
Read: April 2012

Rating: 7.5/10

Crossing the Chasm by Geoffrey Moore is a classic book about marketing and selling disruptive products to mainstream customers. You've inevitably heard of the adoption curve: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority, and laggards. Geoffrey is the guy that came up with the stuff. This book should be read by anyone who wants to market dispruptive technology, whether in high-tech or not. I'm only giving the book a 7.5, mostly because I think I've read too much of this stuff during business school already- but it's inevitably the source of many other materials by a number of authors and still worth reading. The book isn't all theory- Geoffrey also provides valuable information in actually implementing things to cross the chasm without failing.

My Notes

The point of greatest peril in the development of high-tech market lies in making the transition from an early market dominated by a few visionary customers to a mainstream market dominated by a large block of customers who are predominantly pragmatists in orientation.

Discontinuous (disruptive) innovations versus continuous (sustainable) innovations

Innovators -> Early Adopters -> Early Majority -> Late Majority -> Laggards

Cracks between:

Innovators and Early Adopters

Early Majority and Late Majority: The early majority is willing and able to become technologically competent, where necessary; the late majority, much less so

Chasm between:

Early Adopters and Early Majority

The early adopter is buying a change agent- they want to be the first to implement this change in their industry

The early majority want to buy a productivity improvement for existing operations- evolution, not revolution

When promoters of high-tech products try to make the transition from a market base made up of visionary early adopters to penetrate the next adoption segment, the pragmatist early majority, they are effectively operating without a reference base and without a support base within a market that is highly reference oriented and highly support oriented

Managers need to recognize that there is something fundamentally different between a sale to an early adopter and a sale to the early majority, even when the company name on the check reads the same

Marketing = taking actions to create, grow, maintain, or defend markets

Early market = Innovators and early adopters

Mainstream market = Early majority and late majority

Innovators - Technology Enthusiasts

Ones who really appreciate your product, will spend hours with it, will forgive its terrible documentation, slow performance, and more

The need:

the truth, without tricks

access to knowledgeable person(s) to answer their questions

ability to be first to get the new stuff

want to get it cheap

Easy to do business with, assuming you have latest and greatest technology and don’t need to make much money

Early Adopters - Visionaries

Driven by a dream, not the technology itself

Looking for breakthroughs, not improvements

Derives value from the strategic leap forward technology enables, but not the technology itself

Least price-sensitive segment

Hard to please

In a hurry

You must be able to have management of expectations with them

Problems of Early Market

Company has no expertise

Company sells the visionary before it has a product (vaporware)

Failure to communicate leap in benefits

Early Majority - Pragmatists

Risk is a negative word in their vocabulary

When buying:

They care about the company

They care about the quality of the product

They care about the infrastructure of supporting products and system interfaces

They care about the reliability of the service they are going to get

Want a market-leading product, due to its aftermarket vendors services

Price sensitive

Requires patience

Late Majority - Conservatives

They find something that works for them, and stick with it

Fear high tech a little

Like preassembled packages, with everything bundled, at a heavily discounted price

How to lose a mainstream market

Stop investing in the market, cease R&D to match the competition, and milk it for money to invest elsewhere

Shoot yourself in the flagship product

Laggards - Skeptics

They exist to block purchases

Neutralize their influence

Four fundamental characteristics of visionaries that alienate pragmatists

Lack of respect for the value of colleagues’ experiences

Greater interest in technology than industry

Failure to recognize the importance of existing product infrastructure

Overall disruptiveness

Perils of the Chasm

Lack of new customers

To enter the mainstream market is an act of aggression

Cross the chasm by targeting a very specific niche market where you can dominate from the outset, force your competitors out of that market niche, and then use it as a base for broader operations

Most companies fail to cross the chasm because they lose their focus, chasing every opportunity that presents itself, but finding themselves unable to deliver a salable proposition to any true pragmatist buyer

The consequences of being sales-driven during the chasm period are fatal

Achieve market leadership

Applications are naturally vertical

Platforms are naturally horizontal

Make a total commitment to the niche, and then do your best to meet everyone else’s needs with whatever resources you have left over

When markets go mass, platforms have the advantage

“If you don’t know where you are going, you probably aren’t going to get there”

You have to make a high-risk, low data decision

You need to understand that informed intuition, rather than analytical reason, is the most trustworthy decision-making tool to use

Use characterizations

Market Development Strategy Checklist

Target customer

Compelling reason to buy

Whole product

Partners and allies





Next target customer

Commit to one- and only one- beachhead target

Show stopper issues for crossing the chasm:

Target customer

Compelling reason to buy

Whole Product


Chasm-crosing is not the end, but rather the beginning, of mainstream market development

Target Market Selection Process

Develop a library of target-customer scenarios

Appoint subcommittee to make the target market selection

Number and publish the scenarios in a one-page per scenario format

Each member of the subcommittee to privately rate each scenario

Rank order the results

The Whole Product Model

Generic Product

Expected Product

Augmented Product

Potential Product

Think about anything you would need to achieve your compelling reason to buy

Any force can defeat any other force- if it can define the battle

Your goal is to position your product as the indisputable correct buying choice

Four domains of value in high-tech marketing:

Technology - technology enthusiasts

Product - visionaries

Market - pragmatist

Company - conservative

Make products easier to buy, rather than easier to sell


is a noun, not a verb

single largest influence on the buying decision

exists in people’s heads, not in your words

people are highly conservative about changes in positioning

Positioning process:




Feedback and adjustment

Positioning with an elevator pitch

High-tech distribution channels:

Direct sales

Two-tier retail

One-tier retail

Internet retail

Two-tier value-added reselling

National roll-ups


System Integrators

Distribution-oriented Pricing

Customer-oriented pricing

Vendor-oriented pricing

Distribution-oriented pricing

Beyond the Chasm

Hockey stick curves are created by spreadsheets, a software tool that many have argued has driven some of the worst investment decisions of the past two decades

The discipline of profitability teaches you to "just say no" early and often

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