, an explanation. I can promise that.

2. Why do the people around her let the "bad people" get to her?

        There are fairly catastrophic events that lead to the ‘bad people’ getting close to her, most of which are beyond anyone’s control.

3. Did you find that your degree helped you write the book?

        I think many aspects of my life helped me. I can’t say whether or not I would have written the same book without my degree as with it, but I don’t regret having taken the time to get one.

4. What is your favorite mythical creature?

        Dragons. Hands down.

5. What would you like my readers to know?

        That I appreciate it greatly if they choose to pick up and read The Children and The Blood, and I hope they enjoy the book! 


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