
Leaves, pumpkin spice lattes, caramel apples, and squirrels aplenty. That's what I'm seeing here in central Illinois. A cold, wet drizzle ushered in the day when we woke up this morning. Despite the rain, the resident squirrels' spirits aren't dampened, thanks to my husband's new obsession with feeding them field corn. Two particularly-daring red squirrels sit on the back steps and wait for him to toss out a handful. They've even chewed on the door when he's not on the ball and forgets them for a day or two. I hope they don't tell their friends.
I've been trying to finish a first round of revisions on a new middle grade, but I've been covering a maternity leave since the beginning of school. Long-term sub jobs equal no mental energy at the end of the day. I wish I were more quick at this writing stuff, but it's a slog -- always has been, and nothing's bound to change in the foreseeable future.

Oh, and speaking of middle grade books, THE UPSIDE OF DOWN is a FREE download today only (10/10/16) for KINDLE. If you're in the mood for a contemporary, feel-good kind of story, you're welcome to try it. And, of course, if you like it, I'd love to hear what you think.

Happy fall!


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