
21 Day Sugar Detox is a program to take sugar and carbs cravings out of your life. This way you’ll put a stop to feeling hungry all day and having snacks all the time and experience food freedom.

In my opinion, the most important benefit of this program is to get added sugar out of your diet.

Most of the diets, in America and the rest of the world, are too high in sugar.

Sugar is the main cause of a series of epidemic diseases:

Obesity – Most added sugar is converted to fat. Studies have proven that a high sugar consumption does not suppress the hunger hormones so you always feel hungry. Sugar leads to chronic overeating.

Type 2 Diabetes – High blood sugar levels result in high production of insulin. This has the effect of raising the chances of developing insulin resistance which can lead on type 2 diabetes.

Sugar makes you feel tired and sleepy – Metabolizing sugar is a complex and energy-consuming process. That’s why, after you’ve had too many sodas or candy, you feel tired and less energetic.

Heart Diseases – Sugar raises LDL cholesterol (the bad one) in your blood increasing the risk of heart diseases.

Sugar is addictive, makes you crave sweets constantly, and makes you feel hungry all the time; that’s why many people are snacking all day.

The 21 Day Sugar Detox is a program designed to help you cure your addiction to added sugar. Once you have completed your sugar detox, you will then be able to enjoy sugar as an occasional treat and in moderation.

As well as cutting sugar intake, Diane goes a step further and also removes “bad carbs” and some fruits, during the 21 days.

In my honest opinion and based on my personal experience, fruit should not be avoided, as the natural sugar it contains plays an important role on your diet. There are bad carbs but the major problem here is added sugar so eliminating added sugars makes perfect sense and I agree wholeheartedly. But fruit contains natural sugars which are healthy. You should definitely avoid added sugar and replace it with sugar free alternatives.

I must say, I haven’t followed the program exactly as defined, I’ve made some modifications like eating fruit and had some bread once in a while.

I bought the Premium package at the official site.

Read all my review or click to go straight to the information you’re looking for…

What I got – The guides, the audio files, online support, the 2 books and everything that’s included in the Premium package.

My Results – How I felt when I finished the program. This will help you to know what to expect if you do this program.

How hard is it ? – A lot of friends have asked me, “Did I follow exactly the program as defined?” The answer is no. Here I explain why, and what is the most important goal.

Conclusion – Yes, I do recommend this program and here I explain why.

Where can I buy it ? – The program is available in two different places.

What is included – Amazon Vs Official Site – What exactly do you get if you buy it from Amazon.com or if you get it at the official Site. The different books and packages are all explained in detail

What is the best option for me? – There are several options, the best one for you depends on your budget, current nutrition, and what you’re looking for. All are explained in an easy way.

What you will do ? – Last call, last thoughts.

My 20 Sugar Detox Program Review

What I got!

Quick Start Guide – Learn why sugar is bad for you and the difference between low fat vs low carb diets, what makes a carb good or bad, and what the experts say about sugar. Ideas on how to replace bad foods, meals and snacks with healthier choices and tips for dinning out and which foods to eat.

Modification Guide – We don’t have all the same lifestyle. When I did the detox I was doing intense cardio exercise three times a week, so the modification guide tells me what foods I can and can’t eat.  There are detailed meal planers written specifically for athletes, new moms, people with autoimmune conditions, and pescetarians. This allows you to choose the right modifications for your specific needs.

Audio support files – Each recording is around 20 minutes long and provides a walkthrough of each day discussing feelings, issues, concerns, and what you might experience on that day.

Member Support forum – Access to the forum so you can post questions and get the answers directly from the experts and from other 21 day sugar detox members. This is a fast and easy way to clear all your doubts.

Daily Detox Emails – Daily tips with sugar alternatives, sugar free ideas, and how to fight sugar cravings. Very useful!


Two color printed books

21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar & Carb Craving Naturally

21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook: Over 100 Recipes for Any Program Level

21-Day Sugar Detox Book – What is inside the book?

The book “21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar & Carb Craving Naturally” contains 647 pages and it’s available on Amazon.com or at Official Site. Where to buy ? learn here.

1st section

Contains very in-depth but easy to read information that is useful to know before you start the program. We know sugar is related to major diseases like obesity, type 2 diabetes, cholesterol and heart diseases, but Diane explains exactly how your body deals with sugar, why you have sugar cravings, how glucose works, and the difference between bad and good carbs.

There is also a preparation checklist for the 7 days before you start the detox which outlines all you need to do to get ready to start.

What to expect and what you’ll experience during the course. This will help prepare you for unknown situations so you won’t be like “Is this just happening to me? How can I manage this?”.

You’ll know in advance what may happen before it happens to you and what the cause and solution is. There are also some frequently asked questions and answers relating to the program.

There’s a “Daily Success Log” available in PDF. These are 21 sheets to log what you have eaten, how well you have slept, and how your mood and energy have been for each day of the plan.

Replacing foods is a useful guide to help you replacing high sugar food with no added sugar alternatives.

At the end of 1st section, you’ll find useful tips on how to make healthy choices when you go out for lunch or dinner.

2nd Section

Once you’ve learned all the nutrition basics regarding sugar and carbs, and how the program works, it’s time to start the detox.

This section introduces the clever concept of different levels. Diane has created THREE different levels which will determine what food you can and can’t eat and which meal planner to use for the 21 days.

Basically, level 1 is for someone currently following a standard American diet i.e. high in added sugar. Level 3 is for people already following a paleo diet or other clean-eating diet. Level 2 is somewhere between 1 and 3.

My level was number 2. You’ll have to answer a few easy questions to know which is your level.

For each level you’ll get:

Meal Plan: detailed 21 day meal plan with breakfast, lunch dinner and snacks for each day.

Yes and no foods list: what you can and can’t have. Here I made a change as I allowed myself to eat any fruit and in any quantity that I desired.

Energy modifications: I used the energy modification as I was doing intense cardio three times per week.

3rd Section

This is the last section and here you will find 110 detailed recipes. Every recipe has a picture, preparation time, and number of servings.

There are:

42 Main dishes Recipes

19 Soups salads & sides recipes

9 snacks

12 not sweet treats

13 sauces & salad dressings

15 egg-free recipes

That’s a total of 110 recipes, all approved and especially designed for the 21 day sugar detox program. This book is available separately at amazon.com.

21 Day Sugar Detox Cookbook – What is inside?

The book “The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook: Over 100 Recipes for Any Program Level “contains 679 pages and it’s available on Amazon.com or at Official Site. Where to buy ? learn here.

This book had exactly what I expected, a LOT of recipes!

When you are doing a no sugar diet, it can be hard to find no added sugar recipes, and before I had this book, I had already done a lot of research to find approved recipes. That’s why I’ve shared my recipes here.

The book contains 109 recipes. All are easy to prepare and usually take less than 30 minutes to make. All recipes are accompanied by a nice picture which always helps.

Modification tips are included so you will know what you need to replace depending on your modification. Mine was Energy Modification so I always followed those tips.

Recipes also include potentially allergic ingredients. I don’t have any food allergies but when I invited some friends for meals it’s useful to know what ingredients to avoid.

A useful section is the “Fats & Oils”. Here you know which fats are “good fats” and what oils you should use for cooking and dressings.

The 109 recipes are divided into

45 Main Dishes

24 Snacks

12 No-Sweet treats

25 Soup salads & sides

3 Smoothie Recipes

If are only looking for recipes this is probably you best option. You can get the book at amazon.com.

My Results

I’ve lost 9 pounds. You’ll probably lose more weight than I did because, when I started this program, I’d already done my 20 no sugar days challenge.

Focus and concentration. At work I feel much more focused on what I’m doing and suffer fewer distractions. I get better quality results at work.

More energy. Cutting down on sugar has given me more energy, especially when I wake in the morning.

No more headaches. Those frequent end-of-the-day headaches are gone.

No more snacking all day. Food freedom, no more of feeling hungry all the time and looking for snack after snack.

No more bloated belly. That awkward feeling of belly bloat completely disappeared. Before, I had a lot of that especially after drinking sodas or eating chocolate bars.

How hard is it?

I can’t really say the detox program is easy; you’ve got to remember that we have been eating high amounts of sugar for many years so a sugar detox in 21 days is not that easy, but we all can do it.

The most important thing is to reduce your added sugar consumption significantly. To reach that goal, first your need to break your sugar addiction. Only then can eat some sugars in moderation and enjoy a healthy diet.

This course provides the tools, the knowledge, and the motivation to get rid of sugar and enjoy a better life.

Listen to the daily audio files for motivation and boost your mental strength and to avoid the obstacles you may experience.

Read the daily emails which provide focus to your journey and keep your mind on your goals.

Keep in mind, the results are amazing. Don’t get obsessed with losing weight but, instead, think about how your mood is changing and how your energy levels are increasing day by day.

My advice is that you avoid any type of added sugar during the program but if you feel like eating some bread after a 7 days without sugar, or having a small candy bar, then do it. It’s better to finish the program with some minor changes than give up because you’re going crazy without any sugar at all.


The results are incredible. This is not only a detox program; it’s a healthy habit for life. After what I’ve learned and the results I’ve experienced, I’ll definitely continue my no added sugar lifestyle.

It’s not a weight loss program, or a 3-day detox program. Instead, it’s an educational, practical, and straight forward program to kick sugar out of your life so you can enjoy all the benefits that come with it.

If you’ve read my recent articles you know I’ve been posting a lot of sugar-related content, as I believe we all should change our diets and eliminate added sugar as it’s the source of most of our nutrition and health problems. Added sugar is the major cause of many epidemic diseases, and it should be your number one concern.

So yes, I’m a no added sugar fan that wants to change the world and who believes that a low-sugar world is possible, but only if we educate people. Once we are aware of the problem we all have the ability to make the changes in ourselves.

Raising awareness of the serious health problem of added sugar and sugar addiction is, in my opinion, the best part of this program. Get to understand the problem, how it affects you and then use the 21 Day Sugar Detox to solve it.

I highly recommend you to take this very important step and do your own Sugar Detox, but It’s up to you and only you can decide.

Take action – Let’s Do it –  Start Today your 21 Day Sugar Detox Program


There’s an amazing support team to help you with all your sugar detox program. If it’s your first sugar detox, this help will be vital. If you have already done a no sugar diet, it’s always handy to read other people’s questions and ask more detailed questions to learn more.

Books and Recipes

I just love to have printed books. That way, you can avoid the computer and easily read the book in the kitchen or lend it to a friend. These days, many of us work all day in front of a computer and a break from staring at your laptop is often very welcome.

Once you finish the detox program, you can continue use the books to try different recipes and continue your new love affair with sugar free recipes. You could even use the recipes and cook for your friends. My friends were very surprised just how good low sugar recipes can be!

It’s really useful to have the recipes on hand in the kitchen so you can use them whenever you feel like cooking.

Where can I buy it ?

The program is available on Amazon and at the official site.

Official site: This is the only place you can get the complete detox program. By complete I mean with support, all the guides, the audio files and daily detox emails.

Amazon.com only sells the two books, and you can buy them separately or together as preferred.

What is the best option for you? Go to the next section “What is Included?” of this review.

What is included – Amazon Vs Official Site

What is included in your program depends on where you buy it.

Buying at Official Site – Only place to get the full detox program

At Official Site, There are 3 different packages

Basic – $37

Quick Start Guide

Modification Guide

Audio support files

Member Support forum

Daily Detox Emails

Plus – $57

All the basic package plus…

A full-color printed version of the book “21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar & Carb Craving Naturally “. Free shipping, Priority Mail, within US.

Premium – $77

All the plus package and …

Full-color printed version of The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook with more than 100 recipes. Free shipping, Priority Mail, within US.

Buying at Amazon.com –

Buying only the books, which can be purchased together are separately

At Amazon.com you can only buy the books “The 21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar & Carb Cravings Naturally” and “The 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook: Over 100 Recipes for Any Program Level” which means:

No Quick start guide and modification guide.

No Audio support files

No Daily Detox Emails

No Member Support forum

The books can be bought separately, in paperback or kindle version.

What is the best option for me?

It all depends on your experience of no sugar diets…

1. First time doing a sugar and/or carbs detox?

If you understand that sugar is addictive and is not good for you, but you still have some doubts about how it affects your body, if you are unsure how you will cope once you start feeling sugar cravings (and you will!), or if you’re new to the topic of added sugar and carbs, I recommend you to go with the Plus or Premium package from official site.

Why ?

For your first sugar detox, you’ve got some majorly important nutrition concepts to learn. The Quick Start and Modification guides will help to clear up any doubts you might have and gets you ready to start your detox. The Plus program audio support files will help you on a day-to-day basis by strengthening your  motivation and discipline which is vital for the program.

I’m also a big fan of the member support forum. It’s a great source of information and provides the opportunity to learn more by reading other member’s questions and getting answers from experts. Using their forum, you can ask any questions you might have and get quick answers. This plays a major role in raising your chances of finishing the course and enjoying the process.

The daily detox emails provide useful tips which can help when you are doing the diet plan. You’ll receive tips to help you fight your sugar and carbs cravings and the emails walk you through the detox process.

What about Plus vs Premium Package?

The Plus package costs $57 and Premium package costs $77

The Premium package includes a dedicated cookbook with over 100 recipes. More recipes mean more ideas for your daily meals. It’s a valuable resource not only for the program but for your life after the detox is done. The cookbook is sold separately on amazon for $24.85, so you get a 20% discount by buying it as part of the package.

2. I’d like to do my first sugar and carbs detox but I’m looking for the cheapest option

If you’re on a tight budget and would like to start your detox, the cheapest way is to get the book “The 21-Day Sugar Detox: Bust Sugar & Carb Cravings Naturally” at amazon.com . The book costs $23,76.

Just remember that you will NOT have access to:

Quick start guide and modification guide

Audio support files

Daily Detox Emails

Member Support forum

The book and these other resources are available on the official site only as part of the Plus Package and costs $57. In my opinion, as answered before to the question Why ?, all these extras are worth the extra money but I’ll leave that decision for you.

3. I’ve done a sugar detox before, I know how to deal with sugar cravings, and I’m only looking for RECIPES

If you have already completed a no sugar diet before, you know how to organize your meals, you’ve already created your daily meal plan. and you are only looking for recipes, you can get the 21-Day Sugar Detox Cookbook at amazon.com for $24.85 which contains over 100 sugar free recipes.

What you will do ?

What will be your decision? Will you take more time to think about it and never start or you will take action and start today?

We all love to feel better, but, a lot of the time, we don’t take action.

Start to make changes,
Change your habits,
Change your life,
Start a healthier life,
Enjoy a new better way of living

Start your 21 Day Sugar Detox Program Today

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