
Howdee all,

Saturday we took a hour ride north of our campground in Hollywood to check out Audubon's Beidler Forest

Check out the web site for info on flora and fauna to be seen here.

Here is the blog for Beidler Forest

To get to the boardwalk you enter through the visitor center.

We chatted a bit with facebook friend and Audubon land manager Mark Musselman and then headed out to explore the forest..

I couldn’t help myself..I just had to be an owl

Hoot Hoot!

There is a 1.75 mile boardwalk that meanders

thru the forest and swamp..

An odd formation…gall?

Typical vegetation throughout  the walk.

Hermit Thrush checking for bugs on the boardwalk.

Do you see what I see? Way up there…

A heart with an arrow going thru it….

Love in the woods!

Cypress and knees..

We saw turtles..

I am not good with ID so any help or corrections are appreciated..

Is this a Snapping turtle?

Spotted Turtle

Yellow-bellied slider


I think this is a Question Mark?

Spiders and webs

Look closely this was very small and delicate..

Snake on the boardwalk..


We stop at many places..

looking and listening..

Northern Parula up high..

Leaves and pollen make lovely design..

A little Carolina Wren on a cypress knee

This would make a great home ..

I didn’t see anything inside..

hanging by natures string..

Steps down to a hollowed cypress..

We are almost at the end of our walk

Oh look!

Barred Owl~


Almost back to the welcome center


Yellow-throated Warbler

walked on the boardwalk in front of us for a few minutes..

We waited for it to leave before continuing on

We spent over three hours on the boardwalk and were hungry..

We stopped at the picnic area for some lunch..

While Ruby-crowned Kinglets

were doing the same..

It was a lovely visit…

Birds of the day


We have left the Charleston area..

We are now at Hunting Island State Park..

Stay tuned!

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