Three more games for you this late-afternoon/evening before Dallas embarrasses itself against Atlanta. Let’s all look at Eli Manning, who will most assuredly be looking at plenty of things.
Minnesota at Seattle (FOX): The great thing about this game is that at virtually any given moment, either Adrian Peterson or Marshawn Lynch will be on the field as the top two rushers in the NFL will continue to carry the load for their suspect passing games. The Seahawks have the added bonus of being at home where they will try to improve to 4-0. Minnesota can only try to keep pace with the Bears while the Seahawks try to pick up some precious ground on the idle 49ers and move ahead of the—at time of Tumbling, losing—Arizona Cardinals.
Tampa Bay at Oakland (FOX): [Words about sports, specifically football, specifically football played by teams from Tampa Bay and Oakland go here.]
Pittsburgh at New York Giants (CBS): This is the perfect lead-in for 60 Minutes. If there’s three things old people love it’s Pittsburgh Steelers football, New York Giants football and 60 Minutes. Throwing in Nantz and Simms is just the Werther’s Original on top.
What You’re Watching
Maps, as always, thanks to our friends at The506.