
Join our 20,000 subscribers family, by subscribing to my newsletter.

After subscribing I have 2 bonuses for you, totally free!

The Meal Shakes Book

Learn why meal shakes are effective and how you can start losing weight today with meal replacement shakes.

The simple things you need in your kitchen to get started

10 Breakfast replacement recipes that are easy and quick – you only need five minutes to prepare a healthy, tasty and low calorie meal replacement shake.

5 Lunch/Dinner replacement recipes.

It’s a complete guide for those who want to lose weight in a quick and healthy way.

Available in PDF and in iBook format (looks beautiful on your iPad, Mac and iPhone)

All recipes are low sugar, low fat, low calorie, high in protein and vitamins.

It’s FREE and all you need to do is join our newsletter and you can unsubscribe anytime you want.

Learn more about The Meal Shakes Book here.

What emails do you send on your newsletter and how often? Click here to scroll to the answer

Days to Fitness Recipe Book

Created for those following 21 Day Fix, or for those looking for healthy recipes.

Contains 46 recipes: Healthy breakfasts, snacks, lunch, dinner and dessert. All recipes are 21 Day Fix approved, and all include the container information so you can easily pick the one that best suits your dietary needs.

Include Shakeology alternatives, along with 6 different meal replacement shakes recipes.

It’s available on PDF and iBook format (looks amazing on your iPhone, iPad and Mac)

It’s FREE and all you need to do is subscribe to my newsletter and join our 20,000 subscribers family. You can unsubscribe any time you want.

Learn more about my Recipe Book here.

What emails do you send on your newsletter and how often? Click here to scroll to the answer

The emails I send and how often

I only send one email per week which is packed with exclusive tips to help you to lose weight in a healthy way.

Motivational ideas to help you on your journey for a better and healthier life.

I respect the trust you’ve given me by submitting your email. You’ll never find ads or publicity on my newsletter emails.

When you Subscribe to Days to Fitness Newsletter you’ll receive a confirmation email with a link to confirm your subscription. This helps me to keep my list clean so I only send emails to people who really want them. No spam at all.

After you confirm your subscription you’ll receive my Welcome message containing a link to download all the free bonuses.

Here’s one example of email you’ll receive.

At the bottom of your email you’ll always find an unsubscribe link so you can unsubscribe any time you want.

What does the “Edit my subscription” link mean?

When you click on this link you’ll go to your Newsletter Profile Page.

Here you can change your newsletter preferences.

You’ll also find an option to subscribe to my recently created newsletter – Weekly News. What is this? I’ll explain in the next section.

Weekly News Newsletter

One email per week with the new articles published in that week.

This is a great way to get weekly updates of tips and recipes on your email.

Here’s an example of one email.

In every email I include an unsubscribe link so you can unsubscribe at any time

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