remove rules // transitioned to condensed category list
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Revision as of 20:14, April 3, 2013
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( work in progress )
( work in progress )
== rules ==
* Category names should exist in plural form
* Category names that do not describe the category as having properties associated with its parent category shall have the categories parent name appended as either a prefix or suffix to add clarity
** Example : Item domain.Items.Weapons.Simple ( Simple does not describe the category as clearly being associated with weapons. Category name shall be Simple weapons )
* Category names that do not clearly distinguish it from categories that may exist elsewhere (either in current domain or in another root domain ) shall have the categories parent name appended as either a prefix or suffix to add clarity
** Example : Items domain.Item groups.Collectables by turn in location.House Deneith ( House Deneith may conflict with Zones.House Deneith. Category name shall be House Deneith Collectables )
* A category that contains more categories is referred to as a branch category or a parent category
* A category that contains pages is referred to as a leaf category
* Pages should only be associated with leaf categories
* Items domain.Items shall contain only pages that reference actual, literal "items"
* Items domain.Items shall be designed so that an item page may exist in ONLY one leaf category of Items
* Items domain.Items shall reflect a structure similar to what exists in the game Auction House with the following exceptions
** Auction House category names that conflict with other naming conventions will be renamed accordingly ( fix non plurals / fix duplicates / add clarity )
** Auction House category names that are duplicates shall have the categories parent name appended as either a prefix or suffix to add clarity
*** Example : Auction House : Weapons.Simple.Dagger exists as well as Weapons.Throwing.Dagger
*** (Weapons.Throwing.) Dagger changed to Throwing Daggers
** New leaf categories shall be created when an Auction House category exists that contains items that share properties that clearly distinguish the items from other items in the existing category
*** (Items.Shields) contains orbs because DDO treats orbs and shields as off hand items, but orbs can be clearly distinguished from shields so Items.Orbs is created
* Items domain.Item groups tree shall contain categories that group items with common properties
* Items domain.Item groups tree should aim to group a maximum of two "item" properties together. Searches for items with more than two different properties in common should be done via alternate mechanism ( see : Multi Category Search or SMW )
* Items domain.Item groups.Collectables by type will contain a category for each grouping used in actual game as defined by grouping when stored in collectables bag
* Items domain.Item groups.Items by effect leaf categories to be named "[effect] items" where effect is the name of the effect as it exists in the game with the following exceptions
** In cases where an effect may have two ( or more ) different behaviours, the leaf category name shall be modified to include a brief description of what distinguishes the effects behaviour
*** Example : Item groups.Items by effect.Negative Energy Absorption has two behaviours (one charge based, one percent based). Negative Energy Absorption (charge) items and Negative Energy Absorption (percent) items created
** In cases where an effect has a magnitude described by a numerical value, the leaf category name shall include the numerical value, and the parent category shall be named "[effect] items"
*** Example : Attack Bonus items parent shall have Attack Bonus +1 items child, Attack Bonus +2 items child, ...
* Items domain.Item groups.Items by effect to directly contain an unstructured list of [effect] items categories
** Categories in Items by effect shall be leaf categories except for categories that contain children to distinguish magnitude by a numerical value
* Items domain.Item groups.Items by effect group shall contain a structured list of [effect] items categories
** Categories in Items by effect group shall be parent categories named for a common property shared among all child categories
** Parent category names that may conflict with child category names shall be renamed to "Items with [effect]" to prevent conflict
*** Example : If category name "Axeblock items" contained "Lesser Axeblock items, Axeblock items, Greater Axeblock items" conflict would exist. Parent Axeblock items renamed to "Items with Axeblock"
* Items by physical damage type to only contain other categories, not pages directly
* Items by hand, Weapons by proficiency, Weapons by range to only contain other categories, not pages directly
== questions ==
* Is category for quiver necessary, or should quivers and containers to be merged?
* Better name possible for "Items Domain" ( Trunk that contains not only items, but other things associated with items, like item materials, item groups, effects found on items )
* Better name for Miscellaneous items.Shards ( khyber shards / siberys shards are not the same category as astral shards ( currency ))
* Better name for Crafted items by craft "device" as categories include crafting devices ( altars ) as well as crafting npcs ( Fern Dogwood )
* Various category names under Items domain.Item groups.Collectables by type may need to be revised to remove "collectables" suffix. ( if all mushrooms are collectables, suffix is redundant )
* Evalute sub division of Alignment damage items in to 'Lawful, Non Lawful, Neutral, Non Neutral, Chaotic, Non Chaotic, Good, Non Good, Evil, Non Evil' sub categories ( no distinction between effect that does damage to neutral evil and not chaotic neutral )
** ( No existing structure for weapons that do damage to [alignment], current structure is organized by damage type -- holy (dmg to evil) and good (dmg to non good) are in same sub cat ( good items ) because they both add 'good' damage type to items )
** Side effect of neutral being descriptor for both Alignment and sub alignment
* Simple projectiles may need to be peeled out from Dart category as 1) not all simple projectiles are darts and 2) dart category is transcluded in pierce items ( and not all simple projectiles are pierce items )
* Evaluate creation of 'crafted items by zone' category which would inlcude other categories ( marketplace.[altar] ... marketplace.[npc] ... )
* Evaluate creation of 'Dragon Scales' category under Items Domain.Items.Ingredients
* Evaluate creation of 'Soul Gems' category child of Items domain.Items.Ingredients
* Evaluate adding more structure to Items domain.Item groups.Items by effect.Ability increase items ( possibly another branch for Exceptional ability increase, and Insightful ability increase, or maybe divide by ability Str.Exceptional and Str.Insightful )
* Evaluate if categorization of items ( ingredients ) by drop location is necessary ( category exists for each zone that a reavers refuge gem drops in )
** Explorer zone loot // rare mob chests may drop named items
== to do ==
* need rules for categorization of random generated effects on items where effect is named ( example : Confounding Enchantment )
* need rules for categorization of random generated effects on items where effect is not named ( example : Planar Focus of Prowess )
Items domain
Items domain
Item groups
Item groups